Moral question


Bronze Member
Jul 27, 2013
Detector(s) used
Garrett gti 2500, Whites DFX
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I was walking around an area of woods today and came across this. DSC00258.JPG It appears to be that someone dumped out a bucket full of Native American stuff in the middle of the woods. Looks like parts and pieces " flakes " and very rough items and broken. DSC00254.JPG DSC00257.JPG DSC00256.JPG I would like others opinions, Should I leave them, take them or what. I kind of think they were stolen and some went through looking for the nicer items. Any thoughts.

If you're asking us, it's too late. :dontknow:

I would gather them all up, hold them for a on the lookout for a week or two for anything in your area that could associate the pieces to a theft, or other circumstance.
If nothing comes of it, put together a nice display, for yourself, or an educational piece for future reference....

I don't understand what would be "moral" or "immoral" here. Is there some law that says you can't ? If so, perhaps that same law says you can't touch or move them either . Yet it appears you touched them, based on the hand seen in the pix. It's ok. It'll be our little secret that you "handled" them. We need to alert a purist archie now, or .... ?

A thought? Someone was practicing and for whatever reason dumped the mistakes? Just kind of looks like something me or my dad would have done years ago..It was whatever the thought was that week..wake up Saturday morning, "I think I'm going to try to learn how to Knap this week" then a week later or a couple later dump the rocks because they are in the way in the garage. Because of whatever was that week...:laughing7:

Heck I'll bet there is still small trees in his attic from when we were going to make our own bows. Went out cut the wood and he said it had to sit for a year or something(I was young don't really remember) we put it up in the rafters and I would bet it's still there 30 some years later!:laughing7: I bet it's dry now!

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A thought? Someone was practicing and for whatever reason dumped the mistakes? Just kind of looks like something me or my dad would have done years ago..It was whatever the thought was that week..wake up Saturday morning, "I think I'm going to try to learn how to Knap this week" then a week later or a couple later dump the rocks because they are in the way in the garage. Because of whatever was that week...:laughing7:
Or someone is moving away and decided to dump the least valuable and heavier part of a specific rock collection???

As my friends often like to claim that it's the fault of ancient aliens....

Or someone is moving away and decided to dump the least valuable and heavier part of a specific rock collection???

As my friends often like to claim that it's the fault of ancient aliens....

That could be too!!As kids(ok still do it) we walked fields for hours collecting anything that we thought was "Indian". Most of it was nothing or broken...:laughing7: flint shards, glass, whatever..:laughing7: Most of our Bottles from bottle collecting were redeposited back in the same area for someone else to find. There were a lot of bottle dumps in the area, and people would dig looking for them.

If it's land you have permission to be on throw them back in the bucket and take them. or Call local sheriff and ask if any have been reported stolen if it would make you feel better. Like Tom I'm not sure what's moral or immoral about it, unless known for a fact they were stolen or if it's on land that you can't take them from. If I ran across that I'd be more curious than anything!:laughing7: I just don't think someone would steal them, go through all the trouble, then dump them all in one spot leaving the bucket. I would think they would have buried or scattered them somewhere. But who knows, thieves are dumb a lot of times.

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Check the pile for old musket flints too. Rare find!

I don't understand what would be "moral" or "immoral" here. Is there some law that says you can't ? If so, perhaps that same law says you can't touch or move them either . Yet it appears you touched them, based on the hand seen in the pix. It's ok. It'll be our little secret that you "handled" them. We need to alert a purist archie now, or .... ?

Its in the back yards of peoples houses. LOL! Prob Kids.

I would pick them up ,if it is within the law. I would like to see a better picture. Just by what I can see , they could be modern.

Hi HELIX; I appreciate your honesty. Not everyone would seek advice like you did. NO, it is NOT a MORAL question ok. You've already shown your morals here. I'd say go pick them up. Call your local Police to see if anyone stole them or just ask the Land Owner ok. Makes it simple that way. If it's junk just toss them in the garbage and keep the nice new pail for other purposes. You earned that much. Good Luck. PEACE:RONB

Since your photo shows they were dumped from a plastic bucket, I think any one in their right mind can't claim you found them in their natural state. ......

Depends on what you mean by "right mind". I can MOST CERTAINLY think of persons who would claim that you can't pick those up (even from private land). Heck, and they can maybe even cite scary dire verbiage that seems to back them up. Just ask enough purist archies or indian activists, long enough and hard enough, and I bet you'll eventually find one to say "you can't do that".

I suppose you'd lump that caliber of person in the category of not being in their "right mind", right ? If so, I agree. Hence I do not ask those type of persons silly questions! haha

Depends on what you mean by "right mind". I can MOST CERTAINLY think of persons who would claim that you can't pick those up (even from private land). Heck, and they can maybe even cite scary dire verbiage that seems to back them up. Just ask enough purist archies or indian activists, long enough and hard enough, and I bet you'll eventually find one to say "you can't do that".

I suppose you'd lump that caliber of person in the category of not being in their "right mind", right ? If so, I agree. Hence I do not ask those type of persons silly questions! haha

??? The sad thing? Your right!:laughing7:

Knapping is not a lost art. That could be fairly recent, also. Not saying it is, but just saying...

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