Missouri Tax Token


Cladius Maximus

I found a MO Tax Token today. It is badly worn, and has faired about as well as a zinc penny in the ground for so long. I cant even post a pic of it, because its hard to see. If you tilt it toward the light you can make out the outline of the state (a "1" in the middle), and "Missouri" at top.
My question is...when did the state stop making/issuing these coins? how old is mine (at least)?


this pic is from ebay...


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Cladius, Hey nice find!! I've found a few of these over the years, not all with a metal detector.....My dad found a bunch of red and green plastic ones also!! I would venture to guess (and that's all it is) that these tokens were minted somewhere between the 30's and 40's........Probably the later!!!! By the way, where are you at in Mo.....Central here!!! Nascarfan

Cladius Maximus said:
I found a MO Tax Token today. It is badly worn, and has faired about as well as a zinc penny in the ground for so long.
My question is...when did the state stop making/issuing these coins? how old is mine (at least)?

Hey, John—

First, there's a very good reason why your find has fared about the same as a zinc cent, namely, it is zinc!

This particular variety of Missouri state sales tax token was in use from 1937 to 1942, when it was replaced by a plastic token to conserve zinc for wartime uses. The denomination is one mill, or 1/10¢.

Here's a link to more info about why and how these tokens were used:


thanks PBK...you're the man!

i live in st louis. i've been MDing for about 1.5 years. I mostly hit the parks...there are alot!

i know of a place near Rolla...is that close to you? "bcs123" lives down that way. he just found a nice old half dollar!

cladius maximus

Cool Maximus!! Thats almost 2 hrs from me!!! I am near columbia.......... HAve you ever tried to hunt a park over in Pevely. Its a Teamsters Union park.........Not sure that you could even get in there, but its old and I believe there's a golf course inside too....Hope that narrows down the search...It looked pretty good when I was there!!!!

I found one in a tear down area in Sand Springs, OK a few weeks ago! 'Bout the same shape as yours. Monty

I have found a few of these tokens on the base at Ft. Leonard Wood. An area called Old Lieber Heights. They are now building new housing there, but over the years I have hunted this particular area and found several silver coins there, and a few tax tokens. It use to be old housing when they first built the base, around WWII. Thought I'd share. Since I don't live far from there, I hunt there several times a year. BTW, what town does BCS123 live at? I am not far from Rolla at all..

Hi i live south of KC how do you find out where you can md at? Where you need permission? Thanks.

nascarmom, Its a safe bet to always get permission before doing any kind of digging/MDing........As far as schools , parks, and the like, around here they are open, you get a few wierd looks from people but they are open and I don't usually get permission for those, but I really don't like hunting those as much anyway, I like the older homesites and sites where homes were at one point.........Good Luck!!

renegade_7 said:
I have found a few of these tokens on the base at Ft. Leonard Wood.
hey renegade..last time i checked they wernt allowing any mding on post (thats what they told me anyway) something about "if its in the ground on a military instillation than its government property" i hate those kinda answerers theres allot of cool places to MD on the fort
Hey cladius maximus when you want to get together and hit that spot you were telling me about????

I am new to the site and live in Kansas City Missouri. I also found one of those red tax tokens in an old abandoned farmhouse outside of Pattonsburg MO. Very interesting find.

sdowning said:
I am new to the site and live in Kansas City Missouri. I also found one of those red tax tokens in an old abandoned farmhouse outside of Pattonsburg MO. Very interesting find.

i live in south east missouri and found one in my back yard, but it was one f the zinc kind it had a 5 in the middle of the state

I am currently working on finding me a MO tax token.

nice find there are some places around rolla to hunt im in cuba ,mo which is probably 20-30 min from there i grew up in the rolla areabetween stjames and rolla

I actually found my first tax token a couple weeks ago on an old dairy farm (only the house and a few acres left, but still in the original family and nicely restored) within Jefferson City, Mo. It was badly worn too. I gave it to the owners. I've also found several wheaties there, but no silver. They found a really nice Barber dime in their flower bed while planting, which is what got me interested in hunting there. I had a whole jar filled with the tax tokens (red, green, and zinc), a couple tiny blue plastic ration coins (?), several Eisenhower dollars, Kennedy halves, an arrowhead, and a whole bunch of wheats that I found in the wall of an old shed. Like a newbie idiot, I sold it to my Uncle who knowingly took me to the cleaners on that deal! Dang, I wish I'd have kept it!!

I found my first one today! Dug it at an old fair grounds in Fort Smith, AR!

Just like the shown but in much worse condition.

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