MANY Hidden Treasures of the West

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"Spain could also claim ownership. Recently US Courts have given treasures to Spain."

EXACTLY, and I would be more than happy to include them on any project suspect and on Property of "We The People"
I mean, how much can you spend in a day and why?

PS, and I am not trying to be a smart, well you know, but Wiki is not CFR
Here is a question, How does BLM Property become Private Property? Just a thought. How about School Trust Lands?

Incidentally, this is one of the things I have pondered for many months, and it is a real problem of which a solution does exist.
and that is finding someone who can resolve the problem concerning trove found on Public Lands, Find the solution.

You would include them? They wouldn't care about what you were doing until after you found something. Then they could get it all in a US Court without compensating you for any of your expenses. Didn't you read the article I posted?

As far as I know BLM property does not ever become private property.

You want me to find the solution? There is one solution: Overthrow the Government and take control of the Government. Then you wont need an investor. The reality is that the American people own the Federal lands and the treasures belong to all! Sound familiar to you?

I am not concerned as I have no intention of illegal activity, IF anything in the future concerning Public Lands is considered it will be negotiated with them, after finding competent legal advice. I have had my share of walk abouts with Federal agents in the field and we have had some very interesting conversations.

PS. I am listening in case you haven't noticed? My intent is not to get into trouble, it is to get out of the trouble I am in, and I intend to do it with what I have accumulated by way of unsolicited gathered information over the years. There is a LEGAL way.

You seem to be detached from reality and able to ignore what you do not want to see.

Federal agents do not make laws they enforce laws. What is it that you think they can do for you?

I noticed that you are listening but you are not comprehending.

Do any of your treasures involve star maps?

Ok, we are all aware of legal ramification concerning treasure recovery on Public Lands, unless some one has positive feedback on ideas as to how it can be done in a legal sense, I see no point in further discussion regarding it. How about Private Land? How about Old Mines on Public Lands for those who are interested, I have no desire to mine, I don't care how rich of a mine it was or what might remain. I have several old Spanish mine locations most of which are in the Utah Uinta mountains on forest land, many need to be found before anything can be done with them, not my forte, and the mines of interest are covered, if it is not, walk away.

"You seem to be detached from reality and able to ignore what you do not want to see.
Federal agents do not make laws they enforce laws. What is it that you think they can do for you?
I noticed that you are listening but you are not comprehending.
Do any of your treasures involve star maps?"

Excuse me? Perhaps you are not reading correctly, I have not argued your points at all in fact have acknowledge them, and offered alternatives which you have not acknowledged and that there may be a way to proceed, if I am wrong it is a dead issue, I know this, but I know there is an exemption to every Law, and it would seem it is more problem than it is worth, so, enough said please. I will ignore your comment about Star Maps, a practice common among those who cannot provide an answer and feel threatened, why can't you apply some of that knowledge to a solution instead of finding every reason in opposition?

A federal agent can't do anything for me except express his opinion as to his understanding of the law, which I am sorry to say is always different than the actual legislative intent language, but I am not going to open that can of worms, with respect to potential projects on Public Lands, I am simply looking for a possible solution. But it would seem more feasible to pursue those sites which are not clouded with these kinds of problems, and so, can we switch the conversation to those which are not a problem? What say ye? Truce?

I know there are plenty out there who are interested in mining, and who would love to have a good lead on an old Spanish Mine, I think my information could very easily support the idea of some of these as being old Spanish Mines, perhaps some one would like to evaluate the information and make a determination as to whether it is valid or not and if so, I will do all I can to help them find it. But my hiking abilities are limited these days.

Ok, we are all aware of legal ramification concerning treasure recovery on Public Lands, unless some one has positive feedback on ideas as to how it can be done in a legal sense, I see no point in further discussion regarding it. How about Private Land? How about Old Mines on Public Lands for those who are interested, I have no desire to mine, I don't care how rich of a mine it was or what might remain. I have several old Spanish mine locations most of which are in the Utah Uinta mountains on forest land, many need to be found before anything can be done with them, not my forte, and the mines of interest are covered, if it is not, walk away.

You must have missed this from my previous post:

On private or public non-federal lands, an official archaeological site is defined when it has 10 or more artifacts that are 75 years or older

Still governed by ARPA Laws.

Now mines on Public Lands are up my alley! The USGS has a database of old mines that can be searched by location and by commodity. Search the Mineral Resources Data System Select a State and a commodity and it will give you a list that you can view in google earth.

For example in Utah with the commodity gold it shows the locations and reports of 1560 old gold mines! Many gold mines across the Country were abandoned when the Civil War broke out. The mines were covered up, the miners killed in the war never returned to their mine. Many have tailing piles loaded with gold that got past rickety old sluice boxes. Many of the reports include fairly recent times when the USGS sampled the mines only to find that they still hold considerable amounts of gold. Well worth the time and effort!

I doubt the USGS files would include Spanish Gold mines. We would have to rewrite history as gold wasn't discovered in the USA until long after the Spaniards.

"You seem to be detached from reality and able to ignore what you do not want to see.
Federal agents do not make laws they enforce laws. What is it that you think they can do for you?
I noticed that you are listening but you are not comprehending.
Do any of your treasures involve star maps?"

Excuse me? Perhaps you are not reading correctly, I have not argued your points at all in fact have acknowledge them, and offered alternatives which you have not acknowledged and that there may be a way to proceed, if I am wrong it is a dead issue, I know this, but I know there is an exemption to every Law, and it would seem it is more problem than it is worth, so, enough said please. I will ignore your comment about Star Maps, a practice common among those who cannot provide an answer and feel threatened, why can't you apply some of that knowledge to a solution instead of finding every reason in opposition?

A federal agent can't do anything for me except express his opinion as to his understanding of the law, which I am sorry to say is always different than the actual legislative intent language, but I am not going to open that can of worms, with respect to potential projects on Public Lands, I am simply looking for a possible solution. But it would seem more feasible to pursue those sites which are not clouded with these kinds of problems, and so, can we switch the conversation to those which are not a problem? What say ye? Truce?

I know there are plenty out there who are interested in mining, and who would love to have a good lead on an old Spanish Mine, I think my information could very easily support the idea of some of these as being old Spanish Mines, perhaps some one would like to evaluate the information and make a determination as to whether it is valid or not and if so, I will do all I can to help them find it. But my hiking abilities are limited these days.

You need to solve those problems before anyone would invest. At this point I doubt that anyone reading this thread would invest anyway.

There is no reason for me to apply some of that knowledge to a solution as there is no solution. The law is clear and there is no way around it. If you find a way around it let everyone know before the government changes the law & closes your newly found loophole. I'm not opposing I was merely making statements of fact in an effort to save you from getting involved in something that could cost you your freedom.

Bring on the Spanish mines!

If it has star maps, I'm in.

THANK YOU!, now, just because USGS does not acknowledge old Spanish mines in the west, does not make the possibility non existent, the old maps and charted courses still held in the Vaults of Spain and Mexico say different. Rewrite history is a must for anyone with the ambition because the information now coming forth refutes most that has been taught and written. Had I not seen with mine own eyes and implemented my skeptic scrutiny, I would hum bug the whole idea myself. It took some time to convince me.

However, lets just say the the possibility exist and there are actually old Spanish Mines in the Mountains, if found, is it as simple as filing a mining claim?

LOL Vor, yes and "ancient Aliens" brought them to me, wearing Spanish helmets. ;-)

THANK YOU!, now, just because USGS does not acknowledge old Spanish mines in the west, does not make the possibility non existent, the old maps and charted courses still held in the Vaults of Spain and Mexico say different. Rewrite history is a must for anyone with the ambition because the information now coming forth refutes most that has been taught and written. Had I not seen with mine own eyes and implemented my skeptic scrutiny, I would hum bug the whole idea myself. It took some time to convince me.

However, lets just say the the possibility exist and there are actually old Spanish Mines in the Mountains, if found, is it as simple as filing a mining claim?

The Spanish abandoned the mines before they got all the gold? Or they got all the gold? Or you don't know?

Depending on where the gold is found you may be able to file a mining claim.

I can't or wouldn't help as there are tens of thousands of old mines known to still contain gold. Why look for some unknown location when you know where there are thousands?

"The Spanish abandoned the mines before they got all the gold? Or they got all the gold? Or you don't know?"

Why Document and cover a mine with nothing left?

"I can't or wouldn't help as there are tens of thousands of old mines known to still contain gold. Why look for some unknown location when you know where there are thousands?"

Valid Point, but I don't know where any of those are, only the ones that are on my maps which were mined using primitive methods.

Now, Hypothetically speaking, suppose an old mine location is suspect and discovered, a claim is filed, it is uncovered, and lo and behold it is an old Spanish mine, or thought to be, 100 feet from the entrance you find a side tunnel with a big wooden door and a big ancient lock, on the other side is found a pile of unsealed gold bars (No Marks) with slabs of virgin silver, now what?

Did the helmet look something like this:

Similar, but the eyes were large and and oval shaped with antennas on the top and mounted on the side was a p32 space modulator.

"The Spanish abandoned the mines before they got all the gold? Or they got all the gold? Or you don't know?"

Why Document and cover a mine with nothing left?

"I can't or wouldn't help as there are tens of thousands of old mines known to still contain gold. Why look for some unknown location when you know where there are thousands?"

Valid Point, but I don't know where any of those are, only the ones that are on my maps which were mined using primitive methods.

Now, Hypothetically speaking, suppose an old mine location is suspect and discovered, a claim is filed, it is uncovered, and lo and behold it is an old Spanish mine, or thought to be, 100 feet from the entrance you find a side tunnel with a big wooden door and a big ancient lock, on the other side is found a pile of unsealed gold bars (No Marks) with slabs of virgin silver, now what?

Let me rephrase. Why would someone invest in your venture to find an alleged old Spanish gold mine when there are thousands here: Search the Mineral Resources Data System Now you know where there are thousands of old gold mines. A large majority still have recoverable gold due to the primitive methods used.

A mining claim allows you the exclusive right to the minerals not to any treasures or artifacts.

There is only one person on this planet that would invest in your info. He is a member here. I don't think that he would have money but he would put in the time. I'll give you a clue. Lets see if you can investigate and figure out who it is! The clue: He can FLY to your locations & investigate.

"Let me rephrase. Why would someone invest in your venture to find an alleged old Spanish gold mine when there are thousands here: Search the Mineral Resources Data System Now you know where there are thousands of old gold mines. A large majority still have recoverable gold due to the primitive methods used. "

But, I would have no interest in tellurides, however I have a friend who is.
I would be interested in anyone willing to put in the time, IF they found the information valid. I would not in good conscience expect anyone to go after something they were not themselves sure of.

Vol, I forgot, in departing the Ancient Alien muttered something like "Live long and prosper, Na noo Na Noo" and did something strange with his 4 fingers forming a V.

"There is only one person on this planet that would invest in your info. He is a member here. I don't think that he would have money but he would put in the time. I'll give you a clue. Lets see if you can investigate and figure out who it is! The clue: He can FLY to your locations & investigate."

The ancient alien is a member here?:icon_scratch:

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