Mickey! Bonzo! (super Bonzo?) and Hippos!


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
Ahhhh.. finally, a day off! After taking my wife's car to get the oil changed this morning, a honey-do list item, I finagled my way into getting to indulge in some detecting. I had been told by one of my coworkers of a rather large gathering at a county park for the fourth of July festivities. Of course the county park was not in MY county, but the next town over from my home base. I was told by one of the park maintenance workers who I met at the park that there were over 2000 people to show up last Friday, before the rain made most of them head for the cars if not for home. Live music, food, games, just an all round good time to be had by all. And in my thinking, with that many people laying out on blankets or sitting around in lawn chairs or just on the ground, there would be coin to be found, and maybe other goodies as well. So I put on my --$-$-- glasses, and headphones and started hunting!
Oh there was coin to be found, indeed! But to my suprise, most of the coins I did find were not recent spills or drops. I DUG most of the coins I found today and I might add that it was a LOT of digging involved too! Apparently the previous years 4Th of July festivities, and Labor day picnics, and country music festivals, and whatever other gatherings that have taken place at this park have left an accumulation of clad and goodies to be found by any detectorist willing to go looking for it. And I was game!
Of course, along with the clad there is always the usual suspects of trash and crap to be found.. you know the ones I mean... Pull tabs, bottle caps, can slaw, hair pins, buttons, foil, various other assorted odds and ends. But hey.. each and everyone gives you that little spike of adrenaline when you hear that tone in your headphones and your detector says "HEY! THERE'S SOMETHING DOWN THERE!" <laughing> okay okay okay.. so it doesn't really say that.. more like "Beep!" Beep!Beep! BEEEEEEP!
Along with the "usual suspects", I found some things that though might not be terribly UNusual, they were novel to me.. Bling, or charms or whatever... One rather well known Mouse.. or at least his head anyway..

7-08-08 007Mmouse.jpg

.. Then there was this chimp with delusions of grandeur.. thinks he's some sort of Super Hero or something.. Super Monkey? Super Bonzo? I figured the "B" on his belt buckle stands for Bonzo, I might be wrong. (showing my age huh?.. Bedtime For Bonzo anyone?) Anyway I found this little charm with the caped chimp striking a pose..

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Here are the two of them with a nickle for scale comparison. <shrug>

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I found this little Pink Hippo in the grass as well. My wife and I have this long running gag about hippos, so I brought it home for her.. Every year it's the same question.. "What do you want for Christmas".. and she replies (breaking into song) "Ohhhhh I wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas.. Only a Hippopotamus will doooo.." <chuckle> This one's for you babe!

7-08-08 011Lil\' Hippo.jpg

This little conglomeration was found in the grass roots not too far from the hippo.. I got excited at first thinking I'd found an earring.. *sigh* Wrong! I found Shoe Bling. <smirk>

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I did however find another race car to add to Frodov's Used Cars carlot. <grin>

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Well here's a snapshot of the "other stuff" I found today..

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Oh! I almost forgot! While sweeping around the picnic areas of the park, one near the creek that runs through the park, I happened upon this little beauty! I fishing rod and reel!

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Unfortunately the eyelet "tip" of the rod has been broken off..

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probably why it was left behind <rolling eyes> Boy! Some People! It's very easy to replace a broken "tip", I've done it for years, sometimes right in the middle of a day's fishing. Just call me McGyver! <laughing> Well broken tip aside, the Reel and the rest of the rod are in perfectly functional shape. And I didn't even have to dig it up! <grin>

Well towards the middle afternoon, the skies began to darken and I could smell rain on the breeze... that was steadily building and building.. then there was that ominous roll of thunder in the distance. That was enough for me! My finds bag was getting heavy, and I remember all too vividly a recent NEAR MISS (near miss? more like NEAR HIT) of a lightning strike while I was detecting a couple of weeks ago. <shuddering> So I ducked my head, tucked my tail, and beat feet to my truck, ungeared, loaded up and headed for home. I did run into the rain, on my drive home, but then right back out of it after a few miles, back into blue skies and sunshine. <shrug> Go figure! Anyway I had a good day and it was time to call it a day. Here's the coin haul for today.. <smile> made it worth my while!

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$12.57 in clad, more than paid for my gas and even my snacks and drink afterwards. COOL! Got to love a hobby that essentially pays for itself.

Happy Hunting Everyone!


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Nice post and great hunt you had there Froduv. Looks like that car will have to go to the detail shop before being put on the lot!! That clad sure adds up fast. Quite a haul. Happy future hunt'n!!

FL Junkman

Wooohoo, you dug everything. Glad you got a day off. Im off tomorrow, but it's tooo hot to go hunting.Unless it cools off by afternoon.
Great post as always.

TN-Joe said:
Wooohoo, you dug everything. Glad you got a day off. Im off tomorrow, but it's tooo hot to go hunting.Unless it cools off by afternoon.
Great post as always.

Duuuuude! Summertime hunting rules to live by... (so I'm learning).. Coin Fishing is much like, well.. "fish" fishing... If the heat is getting you down, and keeping you from.. er.. "fishing" or hunting.. Go in the mornings when it's not so hot. the "heat of the day" IS in the afternoons, and that's when the majority of these pesky sumertime "pop up" thunderstorms will occur as well.. in the afternoons. Yeah, Mornings are prime time for detecting as well as fishing. Besides being cooler, there are fewer people to contend with as well, since some of them actually work for a living (during the week anyway) and will be busy *at* work. With my job anyway, I get days off in the middle of the week, depending on my rotation cycle, so I sometimes find myself with mornings off. During the week and even in the summertime I find that fewer people are to be found at even the busiest of parks in the mornings and before noon... so take advantage of the cooler temps and scarcety of people.

Happy Hunting my friend!


Frodov, truer words have never been spoken about fishing in the morning. Cooler, less people = success and harmony.

i know what it is it's the logo for Bobby Jack girls clothing company

my little girl says

gunntekk1 said:
i know what it is it's the logo for Bobby Jack girls clothing company

my little girl says

"Bobby Jack" huh? *sigh* And I was thinking it was some sort of inside joke to us later baby boomers.. Bedtime for Bonzo and all that. <grin> Oh well, it was still a cool find. Just another trinket for the treasure chest, but who knows.. in a hundred years or so it will be valuable maybe? <laughing> Thanks man.

Happy Hunting!


TimC (AL) said:
Frodov, truer words have never been spoken about fishing in the morning. Cooler, less people = success and harmony.

...and usually much quieter too. Even if you live in a good sized town. <grin>

Happy Hunting!



You ARE the man :D :thumbsup:....Congrats on the finds. Haven't posted here in awhile, but great to hear that you are finding some neat things. Love the cool stories you tell. How many silver coins have you found so far? :dontknow: Haven't had the chance to go back and look at your past posts, but I bet you've found several in all the clad you've dug over the last several months.

Stay cool Dude and HH......James

James in Alabama said:

You ARE the man :D :thumbsup:....Congrats on the finds. Haven't posted here in awhile, but great to hear that you are finding some neat things. Love the cool stories you tell. How many silver coins have you found so far? :dontknow: Haven't had the chance to go back and look at your past posts, but I bet you've found several in all the clad you've dug over the last several months.

Stay cool Dude and HH......James

Alas.. I've not found any silver. *sigh* Seems that because of the venues that I choose most often to hunt, I'm destined to remain silverless. I think I've only found two silver dimes in the year and a half that I've been metal detecting. Well silver coins that is. I've found silver earrings, silver "finger" rings, chains, charms... etc. Even found some gold jewelry as well, but no gold coins as of yet (presidential dollars don't count.. not enough or ANY gold in them to count). <grin> Not that I won't keep looking though! And with my ever expanding network of friends, family and aquaintences I've bound to gain access to some hunting grounds where the likelyhood of finding a few silver coins.. eventually.. does exist. Till then, however, I'll just have to keep raking in (digging up) all the clad I can find.. and jewelry and other goodies. Hey.. the clad pays for batteries, gas, and the occasional vacation.. so I'm not complaining about finding plain old clad. even if it's not very old. <grin> And, the way I look at it, every target detected and dug up is another notch along my learning curve to becoming a better metal detectorist. It's all practice and it's all good!

Happy Hunting!


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