LOL, never a dull moment.


Bronze Member
Mar 31, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Took a half day today to get some errands done, while I was out and about I called a bank that I rarely stop in and asked for halves.

Teller said she had $90 in halves, but that they weren't rolled.

I replied, thinking they were in a coin bag, "no problem, I'll be right there to pick them up."

When I got there, she plopped this down on the counter:


"There aren't any silvers in there, I can tell you that," she said.

I told her that I'd take them off her hands anyway, as I spied the rims of two 40%ers through the plastic of the Chinese food container.

Ended up with seven keepers, one 90%er and six 40%ers:

1968D x 5


LOL @ "no silvers." Mmmmmm hmmmmm.


Upvote 0
Gotta love it! I'll have to say, I haven't seen that presentation before.

right up there with:

the check is in the mail

it's not my signature


yes, ---------------I will respect you in the morning:laughing9::laughing7:

Yeah ! In metal detecting lingo , that would be right up there with " you can detect the property but you won't find anything - it's already been detected .

Even if I can see there’s nothing I want, I’ll always buy all the halves I can if I’ve alreadt asked for them. Seems rude not to, if they’ve gone to the trouble of pulling them out, plus seeming picky could lead to additional scrutiny.

First time I ever got halves from a bank, they were presented to me in exactly the same way! 1 40%er was my reward from the cup lol. Nice score!

lol I love when tellers say that. I had one teller say to me "well I have $40 in halves but I can tell you there's no silver sweetie we looked" now you had to be there to understand the Attitude she had and the way she said sweetie made me want to kick her in her teeth. Anyway I bought them and if I remember correctly I scored around 25 -40% and I remember a franklin.

Maybe teller only remembers of the Ben's and WL as the old silver, not thinking of Kennedy's. Her loss, your gain.

Even if I can see there’s nothing I want, I’ll always buy all the halves I can if I’ve alreadt asked for them. Seems rude not to, if they’ve gone to the trouble of pulling them out, plus seeming picky could lead to additional scrutiny.

Yup, my thoughts exactly. I would've taken them off her hands regardless.

I figured maybe she regretted saying she had them, and so she tried to dissuade me from picking them up with the whole "no silver" thing.

It sounds like hearing "no silver" is a better indicator that there IS silver than anything else lol

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