Minelab Equinox 600 vs White's VX3


Sr. Member
Jan 5, 2019
Detector(s) used
Minelab Equinox 800 (Stock Coil, 6"DD)
Nokta Legend (LG30/LG24) Nokta Double Score (Stock Coil)
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I currently have an Equinox 600. Just wondering about the VX3 and how it compares to the Equinox 600 out in the field on dry land, not salt beaches. Old nasty iron infested places, parks, old home sites, fields, etc.

Does anyone out there have experience with the VX3? If so how has it done for you?
From what I've seen so far it is built like a tank- and that is a very desirable thing. I've watched numerous videos on the VX3 and realize it is a crippled V3i, much like the EQ600 is a crippled EQ800.
The only thing I don't like are 8 batteries to feed it. Otherwise I'm interested in the VX3 and real world experiences.
Comments and experiences appreciated.

Quite a few views but no comments. Either the VX3 is not really popular and widely used (sleeper alert!) or people are afraid that commenting may produce flame wars. What good is a forum if discussions can't be had. That is why we are here- to be honest and type our opinions on things. There will always be strong supporters of a certain brand or another but what's most important is knowledge. I'd ask anyone that may know the VX3 to PM me if you feel more comfortable with that. Wanting to know how well the machine works and how it does in heavy iron/old sites.

I didn't see a single thread for the VX3 in the metal detecting forum. A few for the V3i, so since its a stripped down version of that, may be worthwhile to read those. Shoot Calabash a message and ask him to do a head-to-head with them. I'm sure he knows someone that has one he can borrow!

I think it's a fear of "my detector will whoop your detector" syndrome. Try to test drive any new detector at a dealer if you can. There is no such thing as a best machine out there. Too many factors go into whether a machine will do well for you or not.

I don't have the VX3 so I can't really comment on that machine. Nor do I have an Equinox - so again, I can't really comment on those machines either.

I do own a V3i though - basically a VX3 with more options and bells/whistles.

IMO the V3i remains one of the top machines on the market. The screen is absolutely the best on the market, and the machine can be tailored to the conditions. The target information given is fantastic. Set up correctly the V3i can be a very deep machine. It isn't a fast machine though - but it does separate well and it does an excellent job of sniffing out the good stuff in a bed of trash. It is best with a slower swing - which fits me just fine as I tend to be a slow, methodical hunter anyway.

You can use all 3 frequencies at once, or choose any one of the 3 frequencies. The machine can be as complicated as you wish, or as simple as turn it on and go. It's all up to the user.

Compared to most of today's newer machines the V3i is heavy. It is well balanced though and swings nicely. The V3i comes with rechargeable batteries (and a charger) as well as the battery holder for regular alkaline AA batteries (8 at a time). Battery life is OK - not spectacular, because the machine is very powerful. Turning off the backlight will help battery life quite a bit.

For the type of hunting you're talking about, I would highly recommend a small coil (I use the 4 X 6) to aid in separation. I tend to hunt trashy sites (both modern and old iron-laden) and find the 4 X 6 to be invaluable. The V3i comes with the 10 inch DD coil; I believe the VX3 comes with the 9 inch concentric coil (950).

The stock programs are general programs - set up to work in general conditions. Depth and unmasking can be improved with slight changed to the setup, but the stock programs will do just fine until the machine is learned.

I suspect that, as always, knowing your machine is the key (behind hunting the right locations). The V3i is a handful to some - to others it is intuitive and highly capable. Put the time in to learn the machine and I have zero doubts that you'd be very pleased with it.

I think it's a fear of "my detector will whoop your detector" syndrome. Try to test drive any new detector at a dealer if you can. There is no such thing as a best machine out there. Too many factors go into whether a machine will do well for you or not.

Ahh yes, the old "mine is better" issue. Well everybody has a favorite and there is nothing wrong with that at all. But we should all be able to share real experiences. I get you 100% and it is a shame. We are all consumers here and all enjoy playing in dirt. Surely we can help one another with information. I thank you for being here and being real. Much appreciated!

While I sometimes lack "tact" I will only tell the truth as I've experienced it. And yes if I get a bad experience with something I'm sure going to share it. Same thing though with good stuff! Fact is, I get a bit upset when I spend a lot of money on something and walk away feeling ripped off or taken. *shrugs* I'm sure there are a lot of others that feel that way too. So this place is nice as we can look out for each other.

Metal detectors are man made devices and as such are prone to failure. They're mass produced sometimes in places where labor is cheap and quality control is not a concern. It's a shame but the world we live in.

I don't have the VX3 so I can't really comment on that machine. Nor do I have an Equinox - so again, I can't really comment on those machines either.

I do own a V3i though - basically a VX3 with more options and bells/whistles.

IMO the V3i remains one of the top machines on the market. The screen is absolutely the best on the market, and the machine can be tailored to the conditions. The target information given is fantastic. Set up correctly the V3i can be a very deep machine. It isn't a fast machine though - but it does separate well and it does an excellent job of sniffing out the good stuff in a bed of trash. It is best with a slower swing - which fits me just fine as I tend to be a slow, methodical hunter anyway.

You can use all 3 frequencies at once, or choose any one of the 3 frequencies. The machine can be as complicated as you wish, or as simple as turn it on and go. It's all up to the user.

Compared to most of today's newer machines the V3i is heavy. It is well balanced though and swings nicely. The V3i comes with rechargeable batteries (and a charger) as well as the battery holder for regular alkaline AA batteries (8 at a time). Battery life is OK - not spectacular, because the machine is very powerful. Turning off the backlight will help battery life quite a bit.

For the type of hunting you're talking about, I would highly recommend a small coil (I use the 4 X 6) to aid in separation. I tend to hunt trashy sites (both modern and old iron-laden) and find the 4 X 6 to be invaluable. The V3i comes with the 10 inch DD coil; I believe the VX3 comes with the 9 inch concentric coil (950).

The stock programs are general programs - set up to work in general conditions. Depth and unmasking can be improved with slight changed to the setup, but the stock programs will do just fine until the machine is learned.

I suspect that, as always, knowing your machine is the key (behind hunting the right locations). The V3i is a handful to some - to others it is intuitive and highly capable. Put the time in to learn the machine and I have zero doubts that you'd be very pleased with it.

Thank you very much for information on the V3i which is really the Big Daddy of the VX3. I liked how it does show information on the target. It seems mighty interesting. Also read it was heavy and that seems to be a big issue with a lot of people. But seriously anything built worth a hoot is going to have some heft to it. That price tag though, is what makes it unattainable for me. It is a fascinating machine though and so is the VX3.

Since you own the MX Sport, how does it do for you in iron trash and bottlecap hades areas? The MX Sport I've also looked at and its good you have one and also the V3i so you can be a good source of information on how much better the V3i does against the MX Sport.
I've had a couple Whites's machines years ago. Classic II SL and a Classic ID I think it was. I remember them being well built.

Thank you very much for information on the V3i which is really the Big Daddy of the VX3. I liked how it does show information on the target. It seems mighty interesting. Also read it was heavy and that seems to be a big issue with a lot of people. But seriously anything built worth a hoot is going to have some heft to it. That price tag though, is what makes it unattainable for me. It is a fascinating machine though and so is the VX3.

Since you own the MX Sport, how does it do for you in iron trash and bottlecap hades areas? The MX Sport I've also looked at and its good you have one and also the V3i so you can be a good source of information on how much better the V3i does against the MX Sport.
I've had a couple Whites's machines years ago. Classic II SL and a Classic ID I think it was. I remember them being well built.

For whatever reason it seems that bottle caps are plentiful in most of the locations that I hunt.

They often sound like good targets (good VDI too) with both the V3i and the MX Sport — but it is fairly easy to tell the target is a bottle cap with both machines.

On the V3i there is a bottle cap reject option — I never use it though. To me it is easier to pull the pin point trigger and see which frequencies are hitting the hardest — green and the target is most likely a coin, red and the target is very likely a bottle cap.

Flip the trigger forward and the V3i gives a bit more info on the target. In polar-plot a bottle cap is almost always a squiggly mess, while coins generally show diagonal lines (for each frequency) with green being the most dominate. I tend to use polar-plot less than I used to though, as I get the needed information when pin pointing.

On the MX Sport I tend to hunt with the iron volume around 30 or so — that lets me hear the iron at a lower volume. A bottle cap sounds good (with a good VDI) quite often, but wiggling the coil back so the target is just off the front of the coil will let you hear the iron grunt of a bottle cap, while a coin still sounds like a coin should.

Concentric coils tend to be much better regarding bottle caps. I almost never get fooled (by bottle caps) with the MX5 (concentric spider coil) or the MX Sport (using the 6 inch concentric coil).

It is possible to get fooled (both the V3i and the MX Sport) by the occasional bottle cap — especially when using DD coils — but for the most part they aren’t an issue. I think the V3i is a bit better at identifying them — thanks to the visual aid of the pin point screen — but the MX Sport is no slouch once you’ve learned to wiggle back and listen for the iron grunt.

Were I forced to get rid of one or the other (V3i or MX Sport) I would keep the V3i. Some of that is because I have other waterproof machines available, but most of that is because the V3i is so customizable and I just love the machine.


Were I in the market for a new machine — and owned neither the V3i or the MX Sport — I would lean heavily toward the MX Sport. It is a very capable machine, it’s waterproof, and it costs less. With the V3i I’m hesitant to use it when it seems like rain is likely, with the MX Sport the threat of rain means nothing at all.

Machine vs machine (my thoughts)

I think the V3i gives more target information, is far more customizable, can be tailored to the conditions and the user’s hunting style, and is possibly a bit deeper (if set up correctly). I think the V3i remains one of the top machines on the market.

I think the MX Sport is less customizable, with far fewer bells and whistles, but has faster recovery, has better ground balancing, and is deeper (stock program vs stock program). I think the MX Sport is the most under rated machine on the market.

It will take you a year to LEARN V3i. It's heavy, and overpriced. The MX Sport is a, well, it's not worth the money. Stay away from Whites. Good Luck!:skullflag:

It will take you a year to LEARN V3i. It's heavy, and overpriced. The MX Sport is a, well, it's not worth the money. Stay away from Whites. Good Luck!:skullflag:

Lol... The v3i using mixed mode stereo can be mastered in a couple hours just digging all targets and listening to the response and watching dominant frequency. Dont believe the nonsense that its a difficult machine. Once you have the basic settings in place its a turn on and go machine.

It will take you a year to LEARN V3i. It's heavy, and overpriced. The MX Sport is a, well, it's not worth the money. Stay away from Whites. Good Luck!:skullflag:

You seem to have an issue with White's Detectors, can you elaborate?


Lol... The v3i using mixed mode stereo can be mastered in a couple hours just digging all targets and listening to the response and watching dominant frequency. Dont believe the nonsense that its a difficult machine. Once you have the basic settings in place its a turn on and go machine.

Master V3i in a couple hours.
Are you serious. Put down your crack pipe please.
I couldn’t master a Nox in 2 hours and it’s simpler to operate period!!

Heck I have not mastered any detector in 2 hours. Lol
Maybe I’m slow.

Actually to get what I call proficient on all different models I have run except V3i took at least 100 hours using in the wild in already hard hunted sites. At 80 hours I had learned a lot, but those extra 20 really had me cross the line one of being proficient. Not master but proficient.

There are lots of settings on V3i, and they can make you or break you. Sure on shallower stuff more settings error allowed. Who wants to dig the shallower clad?? With a higher priced detector.

Pretty screens don’t find things, just remember that.

It would take a new person to V3i over 2 hours just to master the menu layout.lol

Some folks may think I am blowing smoke here.
Guess what my first metal detector model was back in late 2010?
A White’s V3i.

And I had years of electronics experience and training.

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Master V3i in a couple hours.
Are you serious. Put down your crack pipe please.
I couldn’t master a Nox in 2 hours and it’s simpler to operate period!!

Heck I have not mastered any detector in 2 hours. Lol
Maybe I’m slow.

Actually to get what I call proficient on all different models I have run except V3i took at least 100 hours using in the wild in already hard hunted sites. At 80 hours I had learned a lot, but those extra 20 really had me cross the line one of being proficient. Not master but proficient.

There are lots of settings on V3i, and they can make you or break you. Sure on shallower stuff more settings error allowed. Who wants to dig the shallower clad?? With a higher priced detector.

Pretty screens don’t find things, just remember that.

It would take a new person to V3i over 2 hours just to master the menu layout.lol

Some folks may think I am blowing smoke here.
Guess what my first metal detector model was back in late 2010?
A White’s V3i.

And I had years of electronics experience and training.


I have a new Spectra VX3 on the way. I might be selling my Equinox 600 soon, along with the 6 inch coil and an extra lower rod + a pair of Paww Wavesound 2.1 Wireless headphones (works great and is low latency). Just don't know yet, but wife says I can't keep em both(too much of my stuff already hanging around).

I have a new Spectra VX3 on the way. I might be selling my Equinox 600 soon, along with the 6 inch coil and an extra lower rod + a pair of Paww Wavesound 2.1 Wireless headphones (works great and is low latency). Just don't know yet, but wife says I can't keep em both(too much of my stuff already hanging around).

For the kind of hunting you've talked about I would get a small coil too. I have the 4 X 6 and think highly of it. I've read the 5.3 is excellent too, but don't have personal experience with it.

I'd also highly recommend the wireless headphones. They're pricey, but really excellent.

Good luck and have fun. Whites has their own forum - you can learn everything there is to know about the VX3 there.

I certainly don't want to be "that guy" who makes Mr. Soloman out to look like a White's Detector hater, I'm sorry if my question came across like that or gives that impression. I was asking the question because I've seen other post where it comes across to me that he does not like them and just wanted his side of the story, or maybe even I'm just taking his posts wrong? Being a rookie in this hobby/obsession I'm always looking for more knowledge to better help me be successful.

Congrats on the new purchase smokeythecat, look forward to seeing your finds with it.

I got a TDI SL. And a new Tesoro Tejon.

I have a new Spectra VX3 on the way. I might be selling my Equinox 600 soon, along with the 6 inch coil and an extra lower rod + a pair of Paww Wavesound 2.1 Wireless headphones (works great and is low latency). Just don't know yet, but wife says I can't keep em both(too much of my stuff already hanging around).

You will be over joyed.... Shoot me any question you have and I will answer as soon as I can. The people that never get the hang of the v3i or vx3 are too busy fiddling with settings trying to find a magic bullet.

I will have to pull up the vx3 manual to refresh my memory as to what settings you can adjust but it takes very little tweaking to make it a super performer. I would recommend that you get a detech 13" v-rated coil to make the most of your vx3.

I will shoot you a pm with a link showing the results from head to head v3i/vx3 VS the Equinox and this is with guys that have been using every machine on the market.

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