Maxi Pulse

Pieman, depending on your needs, some detector shops rent out a two-box detector which has roughly the same depth as a pi loop like the Maxi Pulse. I don't know of any that rent out a pi loop. I have a homemade pi you can build for about $120 if you're interested.

All the best,

I remember seeing a site on the internet a couple years ago about how to build one, but I can't find it know. Yes I'm interested in building my own. I also need the info how to interpit the readings.

I would be Very surprised if Any two box detector on the market would go as deep as a Maxi-pulse with one meter x one meter loop; but also would be very interested to hear about it.

OK, who has a Maxi pulse and some two box detectors; if anyone can do some tests and let us know, Fantistic, would look very forard to it. Again, I would be very surprised if a two box could equal or pass its depth, so please let me know..

You can type in "pulse Cornelius" in this forum's search engine for a diagragm of a more complex unit. Or go to Carl's Geotech Forum. This is for a simple analog unit I built from Gary's pcb. All his info and diagragms you need for the control box are at:

The large 1 meter coil is as follows:

Claude on Geotech Forum built a 1m coil with the GoldPic ? He said: (I used a multi-wire 12 wire multistrand 0.25 and I inserted then soldered between them the wires, leaving two for connection.) He says: I used a multi-wire because I wanted to keep intact the plastic tubes, so a regular coil made outside the tubes would not allow this. I bought a 12-wire non-screened cable, .22 multi-stranded of lenght 5 meters. I bought aluminium tape and put on all lenght of cable. I inserted cable in prepared tubes and 90?shoulders, then I soldered ends of 11 out of 12 wires (11 turn coil), to form a spiral, each wire with the next (see colors). I insulated, made an opening in the tube and soldered a regular LAN coax cable (75 ohm). That's all. Pay attention not to touch the aluminium insulation to form a circle, leave a portion unprotected. You can solder the coax shield also to one end of aluminium tape (difficult to solder). Attention not to leave too much wire, because
it will be difficult to close tubes, the multi-wire with alu tape on it
is not so flexible. Keep it as short as it allows you to solder.

Another 1 meter coil that's flexible:

Eric Foster wrote on the PI classroom forum: I made flexible (not inside a pvc square, but just loose to tie to any frame) coils for the Superscan PI detector that I used to make. The coils were made from 12 way cable with each conductor made up of 16/0.2 strands. The wires in the cable are all colour coded which makes connecting into a coil easy. Say I wanted to make a 1m square coil; I would then cut a 4m length of cable. The outer sheath would be stripped back a few cm. at each end to expose the individual conductors and their coloured sleeves. Take the red lead at one end as the start of the coil. Go to the other end and bend the cable around to give a circular coil initially. Strip the insulation off this second end of the red lead and join it to another colour wire at the start end, say yellow. Go to the far end of the yellow lead and join it to another colour at the start end, say orange. Continue this procedure, always joining to a new colour to avoid getting a shorted turn. Measure the inductance as you go and stop when the required figure is reached. Any unused conductors will have no effect. Each join should be sleeved with heat shrink to avoid shorts. I used to do all of this joining so that it was inside a plastic potting box (remember, it?s a flexible coil, but the joint is in the plastic box) and then take the coax cable out through a cable gland. The whole joint would be potted in epoxy to give a neat finish. The finished coil can be either a 1m square, 0.5 x 1.5m rectangular, or whatever you wanted.

Lemme know if you have questions.

I see someone from the Tampa area :).

I used to own a fisher gemini 2 box unit (the newest one) and tried using it on some local islands in tampa bay but the salt water on and around these islands made this unit totally useless. If you shake the unit by walking or bumping it in any way it will go off and you will have to try it again to see if it was a "real" hit or a mistake. If anyone here is familiar with what an electric ballast is, I buried 2 of these which were about 10-12 inches long and around 3-4 inches thick. I buried 2 of the side by side about 2 feet down and even tried different angles and this fisher gemini 2 box unit would pick up on them only sometimes but everything had to be perfect like the way you were holding the unit and the settings on the knobs. I will also state that this was done in my buddy's back yard and of course there were some underground pipes that I picked up on every time I walked over them and there was also a power line close by since I was in a housing development so I can't say how well this unit really works other than they are VERY sensative to your movement and shaking and when you are working outdoors where there is plenty of underbrush.... Good luck because you will be very pissed off very quick with the box always going off because it shook too much by hitting weeds and shrubs or whatever.

2 years ago I picked up a maxi pulse plus from a guy for $750 and needless to say this unit stomped a mud hole in my gemini's @ss. I sold the gemini on ebay but sadly I have only used my new maxi pulse plus 3 times because the only time I can go to these islands is in the winter time when the mosquitos are gone. I've tried going to some islands where the British pirate "Ben Margoza" was known to be around and found a very large hole dug next to a gumbo limbo tree and I heard 2 stories that A) lots of silver bars were found here or B) that it was not silver bars but it was a treasure chest and that on the west side of the island there is supposed to be a cannon burried a few feet down and under this cannon is either 2 or 3 chests and they have not been recovered. I was able to do some research and found that Ben Margoza was really a pirate and that he lived in Gulf City which is now Ruskin, FL. These gumbo trees all have pirate markings on them and you can tell that these markings were done LONG ago due to the way the tree's grow out from these marks slightly. There are several of these islands in this area and are all well worth going over but it's hard to go out by yourself and especially in the summer when the mosquitos are so hungry that they will attack you even if you have Off Bug Spray on.

But anyways, I tested this maxi pulse plus by burrying a small empty paint can down around 2 feet in a large open field away from pipes and powerlines and the signal was so strong you would have thought that a car was buried underneath. You can also double up the coil by making a 2nd set of pcv pipes that are twice as small and double up the coil around it. I was told that this smaller setup would also go pretty deep and locate things when you find that the large pvc/coil setup is just too big for where you are working. Not to mention that on these islands everything had to be buried around 2 feet down because ou would hit water pretty fast....but there are 2 islands where I want to search that have an indian mound on each of them. One of them is a burial ground and I refuse to go there because too many people could see you going there and it is illegal to dig on this type of mound. The other mound is a maiden mound and is where I found that huge hole dug.

Pieman !!

I'll loan you my MAXI-PULSE 5000 for a month. Send me your home mail address & I'll ship it to you ASAP. I hope you have FUN with it !!

I have about 8 detectors, including a Gemini-2 & a Gemini-3. Four are out on loan, right now. The Geminis are tough to use in that Florida salty sand. The best I could ever do with them was to detect a paint can at about 3 feet. I detected a 5-gallon can ( Tar can, I think ) at 8 feet with the MAXI-PULSE. I'm sure it would detect a treasure chest at 15 feet plus.

Below is a link to a story from about 3 years ago:

[email protected]

Wow FLOYD MANN, you are a really Nice guy.

In High minerals and salt the Gemini can't handle it, a loseing of some depth. ~ The Maxi pulse is a good pulse detector for the money and depth, and you can make and change the size of your own loops. (I would suggest you buy the Maxi Pulse Plus. -

Ha ! Buy another detector ? My wife thinks I have 8- too many already !! I'll have to "sneak" it into the house. I'll look on the internet for info on that Maxi-Pulse PLUS & see what it has to offer. I'd REALLY like to have a GPR & the patience to learn how to master the use of it !


No, is just a message for Pieman, if he buys one I would suggest the Maxi Pulse Plus (sold by the same company as the Maxi 5000.)

What ever happend with the treasure Floyd? I live in Florida and love hearing these stories. Sounds like you needed a cofferdam.

Each winter I spend 1 to 3 months in Florida---mainly hitting the lesser traveled ( hard to get to & IN ! ) islands---looking for that elusive pirate treasure. The one I wrote about is still there, I'm sure---& you are correct that I need a cofferdam. It will have to wait until I recover an "easier" treasure to finance the operation needed to recover the more difficult one. I have LOTS of good Florida leads to go check on !


When you come down this way (hopefully winter - no mosquitos) give me a shout if you want use my maxi pulse plus and/or need help digging or cutting down underbrush. I've spent several hours just cutting down underbrush on one of my favorite islands so that I could use the large 1 meter coil. There was a gumbo limbo tree that didn't have any pirate markings on it. My friend decided to climb it just for the hell of it and when he got on one of the larger branches above he noticed lots of pirate markings but I have no idea what they mean. Rather than try to guess what they mean, we cleared the whole area surrounding that tree and starting using my maxi pulse plus but did not get any hits. There are still 2-3 other places on this island that need to be checked out and that's what I plan on doing this winter. If you have "lots" of leads and you mentioned that so that I could go and check them out, I would be happy to and I sometimes video tape when I go out and could video tape when I go check on these just so that you can see the area and give advice or whatever. I have video editing software on my pc and can upload them to one of my many websites for you to download and watch.

As far as a small treasure to help fund the larger one...I have a VERY hot lead that I have been to scared to go check out because someone lives on this property now and don't want to trespass but I also don't want to let them know that there could be old coins buried where the "old shed" used to be.

Here's the story....

This land is between Tampa,FL and Brandon, FL...Anyways, back in the early 1900's a man owned a decent size piece of land and sold small pieces of this land to newcomers in the area. Once of these newcomers was my friend's grandmother's neighbor who is a man and is in his 80's the last I knew which was several years ago. This neighbor told my friends grandmother that when he was a small child, he saw this "land owner" burying glass jars inside his shed. He never knew what this man was burying until many years later when he was old enough to where this made sense to him. He always told my friend's grandmother that he wanted to go over there and dig it up but to this day he never has. Well, my friends grandmother told us this story and we almost flipped out of our chairs because A) We knew that people in that time period would burry money on their property. B) We knew that this land owner was fairly weathly after selling lots of his land to all of these people. C) Most importantly, he lived ALONE and just died one day out of nowhere. With my maxi pulse plus or even a coin shooter detector, I know I could find this if it is still there. I know exactly where the old shed used to be because I've seen the rotting remains of the old wood but this new land owner has built a shed in roughly the same area. I want to go there so bad real late on a weekend but I sure don't want to get caught and I think this new owner has several cows in that area.

Great story, jsnipr! How would you feel about asking for a contract with the current owner? You could say there's a legend of buried money (without specific locations) and "if" you found anything, there would be a 50/50 split.

All the best,

That is a good story Joe ! I doubt you would need a Maxi Pulse to find those jars of coins. They might not be very deep ! Heck---you might just be able to get in the area with a shovel or probe & locate the jars ? LAST RESORT: follow Darren's suggestion & get HALF ! GOOD LUCK !! I won't get to Florida until January.


Yea, I was thinking about saying something like, "There are 4 pieces of property in this area in which one of these locations has jars full of old coins supposedly buried deep in the ground and your property could be one of them. If you give me permission to use my "special" equipment on your land, if I find something on your land then we will split the finds 50/50. If it's on one of your neighbors property then I will give you a few coins just for being nice and letting me search your land even though nothin was found. I have the equipment and if you want to do this on a weekend or after I get off from work you can come out with me and watch and help with the possible recovery."

How does that sound?

Sounds reasonable. Just get it in writing ;)

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