Need a few prayers


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Jan 4, 2007
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A couple weeks ago we got the news that my dad has lung and prostate cancer. He previously had throat cancer which he overcame, but with the radiation breaking it apart and the surgery to remove part of his colon it spread to other areas. My dad would never go through chemo after seeing my mom go through it, and honestly I can't blame him. Even so it would only add a month or two at most to his life span and he would be sick and miserable the entire time. The doctors gave him 6-8 months. It caused me to look at life a little different lately, and do a lot of research. I am not looking for a cure, because that alone is up to God, and I will leave it in his hands. (but I will share some things that I learned below)

Now my husbands dad, also has been going through cancer, he had lung cancer, had chemo and surgery, then developed brain cancer, had chemo and surgery, and recently had more mets come back and is undergoing treatment right now at MD Anderson for it. His family needs all the prayers they can get, to help give them strength, my husbands mom and sister are the ones caring for him right now and they are stretched so thin.

Chances are we will loose both our dads within the year. Like I mentioned earlier I started research and I think this is important to share. We all hear eat healthy, but its so common that we heed it little. We don't realize that intodays age of nuke it, fast food, and take out we have deprived our bodies of so many foods that we need? There is a culture the hunza that have been studied for the past 900 years, because they have never had cancer. Why? The only thing doctors can explain is that they consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables, mainly apricot, but it doesn't stop there they eat the seeds. Inside the fruit is a seed like a peach seed, you bust it open and there is a seed that looks like an almond. It is really bitter, but contains b17 the main ingredient found to kill cancer. Yet you can not buy these seeds in the US, (they can be got from Canada) In the 1920's doctors here were treating cancer with great success using apricot seeds and diet, then the FDA stopped it. But that brings me to my next point-DIET, our bodies do not get what we need anymore. There are foods we consume that feed cancer--yep you heard it right, if you eliminate those foods cancer can not feed or grow. The main source of food for cancer is sugar. It happens to be a main ingredient in my daily diet and the worse news ever I love my sweet tea. Most cancer patients die because the cancer grows spreads, wraps around organs goes to the bone, and its the complications that kill them. If you cut their source of nutrition off, the cancer cells can not survive. The cancer right now is taking what ever food you put into your mouth away from your body and it malnourished you. But the good news is there are foods that the cancer can not deal with and will starve the cancer. YEP there is a way to starve the cancer. Think of your body as a swimming pool, it has a ph level to maintain. I bet most of us would fail if we took a ph test. The reason is my diet consists of bread, pasta, lots of meat, potatoes, lots of starches and very very few fruits and vegtables. If you consume fruits and vegs more than the other it reverses the ph and you get healthy. Sounds easy, until you pull up to McDonalds. So why not try this, eat everyday at least 4 foods like this, cucumber, tomato, broccoli, spinach, lima beans, any kind of melon, blue berries, pineapple, grape fruit, apples, etc. Not just to prevent cancer, but heart disease, and a number of other problems we today have. Here gets the tricker part, limit or get rid of all processed types food. What is that? Pretty much anything you put in your mouth right now. Can goods, lunch meat, anything that contains preservatives. WHY? Well where do you think you are getting things like cancer from? Its from that coke, chips, spam, can soup. Dang your entire food intake has just been wiped out then am I right? Maybe instead of getting rid of all of this, we can instead make healthier choices and cut back the amount of bad type food we put in, and make up by adding more of the fresh healthy stuff. Eat foods you don't eat normally, cucumbers, beets, turnips, carrots, fruits fruits fruit. We don't need any more meat than the size of our palm with each meal. There is a lot of info out there on nutrition therapy, however you don't hear doctors advertise it. They might mention diet is important, but they never tell you what to eat and more importantly what to knock out of your diet to starve off cancer. Here is the real kicker, its a benefit to them, all this can be accomplished while going through chemo/radiation etc. Taking vitamins and diet only helps! It lessens the side effects, and gives you an overall better chance of beating cancer and speeds up the process. I just don't get why doctors don't tell you this. Okay I will get off the soapbox now, hopefully it might help a few of you out there. I will leave you with one more thing to prove how lacking our bodies are now a days.

When your teen is begging you to buy them proactive for acne, go to the store instead and buy
celery, cucumbers, oranges. Have them eat one of each a day like 1 celery stalk(you can add peanut butter to it), 1/2- 1 cucumber(you can add salt, pepper, and vinegar if you want), and an orange a day. In about a week their skin will be clearer. If you have a blender or juicer try this:
2 parts orange, 2 parts cucumber 1/2 part ginger. One glass a day, your skin will clear, scars over time fade, and lines and wrinkles will start to disappear.
Notice the cost of the above items are very very low, its worth a try and it won't hurt ya, and if it works even better.


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Maria and I are thinking of your family, txkickergirl. So far, no one in my family has had cancer, but they have had other things just as bad. I grew up in a farming area where there was a lot of crop dusting and fertilizing going on. I hear that sometimes the nitrates are very high in the drinking water there now. There seemed to be a lot of folks there that got cancer, and I always wondered if that had anything to do with it. Y'all got some tough days ahead, but try to keep your chin up.


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Prayers are sent to your family and to you and will continue throughout your ordeal.Thank you for the research you have done also.Hope people take heed.God Bless.

River Rat

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I have you and the family all in my thoughts and prayers.


:wink: RR


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MD Dog

Bronze Member
Feb 10, 2007
Please don't yell !
My prayers are for you and all your loved ones.

Just some more FYI

I add this as my next door neighbors child ended up in the hospital after eating peach seeds which he had broken open with a hammer. I found out the reason for the concern is that certain fruit seed contain Cyanide and I don't want anyone to get hurt by not doing some research and making informed choices. BTW their four year old just celebrated His B-day and is fine.

Apricot seed is the small kernel enclosed within the wood-like pit at the center of the apricot fruit. The apricot tree carries the botanical name Prunus armeniaca. It is a drupe, meaning stone-fruit, and a close relative of the peach. Both are very similar in appearance and qualities. The apricot is also sometimes called apricock or Armeniaca vulgaris. Like the plum, both peaches and apricots are distantly related to the rose and are classified as members of the Rosacaeae family.

Apricots grow on small to medium size trees, which are hardy in most temperate areas. White, multi-petaled blossoms with a slight reddish tinge nearer to the base of the flower emerge onto the bare branches in early spring, before the tree's heart-shaped leaves appear. By late July or early August, the apricot fruit ripens. There are more than 20 varieties of apricot known to botanists.

The name Prunus armeniaca is actually a misnomer based upon the long-held belief that apricots initially came from Armenia. It is now known that in reality they originated in the Far East, most likely in the Himalayas and Northern China. It is speculated that the apricot had already migrated to the Middle East before the Old Testament and that the apples described in the Garden of Eden in Genesis were actually apricots. During the reign of King Henry VIII in the 1500s, apricots were brought to England from Italy.

Though smaller than the peach, apricots have the same russet-tinted, golden, velvet appearing exterior and deeper golden-orange flesh inside. The innermost layers form the large, woody compressed stone, or pit, that contains at its very center, the kernel, or seed. When pressed, nearly half of this kernel gives forth an oil very chemically similar to the oil found in sweet almond and peach kernels. This oil contains olein, glyceride of linoleic acid, and a transparent, crystalline chemical compound, amygdalin, or laetrile. This compound is also known as vitamin B17. The oil is chemically indistinguishable from oil of bitter almond. Although the oil from apricot seeds usually breaks down into a toxic substance capable of causing death within the human body, there are also varieties of apricot seed that are reported to be edible.

General Use

Because the oil from the apricot seed is far less expensive than oil of almond, confectioners use it in place of bitter almond oil for flavoring sweets and as a culinary seasoning. A liqueur manufactured in France is made from apricot seed and is called Eau de Noyaux. Apricot oil is also used extensively in the manufacture of cosmetics, often being fraudulently added to almond oil. It has skin softening properties and is often used in making soaps, hand creams, cold cream, and perfume preparations.

Chinese Medicine practitioners use apricot seed as a treatment in respiratory diseases, including bronchitis and emphysema. It is believed to act as an cough suppressant and expectorant and, because of the oil, also used as a laxative.

There has been considerable controversy regarding apricot seed, and specifically amygdalin, one of its components. Since the 1920, in many countries around the globe it has been recognized as a possible cancer preventative and malignant cell growth inhibitor. In San Francisco, biochemist Ernst Krebs's article The Nitrilosides (Vitamin B17)-Their Nature, Occurrence and Metabolic Significance (Antineoplastic Vitamin B17) theorized that amygdalin, with diet and vitamins, could inhibit cancerous growths. In the years since, it has been used in many countries as a cancer treatment, thought to be especially beneficial in the treatment of smoking-related tumors such as lung cancer. Several studies done in the United States throughout the 1970s and early 1980s demonstrated that amygdalin did not kill cancer cells. Review of patients' records where there had been reported cures or remarkable size reduction in tumors did not provide credible evidence of amygdalin ability to treat cancer effectively. There has been significant documentation that amygdalin breaks down into cyanide, a potent poison, in the human body, and when taken in sufficiently high doses, can actually bring on death due to its toxicity.


Apricot seed is not sold in American health food stores due to its classification as an unapproved drug by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. However, it is available in other countries, including Mexico, and in Chinese pharmacies and Asian markets. It is sold both as the whole kernel or seed, or in decoctions including cough syrups. Chinese practitioners usually combine apricot seed with other herbs, including white mulberry leaf or ophiopogon, a tuber grown in Asia. A paste made of apricot seed and sugar has been shown, in some Chinese medical trials, to relieve chronic bronchitis.


As noted previously, the amygdalin in apricot seed breaks down within the body into a form of the deadly poison cyanide, or prussic acid. There has been considerable debate concerning its level of toxicity to human beings. Following an Oklahoma judicial decision legalizing the importation of amygdalin in 1986, clinical trials were begun by the FDA and National Cancer Institute in 1987. Amygdalin was used, along with the diet, enzymes, and vitamins suggested by pro-amygdalin factions. The report from this study concludes: "No substantive benefit was observed in terms of cure, improvement, or stabilization of the cancer." They further reported that "the hazards of amygdalin therapy were evidenced in several patients by symptoms of cyanide toxicity or by blood cyanide levels approaching lethal range. Amygdalin is a toxic drug that is not effective as a cancer treatment." It has been reported that ten apricot seeds can kill a child.

Side Effects

Chinese practitioners caution using apricot seed if the person being treated suffers from diarrhea. Headache and nausea have been reported following ingestion of small amounts. The most serious side effect of apricot seed is potential cyanide poisoning. When large doses of cyanide are ingested, death is almost instantaneous. Toxicity from smaller doses is manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, mental confusion, vertigo, headache, extreme dyspnea, and violent respirations, slow pulse, weakness, glassy or protruding eyes, dilated pupils, and a characteristic (peach blossoms, bitter almond) odor to the breath.


Practitioners of Chinese medicine advise that apricot seed should not be given in combination with the herbs astragalus, skullcap, or kudzu root.



Carper, Jean. The Food Pharmacy. Bantam Books, 1988.

Grieve, M. and C. F. Leyel. A Modern Herbal: The Medical, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folklore of Herbs, Grasses, Fungi, Shrubs and Trees With All of Their Modern Scientific Uses. Barnes & Noble Publishing, 1992.

Holvey, David N., MD. Merck Manual. Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories, 1972.

Taber, Clarence Wilbur. Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. F.A. Davis Co.


Krebs, Ernst T., Jr. "The Nitrilosides (Vitamin B-17)-Their Nature, Occurence and Metabolic Significance Antineoplastic Vitamin B-17)." Journal of Applied Nutrition 1970.


U.S. Food and Drug Administration. HFI-40, Rockville, MD 2085.1-888-463-6332. [email protected].

[Article by: Joan Schonbeck]

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California-grown Blenheim apricots. Organic available. Buy online.
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Jan 4, 2007
George West, TX
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thanks for the info md dog, that does contain some insight. Like everything the right dosage is the key, and from what I have gathered if you just eat the seeds, your won't be cured. However, in a case like my dads when we are looking at a matter of months and pretty much the disease is wrapping around his heart, lungs, other organs and going into his brain and bones, the truth bluntly put is he will either start having seize rs, strokes, go blind, or it just squeezes his lungs/heart to the point that he suffocates. None of these are pretty pictures and reality is going to be much worse. Taking a couple apricot seeds, some vitamins, enzymes, and a proactive diet, may lessen the impact of what the cancer is doing to his body.
I may be wrong but cyanide is what they put into chemo but at much higher doses right?

I hope that for those that read this post that it causes you to at lest pause, and become proactive. Do not trust what the doctors say, or think, well they know best and not question them or really get involved. All the success stories I have heard have been that of people who took an active approach to cancer, that doesn't mean just showing up for the treatment and doctor appointments. I am not saying forgo doctors or treatment either, just be as prepared as you can be, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Make the doctor work for you, instead of spending 15 minutes in his office and listening to him talk in a language you can't understand, and then nodding your head in agreement not really knowing what you are agreeing to and going along for the ride.

When in treatment your attitude, outlook, spirit, and body need to be at the best possible shape it can be in. You need special diet, that will give your body what it needs to fight and to recoup. There are some very good foods out there, that will lessen the effects of chemo. and help the body maintain strength. Just research them. Research Research so at the very lest you are well informed and armed with knowledge when you do speak to the multiples doctors you come in contact with. That alone is overwhelming, but if you are prepared you might be able to ask questions and that can set you apart from just another case in the revolving door.

here are some links to get you started, I recommend none, its just important to get as much info as you can to make informed decisions.

this one is not cancer related but with all the meds doctors give out and the crud gets immune to it maybe its time to stop going the doctor for every little sniffle and save it until we really need it.


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Aug 19, 2007
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Yeah, most of us are eating ourselves to death. I gave my wife a kidney two years ago May 30. Since then we have both really made an effort to eat healthier foods. But, our restaurants sure make it hard. Prayers for your dad and the whole family. Good Luck.

Mental Granny

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Alot of Prayers for you ALL....


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First, I will pray for your family regarding this situation. Second, here is some more info. ...Dr. Szent-Gyorgy won the nobel prize in 1937 for discovering that essential fatty acids combined with sulphur-rich proteins (such as those found in diary products) increases oxygenation of the body. Dr. Budwig applied this discovery in clinical trials by feeding cancer patients a mixture of 3-6 Tbsps. flaxseed oil and 4 oz. (1/2 cup) low-fat cottage cheese daily. The mixture is most effective if the flaxseed oil and low-fat cottage are thoroughly mixed or blended. You can add pineapple or other fruit to improve the taste. After about three months improvements could be seen in the blood of the cancer patients, and the malignant tumors began to shrink... Of course, I copied and pasted that here but the reason is that before the FDA and the powers that be started forcing drugs down our throat, there were healthier alternatives. I have also heard of the apricot seeds and now the misinformation put out by the same powers that be say how bad it is for a person, meanwhile they promote a chemical cocktail (chemo) that, of the seven ingredients, 5 are KNOWN CARCINOGENS!(cancer causing chemicals) I seriously doubt that you can do any worse with the Apricot seeds and info above. My opinion is that they can't make any money off us if we buy seeds, or eat healthier... but they can bill the snot out of us and our insurance companies for the chemo. It is amazing that anyone lives through that. It is despicable that their god, the dollar bill, is put before the health of human beings.
I tried the above remedy(didn't know about the seeds then) on my golden lab, Laddy, many years ago. He was diagnosed with leukemia, a particular type common to labs or so I was told by the vet. He managed to make it about 6 months and did initially appear to have more energy but the disease finally took its toll. I have often wondered what would been the outcome if I have known about and started him on the treatment sooner.
My father died in 2002 after an 18 year on again off again battle with leukemia. When he was diagnosed he was given 3 MONTHS to live. So there is always hope. He chose the medical way of doing things and while he did live for a long time, his quality of life was never the same. He was not the same after the interferon injections.
You may want to look into a product called Hydrazine sulfate. Years ago you could get it in the states but the FDA may have changed that by now. Watch out for the Misinformation Police on this one too. It can be used to alleviate the symptoms of chemotherapy, which it was very good at. And lastly this book by G. Edward Griffin called "World without Cancer" which may help. I realize that in the course of your research that you have probably found out about most if not all of the above information, but I'm only trying to help. May God bless you and your family and provide for your needs at this trying time.


Old Dog

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May 22, 2007
Western Colorado

As part of my T-Net family you have my prayers and hopes.
I do know of the things you are speaking.
I am dealing with much of the same.
We have prayer meeting in my family, and that is a coast to coast prayer chain.
You and yours are on it.




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Jan 4, 2007
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Thank you everyone for your advice and most of all your prayers. I was at my dads this weekend and I was shocked that he had followed my advice. I had shipped him some super vitamins called life's essential plus, along with some enzymes, and the apricot seeds. I told him to start out eatting 2 seeds a day and see if he could work up to 5 by increasing it by one a week. And if he felt like he had an upset stomach or anything to decrease the seeds. His fridge was also full of all the veggies and fruits I recommended and he has gotten rid of the sugar(he never has drank cokes, or sweet coffee, but he does like his cake and cookies) In the two weeks since I had seen him, his color looked better, and his energy was better. I can only give praise to the Lord for this. I do think the combination of supplements, diet and seeds has helped. Now I threw in the kicker which was the flax seed oil and cottage cheese. (he hates cottage cheese) but after reading the research I printed for him has decided to give it a try. He has pain in his legs and and swollen ankles for a couple weeks now. (which I figured out was a reaction to one of his meds and the grapefruit juice he has been drinking amplified it) Weird hunh? Any rate when I go down there for Fathers day his gift will be a juicer, if nothing else he will have fun making his own concoctions. He is doing very well right now and I have every hope to see improvement. Do I think it will cure him---no, but I am hoping it will increase his quality of life and maybe lengthen his life span.

My husbands father came home for the weekend from MD Anderson and then went back Sunday to continue treatment. He is not able to move around and is in poor poor condition, very week. So please everyone keep him on your prayer list. He had a halo type treatment where they were giving him chemo in the brain, and now that is wrapped up, they found a spot on his spine, and will be starting treatment there. In his weakend condition, I just don't know how much more his body can take. I had a long talk to his daughter and explained that they needed to get him on a special diet. That would help lessen the chemo side effects, and boost his immune system. I told her tomatoes, fruits especially melons, that without the diet to back up his system that chemo is just taking away like the cancer and he is not getting anything good in his body to help him. It was like a light that went off in her head and it made all the sense in the world to her. So she was going to meet with his doctor and a nutritionist there to help come up with a diet plan.

This thread breaks my heart because so many of you have suffered or have had loved ones suffer through this. Its a terrible thing to see someones life slip away before your eyes. Worse is the fact that we just assume that we will take them to the doctor and they will make them all better, because they are specialized and know what they are doing. If you take nothing else from this thread then take this----
One must always be proactive toward cancer, do not take what the doctors say at face value, research all pro and cons and draw your own conclusions. Make the doctor see that this is a person not another case, and challenge the doctor. Let them know that right along with treatment you are going to fight for this person as well, and that you are not looking for an option you are looking for the overall treatment for this person. Doctors will say chemo/radiation, you should tell them and what else because its obvious shooting them with poisons alone doesn't cure them. Its a long haul and no over night cure but I really believe with the proper foods a 30% recovery rate will jump to 60% . So make the doctor work for you, if you feel the treatment is right for you great but don't stop there, get a nutrition plan and follow it as well. Every cancer patient should know that---YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST CURE. All the treatment in the world won't help you if your heart, mind, body and soul, is not in its best place. Get there by what ever means you have to.


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Jun 29, 2004
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Dawn, I love the spirit of your posts! God be with you as you work though these issues.

For those who haven't been to the yahoo groups, the one above deals with the cancer fighting oil/protein diet developed by Dr. Joanna Budwig, a German scientist who treated many differenct types of cancer with diet. She logged a 90% success rate for over 50 years. with all sorts of cancer(s).

The Yahoo Group has testimonials and ongoing discussions between current cancer patients and those who have used the diet to stablize or eliminate their cancers. Many many testimonials in their files from folks in all walks of life testifying to the effectiveness of the diet.

I believe we don't hear more about natural cures because of the 'business' of cancer. It's one of 'medicines' largest money makers. I know, because my wife has been and is fighting Ovarian cancer, and has been since late in 2001. I've seen bills for single chemo treatments in excess of $17,000 for one injection or IV. The drug companies will fight "tooth and nail" to keep natural, effective cures from becoming common knowledge.

I have no financial connection to either the described forum, or any of the drug companies, I am simply a caregiver with more knowledge about cancer than I ever wanted to know.

I pray that the above information will aid or assist someone in aiding others to overcome their cancer challenge!

Be Blessed!



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Jan 4, 2007
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Bill one word in your above post hit me, its the word that I have been looking for to describe the benefits of nutrition, diet, and natural cures, that word was STABLIZE. Budwig took many patients from hospitals that were mere weeks away from dying, they quit eating and their bodies were shutting down. She breathed new life into them using the cottage cheese, flax seed oil, and then diet. The folks that she took care of instead of days or weeks, lived months and years more, and most importantly they were back up and living a close to normal life. She took these people when everyone else gave up all hope. We are not talking one or two people but 50years of dedicated work. I do have to tell you the flax seed oil is some nasty tasting stuff, I tasted it when I mixed it up for my dad. It reminded me of Castro oil..yucky, but the good news was its only a couple teaspoons one most choke down.

My brothers child Josh who died of cancer, was on medicine that cost 10k for a month supply. They basically took out a second mortgage and then after taking the medicine a couple times he had a serious reaction and could not take it. Now how does these companies expect common folk to pay for these types of medicines or treatments? Insurance that's a joke, Josh's mom works in the corporate office of the biggest health insurance company out there she is not the highest up, but is on that ladder. So tell me if someone like that pays that amount for these meds, what hope is there for the rest of us? Its so sad but true that cancer is a money making business. You know when the hurricane hit here last year, several hotels in the area doubled prices, and then were in hot water for price gouging. Where is that watch dog when it comes to things like cancer.



aww Dawn, i hate to see anyone go through this. Its so obvious your Daddy wants to get better just because he's following your advice. His will power along with a caring daughter like you, wouldnt surprise me in the least if he beat this, and became completely well.

Your post is helping alot of people, Gave me a new insight thats for sure. A person cant help but think about it. Its every where you look these days. Logic will tell you theres a reason for that. Its because of how we take care of ourselves. You are so right on about that!

Those who commented on Dawns post, thank you also, each of you have some great info, and i appreciate your caring enough to share and talk about your experiences. Its definately something we all need to be aware of...I certainly dont expect the Doctors to tell us everything we need to know, and any of you shouldnt either.

I hope this post keeps going, its gonna save someones life.

Dawn Honey? I'll be praying for you and your family. Im hoping you will update us with good news. Its not impossible...tell Daddy 'positive thinking.' (that works wonders too)

Love & hugs to ya babe....your a hell of uh woman. :-*

Old Dog

Gold Member
May 22, 2007
Western Colorado
That flaxseed oil is available in a gellcap that can be taken as a regular dietary suppliment without mixing.
If your Dad has trouble swallowing pills you might try mixing them in applesauce so he can swallow them easier. I do this on a daily basis so it isn't like I am throwing out something that is untried. LOL


Bridge End Farm

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Dec 2, 2006
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hang in there you all are doing a wonderful job with your loved ones

praying and holding you close to Jesus as amazing things can happen


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hi swampfox here, my mother in law died with cancer about 5 years ago and i know what u are going through. i will put u in my prayers and i know the good Lord will take of anything that is asked for . both families will be in my prayers everyday. good luck and i hope everything works out well. hh and remember i will be praying , swampfox

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