Natural things to try and kill cancer, and cancer preventive methods

Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Garret Master hunter Cx Plus
Primary Interest:
Natural things to try and kill cancer, and cancer preventive meathods
A MUST SEE for everyone who believes that cancer is a mysterious disease!

Finally, Proof that Cancer is a Man-Made Disease
A study of ancient bodies has determined that cancer is a man-made disease.

Cancer Cure Not Proffitable Or Allowed
Dr. Burzynski and the Burzynski Clinic are under attack once again, curing cancer is not profitable and will not be allowed.
(This link added 7/17/2011)

aluminum free baking soda
You can probably find aluminum free baking soda at your local health food store but if not you can get it here

Visit Cancer Truth . Net (Simoncini's web site)
click on the sodium bicarbonate link for directions. (This is the maple syrup information)

More information:

Know the cause
Be very cautious about asking your doctor about this. You might ask him what cancer IS. You might ask him what natural methods he has seen that have worked. (They cannot by law tell you about them unless you ask!) Maple syrup and baking soda doesn't make the doctors or the pharmaceutical companies any money.
Other suggestions:
1. NO MORE SODAS -- drink lots of water.
2. Put the microwave in the garage -- don't plug it in there.
3. Cut out dairy products.
4. Don't eat or drink anything with citric acid -- ascorbic acid is your friend.
5. Remember -- cancer is a fungus. Fungus can be killed.

Can be a matter of life and death(amazing info)click here to read on!
Help get this information to those who need it, we all need it but some need it now

The information and 2 videos below about cancer are for your review and to use this information in what ever way YOU feel fit. I am in no way saying this is true or pushing this as a cure, but it surely is very interesting and I just wanted to share it with you
Cure for cancer through apple and apricot seeds on Extra TV show Jason Vale, champion arm wrestler has fought and cured cancer 3 times through eating raw apple and apricot seeds that contain a little known vitamin B17. The Big Pharmaceutical giants don't want people to know this little fact so they have encouraged the FDA to ban the sale of raw apricot or Vitamin B17 ~ Amygdalin Laetrile as it is also known. You can however order the seeds online from other countries. Search the web... there are endless testimonials of persons that have sent various cancers into complete remission because of these little seeds.

You'll find a lot of videos on it following the above youtube link

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Interesting...I'm all for healthy living. I bet a lot of treasure hunter's live to a ripe old age. All the outdoors and dreaming big has got to be good for the soul.


I didn't read the first post. I can't hear the audios .
The reason cancer is so hard to kill is because it is a natural part of our body that has had it's code changed. All cells start off the same and then they are coded to be a certain part of the body during development prior to birth. Something happens that changes the coding of a cell, say a heart cell coding is changed to that of a liver cell. It then starts producing liver cells in the heart. That is cancer! Because the cells are part of our body, and not an alien material, our white blood cells won't attack it. and that is the problem.

Frank hand print-2_edited-5.jpg

Red, It probably does, but my ears don't

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I just don't see the harm in getting cancer.I mean if it ain't cancer it's something else.Do you really think us humans are worried about some stupid cancer with all these nuclear plants we are building every day around us?Are y'all freaking kidding me.Give me a big dose of cancer please god and put me me out of my misery,you have made me suffer long enough on this crazy planet.Can you believe these people?. :-(

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Without seeing the videos, or reading any of this, I can see that cancer is cured.

Well done :icon_thumright:

I just don't see the harm in getting cancer.I mean if it ain't cancer it's something else.Do you really think us humans are worried about some stupid cancer with all these nuclear plants we are building every day around us?Are y'all freaking kidding me.Give me a big dose of cancer please god and put me me out of my misery,you have made me suffer long enough on this crazy planet.Can you believe these people?. :-(

Wait till you have a love one dying a horrible death, in pain from cancer at a young age and see what you feel...There are members of this forum fighting cancer right now ....

Treasure_Hunter said:
Wait till you have a love one dying a horrible death, in pain from cancer at a young age and see what you feel...There are members of this forum fighting cancer right now ....

My mother just died of cancer,does that count?. :-!

Yes it does, but I still find your remark about cancer insensitive considering we have members fighting cancer right now.

It is different when it is you, your life partner or your child..

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Treasure_Hunter said:
Yes it does, but I still find your remark about cancer insensitive considering we have members fighting cancer right now.

It is different when it is you, your life partner or your child..

I see your point.But i kind of see death as a celebration not as a sadness.I can not help i am not like everyone else.The doctors have tried to correct it with no success.Why is death such a horrible thing?This is what we do every day.I say have a party!You cannot live until you are ready to die.

Saw an article on line yesterday where they claim that fruit from , I think it was called a graviola tree or something like that kills cancer dead and that the drug companirs know and suppresed it because they are trying to amke a synthetic version since they can't patent an organic version.I do remember it's supposed to be found in the amazon rainforest.

That post brings back memories of the PROUG carburetor in the 50's that was suppose to get 50 MPG but the patents were bought by the oil companies and shelved. Frank


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I just don't see the harm in getting cancer.I mean if it ain't cancer it's something else.Do you really think us humans are worried about some stupid cancer with all these nuclear plants we are building every day around us?Are y'all freaking kidding me.Give me a big dose of cancer please god and put me me out of my misery,you have made me suffer long enough on this crazy planet.Can you believe these people?. :-(

well since you can go on for years in pain.... Ill take the nuclear way :) but trust me.... Im wishing it on you!

I recently lost a brother to cancer and I'm losing another in the near future. I have others, some very dear to me, suffering and trying their best to live with it day to day. At least one of those folks is very beautiful and makes some awesome cookies!! :) To act like getting cancer is no big deal compared to the threats presented by nuclear plants is either cruel, uninformed, just trying to get a rise out of folks, silly or drug related.

I have heard that eating apricot seeds will combat cancer. It is supposed to be the the organic equivalent of Laitril.

I just don't see the harm in getting cancer.I mean if it ain't cancer it's something else.Do you really think us humans are worried about some stupid cancer with all these nuclear plants we are building every day around us?Are y'all freaking kidding me.Give me a big dose of cancer please god and put me me out of my misery,you have made me suffer long enough on this crazy planet.Can you believe these people?. :-(

Be careful of what you wish. Unfortunately, death by cancer is not like passing away in your sleep. It is a slow and painful death. In addition to the cancer victim, it is devastating to family members who have to watch the pain and suffering in a hospital room day after day until the organs start to shut down and the machines have to be unplugged.

Not meaning to pile on but maybe some education on the subject would change your view. I hope you don't have to see it first hand.

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To act like getting cancer is no big deal compared to the threats presented by nuclear plants is either cruel, uninformed, just trying to get a rise out of folks, silly or drug related.

Thank you for saying what I could never get away with . . . I just sat here staring at the screen in disbelief that some kid who hasn't the sense GOD gave a jackass would say what he did. Insensitive, uncaring and most of all irrational.

I wouldn't wish that on an enemy --- a Judge maybe, but that's another story.

Doctor Warburg go the Nobel prize for his discovery many years ago that cancer gets its nutrition from glucose. Glucose is produced from carbohydrates and from excess protein. Low glucose diets tend to be low carb diets. In the last few years, finally a hospital in Germany tried a "ketogenic" diet on terminal cancer patients. ketogenic diets are diets such as typified by Atkins at the Induction stage. The M.D.s would not let them try the diet until they were essentially declared past any help. Yet out of 25, five actually went into remission. Several died within 72 hours which tells you how sick they had to be to be allowed on the diet. Several preferred death over a diet without sweets.

I am one who lost over 40 pounds on modified Atkins, and a few weeks ago my b.p. was 108/64. I am 70. It is much easier to get people to listen to the Jesus Salvation message than to cut back on carbs. We are all products of our culture and in our culture we are brainwashed to believe we need a low fat; high carb diet. It really bothers me to see all the suffering and deaths, but after much insults and more I guess everyone gets to name their own poison.

I do not recommend the old Atkins books. The new one, THE NEW ATKINS FOR THE NEW YOU, makes the diet much safer and more effective.

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