Man, are we getting it!

Well since you've got a few areas scoped out already Jeff, get up there and take a look at the flow and find the areas of low pressure and mark them in that mental map. Just do it safely!

Ok Bud! Use "The paper brains" to back up the organic one! If you can, see if you can get eyes on that section we discussed on 12 mile between the roads. I've still got a very good feeling about that area. The area down stream from the campground too!

Hey would you mind sliding that storm down to So. Cal. when you get done with it? Supposed to be in the 80's by Tuesday!

Looks like Xmas in shorts Randy??? We have a snow storm a comn' so looks like a white Christmas and that is indeed needed. We're just 11 trillion gallons low so takes a mighty bit a rain to ease kalif pain. Hope ya have a great Christmas and don't get sunburned :hello2: John

I went and checked it out yesterday it was pretty crazy and the mouth of craigs creek was really moving some material didnt bring my camera though.....kicked my self in the arse for that i could have gotten some real good pics and videos

Just got home, ate and settled. (Long day) My special guest star at my site was going to be none other than the infamous Sideways Sherry but the dreaded miners karma stepped in and it just couldn't happen this trip. Why you ask?
the flu
the fog
the slides
the timing
no phone service in the mountains and...
the water...surprise site was under water.

I did run into delnorter while we were out and about and we traded some gold secrets. Mike is THE man in my parts and I sure wish he would retire one day and let me have him for a week or two.

We'll do it right next time Sherry. Glad you enjoyed viewing the high running Smith and redwoods. happened at Wilson Creek??? Stay tuned...:thumbsup:

"Comeown" John. There's a nice fire pit in the yard and the amber liquid is in the cupboard. The calendar is virtually open right now.

Nice to see you folks at the river Jeff. That big land slide up the creek is changing up the channel. If it keeps pushing it will take out the road. That road, by the way, is an emergency route if we loose Highway 199. You start out in the town of Smith River, then can travel over the mountains and come out at Patrick's Creek Lodge or (if we loose the narrows just further north on 199) you can continue on over the old Weimer Road to O'Brien, Oregon. Pretty neat country.


I've been on the very route you describe Mike and it is a place you can truly feel alone and out there. I hope I wasn't too forward throwing out an invitation to John on your cabin. I get kinda excited when it comes to good gold and good people getting together. :thumbsup:

I once found a Kelly Fire Ax head with my md near three ponds. Probably the most significant find with a MD for me to date. Not for the value really but the fact that someone was using it and discarded it when the handle broke, at the time they were likely building the Gasquet Toll Road in the late 1800's. I plan to donate it to the CC museum as they didn't have one last time I checked.

If you ever are free for a couple hours, give me a call...I have something local for us to check out. The site looks glacier formed and we should be able to see if it's hot or not pretty quickly...and it's dry, even now. :laughing7:

Morning Jeff, your probably right about the origin of the ax head you found. The 3 ponds you spoke of is where the original Patrick's Creek lodge used to be back in the day.

No problem on the invite, be my pleasure. I will try to get your way soon and we can go do a look see.

Looks like we are going to get a break in the weather, although yesterday was a 12 hour shift and I have to go in again this morning. Funny thing yesterday. I just made one pass with the plow truck through Jedediah Smith State Park, having to plow out of the road quite a few redwood tree limbs, when on the return trip here's traffic piled up in both directions. A Douglas fir tree about 200 feet tall just fell across the highway blocking both lanes. Once I weaved my way around the stopped cars and got to the tree I whipped out my trusty Stihl and bucked it up into length my plow truck could push off the road. Nice fir tree. Growing among the redwoods they are absolutely straight, with very close grain. A shame it will lay there for years rotting away.

Anyway, you and all my other TreasureNet friends have a great Christmas. I am, my two boys made it home. My heart is full.


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