New dumb question



I realize that when you find old items(relics) of value that you need to preserve them as much as possible. I have found a couple of items that I have NO CLUE what they are(they are metal) and they are covered with lots of rust/gunk and the build up of rust/gunk is distorting the original item.

Where can I go to get some general guidelines on cleaning a variety of items?

Am I supposed to use a hammer and chisel to remove the rust/gunk? ;D OR is there some kind of solvent I can use but yet it will not destroy any valuable objects?

I just hate the thought of finding something valuable then trying to clean it so I can see what it is then finding out after I have cleaned it that it is no longer valluable since I ruined it. On the other hand I need to be able to clean things so I can determine what it is or if it has any markings or writing etc on it.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Since I am new to this I figured it would be better to get the answers up front BEFORE I ruined something ;D

One word "ELECTROLYSIS" read all the posts here in Cleaning.

I am doing that as I type ;D I guess I must be one of the slow people cause I am getting confused, especially on using the charges etc. I assume that is part of the ELECTROLYSIS??

Can you buy the equipment ready to go and if so how much and where do you get them? OR is there a cheaper and better way?

I do know Kellyco Sells them, HOWEVER, if you have an Extra Adapter, That you Plug in the Wall, to run a Radio or something, That can be made into one. DETAILS should be in the threads

Thanks guys. I am what the politically correct crowd would call; "Electronically Challenged" but I will give it a shot ;D

Bull, if ya haven't learned yet, the only dumb question is the one ya never asked. Jeff is correct that for valuable goodies, electrolysis and a couple of other expensive methods are best.
If howerver, ya know good and well it is just a solid old iron rusted object only of value to yourself and just wanta clean it up good to hang on the wall or something, I'll reiterate my method for such objects for ya.
Take the object, heat it up to red hot, and drop it in a steel pan of ice water with ice cubes in it. It make take a few times, but all the rust and rust flakes will just fall and shed off easily. Then dry the object well, by wiping with a soft cloth, and heating it up just a little to drive off any excess moisture, then apply a good coating of WD 40 or any other good rust inhibitor and rub that in good. Then youre all set at minimal cost and almost now time lost on it. ;D Comanchero

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