lost gold in linclon county idaho


Sr. Member
Mar 12, 2005
Sure it was a stage coach?Seems to me that I had heard something about a train heist in that area at about that time frame??????

maybe but it seams to me that it was a stage coach leaving haily or ketchum held up buy three men, hidden somwhere around shoshone ice caves.......anymore info would be appriciated.....by the way where are you at?

ok i got to thinking about this and it was defenatly a stage coach...the double trees were found or should i say recovered in the late 50, early 60's...taken to a gooding ranch and poured into a slab of cement....were i believe the may still be today.....i need to know where to go to find more info on this, perferabley in writing, would like to know the exact date, and place that it happened.......
thanks lgp

ya i hooked up with him yesterday, he had a little info but nothing i didnt already have.....any other suggestions...mainly looking for key dates, and location of the robbery.
thanks again

gooding is a town of about 4 thousand.....a ranch is well a ranch.......i believe the coach was robbed sometime in the eairly 1900's or the late 1890s.....there is very little information on it and i only come across small portions of the story....the gold catch was somewhere in the area of 75000 in gold.
any info will help.
i am trying to get ahold of someone that has first hand knowledge of the tale today.....but he is working at a gold mine in nv at the moment.


gooding is a town of about 4 thousand.....a ranch is well a ranch.......i believe the coach was robbed sometime in the eairly 1900's or the late 1890s.....there is very little information on it and i only come across small portions of the story....the gold catch was somewhere in the area of 75000 in gold.
any info will help.
i am trying to get ahold of someone that has first hand knowledge of the tale today.....but he is working at a gold mine in nv at the moment.


ok here is a little more info from a reliable source....... the third man in the robbery was born in 1889....the stage coach was robbed when we believe he was 17.....making it 1906.....or so...i also found out that he went into the first world war possible in the calvery....was a referance to teddy rosevelt.....he died in 1964 and was buried buy the verterans in boise.....the source also said that the stage coach double trees and the entire harness was recovered and remembers seeing the wells fargo brand on them....will talk to the man who owns the ranch to see if i can recover them this spring.......now i need a few more things....maps of the shoshone ice cave areas....from the 50's at the newest....i need dates on when the road from shoshone to timberman hill was straightened, and even the name of the sheriff in shoshone around the late 50's early 60's.....him or his family might remember the 3rd individual......once again any info would be appriciated.....where to find these maps or records of these people would also be a big help.
ps some of the gold was taken around 1962, and sold to a chinese man called shorty in gooding....any info on this or the man refered to as shorty would also help.

ok here is another possibility that i need to find....any referances to stage coach robberies in idaho......any at all...tryed google but you know how that is......another lead would possible be the sheriff of shoshone at the turn of the century....this has now been brought up twice in my reseach today.........looking for any and all information.

Try going to the library and looking thru the old newspaper micro film day by day until you find it. If something that big happened with all that gold stolen, it would have been big news. Also try the Idaho state historical society as they may have a scrap book of newspaper clippings of the old stage robberies.

good idea but i live about 13 hrs from there, and cant seem to find anything on the net....keep them coming people......thanks lone gunman

I live in Boise, if you send me complete info on dates I can maybe spend some time at the local historical society and maybe come up with something of value.

Well don't forget your'e talkin bout Idaho.
There isn't anything between Gooding, (the town of, maybe the ranch was elsewhere), and Shoshone but 30 miles of potato fields. And nothing between Shoshone and Timmerman Hill but lava flow. ( the West side of Craters of the Moon) The Ice caves are in the middle of the flow but a ways from the highway. It is still easy to tell where the old highway was, and the the old road would be close to that as you can't change the lavascape without it lasting.
Let me know if I can provide any more demographic info.

thanks for all your help, ron can you look and see who the sheriff of shoshone was around 1905-10, then again in the late 50s early 60s....this might help if he still has relitives in the area.....

Don't know if this will help or not, but here are a couple of links for you:

This first one is a general article about different Idaho gold caches, although it doesn't address your specific case


This second one is for a different newsgroup where one of the moderators mentions your specific case (1906 Idaho, $75,000). You may be able to get in touch with him to find out what else he knows


Good luck to you.


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