New Bill in California


Gold Member
May 26, 2009
Sailor Flat, Ca.
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I know the guy who lobbied the Senator to to help craft this bill

He is the guy GoldenMojo and I rafted with early summer I posted a thread.

He used to lobby for the building trades got the fever. I sold him a used bazooka at my shop. We hit it off.

I introduced him to Shannon Poe. He has decided to start his own firm and lobby for small scale miners


Your welcome

Some typos and wording I'm gonna give him feed back on. It is nice to see some proactive work being done at the capitol on our behalf.

Bill Text - SB-1222 Use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment.

Please call your Congressman and tell them you want them to support this Bill

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FYI, the hearings for SB1222 will be held on April 16th. Save the date. If you can make time to attend, please do so. Location information to follow.

Just an FYI. If you can make it, great.

Senate Natural Resources Committee

Monday April 16, 9:30am

State Capital in Sacramento

can't do Monday planning on Wednesday for the environmental hearing.

It was DOA in spring and with the this year's legislative session over it was left hanging to dry out on the vine with no movement.
But that's ok, it wasn't your friend anyway.

Any updates? Did it die?

it was not DOA. it was tabled in the second hearing when the Republican senators realized that the SWRCB had not been doing what sb637 mandated them to do.

Several groups didn't support the bill as it inadvertantly lumped gravity dredges into the dredge category. Though the specifics could have been changed.

You know if the groups actually put their heads together, rather than trying to out righteous each other.

Ironically many argue that the definition changes that label a dredge as a motorized device , that aids in the recovery or processing of minerals The title includes the term "suction dredging" the definition of a dredge does not include the term "suction" Don't actually lump all motorized gear into one definition.

But, but, omg please think of the gravity dredgers...cause you know definitions matter.

We all know what a suction dredge is. However Ca. loves broadstroke definitions in its tactics of negating rights.

So, the bill was tabled. Unfortunately the movement in groups has turned away from fighting for the individual prospector and seems to be going toward Clubs trying to push for permitting that will cover their members on their claims.

Though each claim would need it's own permit. Even more than one per location depending on size and scope of work.

Nevermind the fact that an NPDES permit application and permit is an admission of pollution discharge...

Who cares that the courts and science say that dredges don't introduce pollution.

Just like the BS that a valid district is the key to no harassment,,they are now saying that it will have to be the clubs with their membership paying for expensive permits. splitting the fee's and making it affordable.

Not how the mining laws of the country or state work. But, whatevs..

Notice there is still no clarification between a hibanker or dredge per the waterboard or DFW. Regardless of the fact that pre dredge ban they were treated as two different types of gear.

That's what happens when society puts laws on everything. Confusion and lawlessness.

Just dredge.

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Also want to point out that at the public workshops. One of the agents for the water board . Clearly stated that as they read the law.

A dredge and a hi banker are viewed as one in the same. As in no difference.

if that's not a reason for a definition clarification I don't know what is.

I was there heard it myself.

Just like when I stated that once they were done shutting down motorized mining they would go after sluice boxes and then panning.

Izzy martin agreed.

Im not saying any of this to be alarmist.

Just that I was there. these points were brought up by myself and others.

The water board and Sierra fund reps. were very clear on where they stood.

There is a reason Norman left as head of the program. He was working with the miners.

The people who start these restrictions have zero interest in working with miners.

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