NEVER HAVE I HATED A RODENT MORE!!! Stupid Coin Looting Mice!!!!

My son's first home of his own was a single wide trailer he and 2 buddies rented in the middle of a hay field. The mice stole one boys cigarettes on a regular basis pencils pens straws and everything edible needless to say I had not even finished cleaning his old room before he was back

use glass jars with lids....problem solved!

the olive oil goes rancid when exposed to air anyways.

I had a lot of coppers soaking in mineral oil mixed with olive oil in my basement, in empty exposed pudding cups (super bad idea not having a lid). Last year I noticed that my cups got knocked over and there were mouse droppings everywhere. I picked up some coins from the table and put the coins in a sealed jar. I set snap traps and killed probably 15 mice, now the traps haven't been triggered for a year. Little did I know those mice stole some coins. Today I finally took the coins out of the olive oil and noticed I was missing a portion of coins. I checked in my coin album just in case I put them there, nope. I looked in the basement and to my surprise saw one copper 10 feet away from the where the table was, I ended up finding a total of 3 coppers. A Connecticut copper, a 1794 liberty cap, and an 1803 copper (not one of my EF-AU ones which were in my coin album, but a lower grade one). We are moving this year and I am guessing there are some more coppers under and behind stuff. I wasn't very through in searching for them, only spending five minutes. I am going to write down which ones I am missing, then spend huge amounts of time looking for them once the basement is empty. I just hope that those disgusting disease ridden things didn't drag any into the wall. I was really mad when I realized that my first copper was missing! My 1723 Hibernia! My favorite find ever, what really got my in to colonial relic hunting. My only guess is that the coins tasted like olive oil and they tried to drag them off. Mice and rodents are so gross, probably carrying many diseases! I washed each coin thoroughly now, and removed all trace of olive oil and mouse. At least my basement has been mouse free for at least a year now.

Had packrats once. They got under the hood of my wife's car.

I got two small yogurt cups. Filled one with D-Con, the other with antifreeze. Didn't take long for that combination to solve the problem.

A bit of rat poison and some antifreeze to shoot it down.

Had packrats once. They got under the hood of my wife's car.

I got two small yogurt cups. Filled one with D-Con, the other with antifreeze. Didn't take long for that combination to solve the problem.

A bit of rat poison and some antifreeze to shoot it down.

I have never tried poison due to the chance of my animals getting a hold of a poisoned mouse or rat and eating it (a friend had a dog almost die that way). I also heard horror stories of them dying in walls and stinking up half the house. These guys are too smart for snap traps apparently, either that or they don't like old expired peanut butter anymore :laughing7:. Perhaps all of them are finally gone from my basement (my coin must have been lost at least a year ago when I noticed my mineral/olive oil cups knocked over and I put the coins in a sealed container). The grossest thing that ever happened is when I had a snap trap in my kitchen, killed a mouse, and to inspection the mouse was still covered in olive oil from my basement a few weeks after I sealed the coins and olive oil. At least I never had the blessing of seeing them alive in the kitchen, I prefer the satisfaction of seeing them in the trap and knowing I have one less mouse to worry about. I used to use live traps, not wanting to kill the mice, releasing them a half mile away. Somehow they always came back. It is also sad when you are away for a day, forget about the traps, and come back to a starved to death dead mouse in the trap.

Have you found the last coin? I have three chickens outside, and there is a bobcat that comes around snooping hoping for a free chicken dinner. A few weeks ago when I took the Maine Coon to and back from the vets, I let him walk the last few yards to the house. Chickens mistook him for the bobcat and freaked out.

Cat's name is Lil'while. Yup, he's little. Oh sure. Helps me type too and helps keep me immobile at night in bed. Also adds lots of fur to everything, in every neighboring state also.

Tippy, my cat, enjoy sleeping right next to me. She is the best treasure that I ever found.

Funny post, there are many many ways to loose coins, yours was really special. Maybe the mouse had the same hobby... lol.

Yay! I finally found my last two coins! Including my Hibernia and NJ Halfpenny! I am very happy that I was finally able to beat the mice! I went a frenzy looking for it after reading the history of my town and seeing clear information that my Hibernia was definitely dropped by one of the first settlers of my town. After spending nearly an hour breathing in mouse crap and cobwebs, I ended up seeing a copper. I grabbed my New Jersey penny. Then I moved over tons of huge heavy boxes, and behind a drill case in a far corner of my basement was my Hibernia. I think I see little gnaw marks on the edge of my Hibernia, I don't care though, as long as it is back in any condition. I have to admit it would be funny for the people to move into my house and find 5 colonial coins in the basement, even though the house is only 140 years old :laughing7:.

Forgive me but, this thread you started is hysterical to me. Sorry about the vermin running off with your prized treasure. I have had a few mice invading my space as well this winter. Good luck scanning your basement. I hope you can find that which was stolen. Peace.

Forgive me but, this thread you started is hysterical to me.

Lol! I assume that I was a little hysterical at the moment I first wrote this, I seem rather laughably immature reading it now :laughing7::laughing7:. But then again, I couldn't find my favorite finds that took me so long to find, what else could I do, I have separation anxiety :laughing7:.

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