looking for metal detecting partner in southern delaware

hello my name is david i live in neark is that ok i dont mind to travel thanks

Hey Delaware!

I just ran across your post looking for detecting partners in the area. My Father lives in Rehoboth and I drop down from Jersey 4-5 times a year to visit. When I'm down, I think it would be great to get out and hit some spots. In fact, I found my 1st mercury dime in his backyard! If you don't mind, send me your contact info and I'll give you a call with as much notice as possible next time I'm heading South (in fact, I'm thinking about coming down next weekend)! I've done some detecting at Cape Henlopen Park near Gordons Pond and done OK with clad and one or two earrings, but nothing spectacular. I'd like to hit coin beach after a big storm, but my timing never works out. Anyway, let me know if you are interested.

Goaldigger (Rick) @ the Goalrush
[email protected]

hey, i just read your post... i'm looking for someone to hunt with too! i live in harrington now, but iknow the areas that you are in. i lived at the beach for ten years. unfortunately i've only had my metal detector for less than a year now. i love going to the beaches. the last few times i've been down there i've had problems with my discovery 1100. hopefully now i've got her straightened out. so anyways, let me know when you're ready to go... i'll meet you down in lewes or something. we can go to the roosevelt inlet and see if anything is left from the beach replenishment program... you know the shipreck they hit out there.. we can be secret squirrels...;)

What's up fellas?

I should be heading down to Rehoboth in 2 or 3 weeks (end of Feb., beginning on March). I will probably be staying there for 5-7 days. I will definately have my detector with me. Let's get together and see what the detecting Gods bring us! :P Respond if you're interested. Thanx!

Goaldigger (Rick) @ The Goalrush

Hey Rick,

If you get down to Rehobeth be sure and go to coin beach is the weather is rough. The tip of Delaware Seashore Park near Indian River inlet. Post again when you know when you will be there. I live 1.5 hours due east of Rehobeth. I wish I were closer then I could get there more often

Ed D.

Hi Ed!

I will definately be in Rehoboth next Monday 2/26. Weather permitting, I plan on hitting coin beach Tuesday and possibly Wednesday....early each day. I did some detecting on the northern part of the beach by the big parking lot (forgot the name) in September and pretty much came up empty, then checked out the bay side with limited results.
Funny story about that day...I had just begun detecting when I was approached by a very attractive woman aged 60-65. She was very tan and wearing more gold and diamonds than any one person should own. As she spoke, she was very animated with arms flinging around and I was almost praying some of the gold would start flying off. Obviously, had the gold flown I would have returned it to her, but its just funny the way your mind works. Also when she stopped talking (she could talk a hungry dog off a meat wagon), I put my headphones back on and heard a loud rumble and the ground started to shake. My 1st thought was ,"What...an eartquake here?" Well in about 2 seconds a fighter jet flew right over my head. Scared the crap outta me!! Maybe this time I/we get lucky! Hope to see you there!

Rick (Goaldigger)

Hey guys!

I just got back from Rehoboth about 1 hour ago and I've gotta tell ya...I'm tired. My buddy and I pounded Dewey Beach for 3 days and had a ball. We got the usual clad and assorted beach junk, but the most surprising finds were .50 caliber bullets (about 2 dozen) and some musket balls. I spoke with one of the local MD guys who told me between WWI and WWII, about a mile 1/2 off of Dewey Beach, the military did some shooting at targets on barges. They replenished the sand from that same area and hence our finds. I'm sure there are layers of this stuff out there...all you need is a good Noreaster to erode a layer or two. If you decide to get out there....good luck fellas!


Hi Mike, this is dave from g&e hardware. Stop by and see me about MD sometime. Later

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