Little bighorn battlefield weapons

I doubt very much that any native american in his right mind would want to bury any gun if it was in useable condition.A book that I highly suggest you look for if you dont have it is"Archaeological insights into the Custer Battle" an assessment of the 1984 field season.By Douglas D. Scott and Richard A. Fox Jr.You'll learn more from that book than any other.Guns taken from dead soldiers were used against the remaining live soldiers.I guarantee that no indians buried any guns.

I'll look into that book.

Why would Indians want our weapons, they had better rifles, and we didn't have sabers either.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but that battle wasn't for thievery or just because, it was survival and proving a point.
Indians really get a bad rap, almost everyone thinks their thieves.
I just read it in a history document that was on the battlefield parks site, and was curious,

Was that book just on that event or several. I'm gonna have to check it out

Native Americans werent wasteful,a single shot troopers gun was better than a bow because of kill distance.Sabers ,if taken, were also useful,broken sabers made knives,lances,any metal was useful to them.Not all the Native americans had repeating rifles,according to the book i posted .An estimated 25% had various repeating rifles,an estimated 35% had muzzle loaders.The rest of them bow and lances and tomahawks and various odds and ends single shot rifles.Also dont believe everything you read thats displayed on a battlefield or any other historical area.Quite a bit of it is incorrect.

Yes very true,

Did you ever watch the movie, "son of the morning star"
Very good movie, that's actually quite accurate I think, coming from Custer's wife and a Indian.

Yup,the book was much better though,it always is,check the book out.Check out the movie "little bigman" though not accurate its a hell of a good movie.It portrays Custer pretty good,like an egotistical idiot that he most likely was:laughing9:

Haha.. That's great..

Also checkout the movie "they died with their boots on" Made in the late 30s. I know the way he was portrayed was wrong, because I've read enough to tell me he was arrogant guy. But wishful thinking, I'd like to think he was inspirational genuine guy. Never the less it was great movie. Highly recommend it.

Ive seen that one many a year ago:laughing9:In all truth custer didnt have a problem killing women and children so he got what he gave.He deserved it if anybody did.He was warned by the Cheyenne and he didnt listen,thats why the Cheyenne women shoved a sewing awl through his ear drums so he would hear better in the after life.He relied to much on his Custers luck,it didnt work out to good for him.:laughing9:

Yes I do believe same thing. I know historically movie wasn't 100% accurate, but was great movie. At least in my opinion
But when I saw it when I was a kid, it got me started wanting to research it out. Then driving out on road trip and seeing the battle field, got to love history!

They have been able to trace the movement of the battle by spent shells found from same rifles, they could see where weapons was recovered from down soldiers, then used against other solders as the battle worked its way to last stand hill by following the shell casings and lead. They did a pretty intensive study in the late 1980s on it and again in the 90s.......

Indians would never have buried any weapons, they let nothing go to waste.......

I have been to the battlefield myself on 4 seperate ocassions..... You want to read about a great battle, read Beechers Island....

Here is a historical fictional book based on historical fact, he wrote a large series on the plains indians wars.....Terry C Johnston is one of my favorate western writers...
The Stalkers: The Battle Of Beecher Island, 1868 (Plainsmen)

Another great historical fiction western writer to check out is is William W. Johnstone.. I have over a hundred of his books, he writes stories in several series.... He passed away a couple years ago, but his nephew is continuing his story lines.... His nephew worked for him from the time he was a teenager and was taught well......

If you enjoy good western reading check out his Mountainman Series with character "Smoke Jensen" and especially stories about Preacher....

Believe it or not i read about chief white bulls claim in an old history book my parents had.Pretty interesting.The story was never printed until after chief white bull died.They were afraid that some idiot looking for revenge would harm him.

One thought on the Astonisher website. Overall, a great site, but The author sometimes gleams testimony to present a certain position. The best example is "Curley" who was an eye witness. The author disputes the parts of Curley's testimony that he doesn't like ("Curley told the soldiers what they wanted to hear") and puts words into Curley's mouth (e.g., Curley is able to clearly identify Custer everywhere except Curley didn't realize he saw "Custer shot and killed" in the first attempt to cross the river).

Yes I saw two different accounts where they said Custer was shot riding across river, than another saying he was thee last last man. I personally have hard time believe he was first guy shot. Just because I've read more history books saying he lasted longer

History books written by people who were not there.. It is just historical dreaming that he was one of the last to die fighting.. Many indian accounts say he was shot early in the battle, most likely his men help carry him to last stand hill.... They would not have left their commander laying wounded on the battle field if at all possible...

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