Metal Detector Junky


Full Member
Jan 17, 2015
Roma, Tx
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Compadre and Garrett ACE 250/Pro PinPointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I just started metal detecting a little over a month ago with a Compadre and a Garrett Ace 250. Got hooked immediately and within a couple of weeks I sold them and upgraded to a Gold Bug Pro and a Tesoro Tejon, I just got my Tejon on Tuesday and haven't used it yet since I was out of town and planning on heading to the park with it later on today. While browsing on eebay I got this urge on getting me a Tesoro Cortes... are this urges OK? I mean, I used to go to the slot machines every other day and metal detecting took that addiction away but now I'm hooked on metal detecting and the machines ....Lol... how many machines should one have? And am I the only one that has have this fever/addiction in this hobby? My wife is getting a bit concerned.... Lol.

I always like having two detectors and have had more at times. I also like my detectors to be able to share search coils so I don't have to buy two different brands of coils.

I've used 1 from day one,ya it kinda gets to you...just wait till you pull up a real HONKER,with Diamonds...I can hear Her going detecting today?:laughing7:

GOD Bless


For some reason I haven't with detectors. Firearms I used to cycle monthly; always buying/selling/trading. Traditional bows - I have 14 now - and, R/C airplanes (12 survivors) and transmitters (6).

I bought a Minelab Musketeer Advantage Pro in 2002 and my F-75 in 2007. Just sent back the F-75 to upgrade it to F-75LTD2 features. That's been it. :dontknow: They do what I need and I'm happy with them. Different coils and headphones can make them like new machines. Takes a couple years to learn all their foibles and features.

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never get a new machine untill you have 100 hrs on your current run the very real risk of being machine rich and skill poor.

Yep I have two MXT's and have 5 different coils, it's nice to have a coil to match where your detecting and if you hit a spot with lots of trash just put on a smaller coil. HH
I always like having two detectors and have had more at times. I also like my detectors to be able to share search coils so I don't have to buy two different brands of coils.

I just started metal detecting a little over a month ago with a Compadre and a Garrett Ace 250. Got hooked immediately and within a couple of weeks I sold them and upgraded to a Gold Bug Pro and a Tesoro Tejon, I just got my Tejon on Tuesday and haven't used it yet since I was out of town and planning on heading to the park with it later on today. While browsing on eebay I got this urge on getting me a Tesoro Cortes... are this urges OK? I mean, I used to go to the slot machines every other day and metal detecting took that addiction away but now I'm hooked on metal detecting and the machines ....Lol... how many machines should one have? And am I the only one that has have this fever/addiction in this hobby? My wife is getting a bit concerned.... Lol.

Same for me. Since I started back in 2007, I have bought or sold a machine every year - come and gone are a Cortes, golden Umax, Vaquero, XLT, F2, F4 and F70. My two keepers are my Tiger Shark and my Xterra. I do understand what you are saying about giving up the casino in favor of detecting. There are certainly similarities in the boredom amd repetition that comes when you aren't hitting, and the rush when you get a good one. And it isn't costing you $30 an hour to get that feeling either.

if you are going to try a bunch of different machinesis then make sure you buy them in tip top condition, treat them gently and take good care of them. If you do, you should be able to sell them for close to what you bought them for. I think I even came out ahead on a couple.

I think in most hobbies it is called GAS look it up on the net it is a real thing lol.
I am more into the finds (history and locations) than the gear. You will be amazed what
an ACE 150 or Tesoro Compadre will find at a good location. Location is everything in this
hobby. Also I think if you have to many detectors you don't learn (master) the language of one
particular detector but that is just my opinion. There is nothing wrong with being
a gear head as it stimulates the economy.

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Thanks everyone for your comments and opinions. I've had good Luck in finding targets especially when I got my GBP, found a cache of Mexican Silver Coins earliest dated 1902 and Silver rings and earrings, thin chain with a cross, a 20 gram Silver Medallion but No GOLD yet. Bought me a Tejon for relic hunting and now want a Cortes and that'll be probably nxt week. I say those three would be a good arsenal for me. * fingers crossed * lol

I think in most hobbies it is called GAS look it up on the net it is a real thing lol.

General Adaptive Syndrome?

Stages of GAS

1: Alarm
Upon perceiving a stressor, the body reacts with a “fight-or-flight” response and the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated as the body’s resources are mobilized to meet the threat or danger.
2: Resistance
The body resists and compensates as the parasympathetic nervous system attempts to return many physiological functions to normal levels while body focuses resources against the stressor and remains on alert.
3: Exhaustion
If the stressor or stressors continue beyond the body’s capacity, the resources become exhausted and the body is susceptible to disease and death

I have several hobbies like that. ;-)

Welcome to the club. I love metal detectors. Why not collect 'em.
I usually purchase one detector annually.
If your wife has an "intervention" for you, I need to attend. ;)
Peace ✌

I am not addicted to MDing at all......yes I have 4 detectors several PP's and other gadgets but I am not I?

I am not addicted to MDing at all......yes I have 4 detectors several PP's and other gadgets but I am not I?

I'm not addicted either. I told my wife I can quit whenever I want to!!!

I have a bunch, maybe too many. But, I like'em, the bills are paid, nobody is going without that I'm responsible for, so where's the harm? AND, at least I can resell them which doesn't happen with gambling or most other addictions. That said, I can perfectly understand the compulsion to add another machine from time to time so beware because it can definitely be habit forming.

General Adaptive Syndrome?

Stages of GAS

1: Alarm
Upon perceiving a stressor, the body reacts with a “fight-or-flight” response and the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated as the body’s resources are mobilized to meet the threat or danger.
2: Resistance
The body resists and compensates as the parasympathetic nervous system attempts to return many physiological functions to normal levels while body focuses resources against the stressor and remains on alert.
3: Exhaustion
If the stressor or stressors continue beyond the body’s capacity, the resources become exhausted and the body is susceptible to disease and death

I have several hobbies like that. ;-)

You'll not catch me admitting to having GAS again.

I always keep several detectors. I keep two main machines one for deep coins and one for tot lots/schools/yards. Then of course I need a backup in case one goes down.

You have my sympathies. Yes, you are addicted and it only gets worse as you find good spots to detect and find more stuff. I've been detecting for 35 years and the addiction doesn't get better, it only gets worse. My wife puts up with it as over the last 2 years I've been doing a lot of detecting. What keeps her from throwing me out of the house is I've lost about 15 pounds, my triglycerides have gone down from 214 to 115, my blood sugar levels have dropped over 50 points and my blood pressure is now great. There are some benefits to detecting besides all the fun. I will admit, she doesn't know how much I spent for the CTX 3030.

I also have many detectors, just love the technology.

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