My Wet Suit Trunks For Water Hunting Now Fit......YEA


Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
Detector(s) used
Minelab_Equinox_ 800 Minelab_CTX-3030 Minelab_Excal_1000 Minelab_Sovereign_GT Minelab_Safari Minelab_ETrac Whites_Beach_Hunter_ID Fisher_1235_X
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
5 years ago I was at a garage sale and found a nice pair of wetsuit trunks, not a shortie, just the trunks that I could wear for water hunting that I bought for $5.00, they were XL and I thought for sure they would fit, after all they were XL. When I got home to my surprise I could not get them up over my thighs........ :o :'( :BangHead:

I have been on a kick since 1/1/2010 to get healthy and back in shape, in December 2010 my doctor told me to start cutting my sugar down as my blood sugar was at 115, I decided instead of cutting it down I would cut as much of my sugar out as I could, no sodas, no cake, no candy, no cookies, no icecream, I started checking all the foods I buy for it's sugar content and buying based on it's sugar content......Been doing it since Dec 2010, I also joined a gym in Dec 2010.........

I was surprised this weekend when I found out I can now wear that pair of wetsuit trunks that did not fit when I bought them for $5.00 5 years ago at the garage sale ............It only took losing 43 pounds to get them on............. :sign10:



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Congrats on the weight loss and lack of doughnuts as discussed in one of Terrys threads. The front shot of you was ok. However the butt shot of you, most of us guys could live without. :laughing7: Seriously though, that is one tough thing to do as we get older. Most of us know what it takes to lose weight and get in shap, diet and exercise. Most of us do not have enough desire or drive to do this as we get older. One of the great things about this hobby is you will get exercise. How much is up to the individual.

way to go!!!!!
i to joined the gym last year but did not loose anything!!
(maybe i should have gone there)
keep up the good work!!!

Congrats on the weight loss Marty and the better health. :hello:

search and recovery said:
Congrats on the weight loss and lack of doughnuts as discussed in one of Terrys threads. The front shot of you was ok. However the butt shot of you, most of us guys could live without. :laughing7: Seriously though, that is one tough thing to do as we get older. Most of us know what it takes to lose weight and get in shap, diet and exercise. Most of us do not have enough desire or drive to do this as we get older. One of the great things about this hobby is you will get exercise. How much is up to the individual.

Thanks all :hello:

Some people don't realize how much excercise is in this hobby, expecially when your a water hunter.....Walking 3-5 miles in the water or on the wetsand carrying a 5 pound scoop and 5 pounds of detector gear while walking patterns in the water fighting the surf and tow or walking patterns on the wetsand in front of a hotel is a lot of excercise.......

The shot from the back was to show the Camelbak I modified to replace my harness for my detector.....Camelbak carries 70 ozs of nice cold water, will last me all day of hard hunting....

Bill I still love my donuts, I just don't eat them any longer, I enjoy my days with out heart attacks even more..... :laughing7:

Now that I had the cataract surgery on both eyes, the eye candy is even nicer..... ;D

Sandman said:
Congrats on the weight loss Marty and the better health. :hello:

Glad you stuck to your convictions Marty.....I'm trying the
same thing....trying to get slimmer and healthier too.
Gold Nuggets :hello:

Wow quite a feat, and that suit now looks tailor made for you . Congratulations.

Good for you Marty! :notworthy: :hello2: :thumbsup: By the time I overcame my depression after a divorce (several years), I had a heart attack, and I weighed in at 437lbs. My jump weight in the Army was 205. I had developed Type II diabetes, and was injecting insulin twice a day. I started to gain control of myself again mentaly and physically in 2006. I got back into swinging my Minelab and Tesoro in the desert looking for gold again, and stopped eating sugar. Today, I take no diabetes medicines at all - none! I now weigh 225, and can pretty much keep up with you youngsters! :laughing7:


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TH you look good Buddy...

Terry! you got a full head of hair! You guys are killing me..

congrats terry and marty!!!! sure something to be proud of! :headbang:

Terry Soloman said:
Good for you Marty! :notworthy: :hello2: :thumbsup: By the time I overcame my depression after a divorce (several years), I had a heart attack, and I weighed in at 437lbs. My jump weight in the Army was 205. I had developed Type II diabetes, and was injecting insulin twice a day. I started to gain control of myself again mentaly and physically in 2006. I got back into swinging my Minelab and Tesoro in the desert looking for gold again, and stopped eating sugar. Today, I take no diabetes medicines at all - none! I now weigh 225, and can pretty much keep up with you youngsters! :laughing7:
It takes a lot of courage to tell a story like yours to strangers......way to go Terry. :icon_thumleft:

Terry Soloman said:
Good for you Marty! :notworthy: :hello2: :thumbsup: By the time I overcame my depression after a divorce (several years), I had a heart attack, and I weighed in at 437lbs. My jump weight in the Army was 205. I had developed Type II diabetes, and was injecting insulin twice a day. I started to gain control of myself again mentaly and physically in 2006. I got back into swinging my Minelab and Tesoro in the desert looking for gold again, and stopped eating sugar. Today, I take no diabetes medicines at all - none! I now weigh 225, and can pretty much keep up with you youngsters! :laughing7:

Terry your the man :icon_thumright:........ I and I am sure others can relate to the divorce depression, I went through it myself. Caught Ex having an affair with guy at work, my kids ended up living with ex and the piece of trash she had the affair with.....My depression didn't last as long as yours but know how bad it can feel......Now she is mad because my wife is 20 years younger than I am and at least 60 pounds lighter......My wife weighs 107 pounds and thinks she is fat, she want to get back to under a 100 pounds. She goes with me to the gym, we work out 4-5 days a week now......

Man you lost almost half your weight, that is amazing........I am not diabetic, my doctor told me if I did something about my blood sugar now I would never be diabetic, I was going to cut down, but decided it was easier to cut it out than to try to cut it down, too easy to cheat that way......I still get some sugar, but it is in the good food rather than the junk food..........Of course I still miss a lot of it, I loved chocolate milkshakes and icecream, and a couple donuts a week was normal, as were a couple frozen mini snickers bars a night ......Now I eat no sugar chocolate pudding cups or chocolate flavored whey protein when I have a chocolate craving, When I want something crunchy to snack on, instead of chips or cookies, I eat dry cheerios cereal now...

My goal is to get my blood sugar back in the mid 80s or lower........Still would like to lose a couple more inches on my waist as well but considering I went from size 40 to 33 in jeans I can't complain if I don't make it......................

My hats off to you Terry :notworthy:...................By the way, how far are you from Bullhead City Az...? I plan on returning there next year for vacation again..........

Congrats on the weight loss. I'm down 20lbs so far, miss my donuts. But, the wife likes me better, and I feel like I dropped 15 yrs off.

Congrats on the weight loss and getting the sugars under control. In the past year I've lost about 25 pounds and have got my sugars down to about 130 from 250. The Doctor hasn't really given me a target to reach but just keeps telling me that were moving in the right direction. I wasn't aware that my sugars were where they were until I went in for a quintuple bypass last year.

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