Ley Lines in Nova Scotia found in New Ross at Castle site


Bronze Member
Apr 7, 2007
Clearfield Pa. and Nova Scotia, Canada
Detector(s) used
Schonstedt sopt, GPL , 2 box, Dowsing Rods, Long Range Locators, Radar, Bounty Hunter & a lot more
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
novamap.jpg1c594af9b264fee6acd56eccb1302609.jpgHi All :occasion14:, We made it back from Nova Scotia and what a trip :BangHead:. Ya we flew up on 9/11 what a mistake. Our plane could not land at Halifax because of FOG at noon. We circled the airport for 45 min and the FOG stayed so we were low on fuel so we had to land 90 miles at another dead end air port. No people at this air port no ground crew, we had to stay in the plane we were not allowed to set foot off the plane. They shut down the engines to save fuel and the cool air went off inside and it got hot inside. They made us set there for 2hrs. We made it back to Halifax 5 hr late.

Any way we located the main Ley Line that runs through Nova Scotia as shown on ( map attached )and it runs down to New Port Tower. This Ley Line does not come close to Oak Island but it does runs to New Ross, NS. This Ley Line runs under the Mason Lodge in New Ross. On the same Ley Line we have located a Vortex with 32 Vortex Ley Lines (Picture attached ) and they travel under both church's, the castle, the Holy Well , some grave sites and more. There is a lot of energy at this site. The Templars built castles, church's , graves, and treasures on these Lines. The Vortex is 128' around and 48' across. WE think at one time there was 32 stones at the site with one stone on each Ley Line. This would of looked like StoneHenge in Europe. We are now working with a crew from Halifax to date this site and prove who was here. People ask me why do I think the Templars came to New Ross, its because of the Ley Line and the Vortex. This would be the #1 spot for them to build a church and its on top of the 2nd highest mountain in Nova Scotia.
If the Templars built their church and castles on Ley Lines then this is just another find that helps prove the Templars built at this site. These are not man made ley lines, they were here way before man was made.

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By "ley line," do you mean an alignment of natural features, or a line of mystic energy? If the latter, how does one locate one of those?

Or are you referring to something else? It's hard to pin down a precise meaning for that term.

By "ley line," do you mean an alignment of natural features, or a line of mystic energy? If the latter, how does one locate one of those?

Or are you referring to something else? It's hard to pin down a precise meaning for that term.

All ley lines are man made, or at least intelligently!

Until 2 weeks ago I knew nothing about Ley Lines. One of my partners James Trymbiski works with the lines to locate objects. WE have many lines in the New Ross site and most are water lines or man made trench filled with stone ( water run ) and covered with clay to transport water from up hill down to the castle. One of the lines we had went from the church site 1000' down to the Holy Well so we thought it could be a tunnel or water run but last week we found out the line went over the Holy Well and kept going. My son Kem and workers from Heritage and the Museum tracked 2 of the lines and found out they went apart the more they tracked them. It was easy to see a V shape when the flags were put on each line. We use Dowsing Rods to track them but what Heritage uses is a good guess. The point were all the lines come together is strange, the ground is caved in and big boulders look to be falling into the hole. I have attached a map of the lines . Every trip we make we find something new and the weather can turn bad fast and change our readings so this is not a easy hunt but we are getting answers and some day we could have the proof we need to go public.

All ley lines are man made, or at least intelligently!

That depends on the definition we're working with. Originally, "ley line" referred to arrangements of natural or perhaps man-made features in the UK. Later on in the sixties, the term was used for unrelated (generally spiritual or mystical) things. These days it can mean almost anything. In FK's case, it referred to water lines and trenches.

It's a term with vague and sometimes contradictory meanings, which is something that I don't like because it can lead to confusion, as it apparently did here. That's why I asked for clarification early on in the discussion.

Thanks for the update Finders! Sounds exciting.. Tunnels and castles ! Hope you find something good underground.

Ive always wondered: does the dowser have the special powers of detection or is it the dowsing rod that detects the ley energies ?

Thanks for the update Finders! Sounds exciting.. Tunnels and castles ! Hope you find something good underground.

Ive always wondered: does the dowser have the special powers of detection or is it the dowsing rod that detects the ley energies ?

We just use coat hangers to make our rods and they work great. WE have a set of store bought rods that work to. I don't think a person needs special powers to do this. All of my workers can do it. I think the shoes are a big part, and how you hold the rods. I was a non believer in the rods until 2 years ago when I saw the Gas and Water company pull 2 survey flags out of the ground and bend them and they tracked the pipes under ground to dig. That was a day to remember, I take a set of dowsing rods with us every time.

We all have the ability to dowse, but ilke any of our senses we differ inthe ability to use them. Anything can be dowsed. there is no particular way to dowse or with what, some do excellently with just their hands. One is merely responding to the electro magnetic fields which compose matter. Just another sense that was apparently vital in the past, still there but basically unused.

We all have the ability to dowse, but ilke any of our senses we differ inthe ability to use them. Anything can be dowsed. there is no particular way to dowse or with what, some do excellently with just their hands. One is merely responding to the electro magnetic fields which compose matter. Just another sense that was apparently vital in the past, still there but basically unused.
That is CORRECT, "Real"... ALL Electro-Magnetic lines, discovered by MAN/Animals... based on SUN-RISE (StoneHenge & Standing Stones, etc).

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Part of the WORLD GRID SYSTEM, it even goes under the OCEANS... these Ley Lines are being discovered in the USA, as we "chat"...

That depends on the definition we're working with. Originally, "ley line" referred to arrangements of natural or perhaps man-made features in the UK. Later on in the sixties, the term was used for unrelated (generally spiritual or mystical) things. These days it can mean almost anything. In FK's case, it referred to water lines and trenches.

It's a term with vague and sometimes contradictory meanings, which is something that I don't like because it can lead to confusion, as it apparently did here. That's why I asked for clarification early on in the discussion.
Dave you said it referred to water lines and trenches in my case:BangHead: did you not read my post. This has nothing to do with man made ley lines, the ley lines we have are a line of mystic energy and have been here way before man was made.

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Dave you said it referred to water lines and trenches in my case:BangHead: did you not read my post. This has nothing to do with man made ley lines, the ley lines we have are a line of mystic energy and have been here way before man was made.

I seem to recall something about water channels and such, but I may be wrong. Given that you've recently edited the post, we have no way of knowing what it originally said now.

Regardless, we've now established that you are indeed talking about mystical energy and things of that sort, so thank you for the explanation.

PROBABLY should "DO" Ley LINES in North/Central/South America; GREAT for R & I (Research & Investigation). BTW, Canada would be included...

"Google" Ley lines in America; Poplar Forest (Thomas Jefferson's RETREAT) near-by in Bedford County, Va. is "Axis Mundi"...

I just did. Interesting. Not particularly convincing, but I'm easily amused.

For even more fun, run a Google image search using "ley lines America" as the search term, then try to find two maps (that aren't the same picture) that match. While you're doing this, imagine asking for a map of the US that shows where the geographical center of the country is located and receiving thirty different maps, each showing it in a different location as the others. How would you know which one was correct? If you selected one or more maps and went looking for it on your own, how would you know that you'd found it? Would this make you more or less critical of cartography, and perhaps a bit skeptical when someone had claimed that they'd located it, since there's so little agreement on where it's actually located?

Only one way to find out where those Ley Lines really are... Get out your dowsing rods and divine them yourself (and draw your own map) !

Reparee, I'll go you one better, Give me the date and hour of birth of someone you know intimately, and I'll give you the basic psychological proflie of that person

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Only one way to find out where those Ley Lines really are... Get out your dowsing rods and divine them yourself (and draw your own map) !

Don't get me started on dowsing.

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