New guy to metal detecting


May 29, 2007
I'm new to metal detecting and writing on forums. I recently purchased a Titan 1000-XD, recommended by, the company I bought the detector from. I'm having trouble pinpointing where to dig. Does anyone have this kind of detector and have any suggestions for pinpointing where to dig? Thanks

I am new also
I have a pioneer 202 bounty hunter
I went out yesterday and dug and dug and dug
I also am having problems pinpointing
can you help me too?
Didn't mean to steal your thunder new guy but I thought they could shoot two birds with one stone.
Thanks for letting me ride your coat tail.

Once you find a signal....Try to draw an X over the target making note of the strongest sound from the machine...Where the sound is strongest should intersect through the X and that would be where to dig....I would also suggest planting a coin on the ground or in the ground with say a golf tee directly over the coin....Then use your machine to pinpoint until you see where you need to be to be directly over the coin...I know on my machine it is right at the top of the hole in my coil....Do not worry you will discover how to pinpoint in no time at all!!! GL and HH

Welcome to TN! ;D

Sorry I do not know either machine. Are you in the all metal pinpoint mode? Have you tried testing/practicing in your yard with a test coin burried. It helps to build a coin garden, bury coins at different depths and mark the center with golf tees.

Bossij, I would take what Kellyco says with a grain of salt. They told me the Cobra was a great water machine and sold me one, yet when I tested it over some heavy gold chains it never even beeped. I could wrap the coil with the gold chain and it wouldn't know it was there. I returned it and bought a real detector.(Whites Beach Hunter ID) In process of trading that in now on a new Minelab Sov GT to go with my ML Excal.

Don't know how long you have had your Titan, if you just got it, I would see if they would allow you to trade up if it was me. Just my personal opinion is all. They let a friend of mine trade one he just bought in on a more expensive model.

I understand money could be a problem, but something to remember is you get what you pay for and the better the unit the more you get for it in enjoyment, in trade in's and resale. A few more bells and whistles can make all the difference between enjoyment and frustrations!

The hobby is very addictive and you will find you out grow a cheap detector very quickly.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Nope, but welcome to the forum & to the greatest hobbie bar none. :)

I agree
I am really enjoying this ALOT!!
Thank you all for the help.

Thanks for the help. I'll have to check with kelleyco and see what they can do for me. I also will get more practice. Thanks for all the tips

Welcome. My first detector was a titan 1000XD also and like outraged said, swing the coil in an X pattern over the signal and you will be able to pinpoint the find with a little practice. Good luck diggin....

Welcome to the forum. I don't know your detector but check to see if your coil is a "concentric" or a "Double D" aka "DD". Depending on which coil type you have will make a difference in how you pinpoint. The DD is a bit harder to learn pinpointing with. For the most part, the concentric coils pinpoint right below the center of the coil.

Boss, my best advice to you is to understand that Kellyco like some other places I've seen out there are selling these Titan detectors which are pretty much identical to the Radio Shack machines that can be had on Ebay for 1/4 of the price. The Titan 1000 is no more than a Radio Shacks Bounty Hunter Discovery 1100. You can get a BH 1100 on Ebay for $50. That's how I got my first detector. But Kellyco sells a 1000 for close to $200. Moving on, these detectors have the same exact coil and it signals on the inner circle. What has been said above is the way to go. Sweep and take immediate not of where you get the beep. Take a mental note. Turn your body so you can sweep at another angle and repeat. Take note of where you get the beep. This becomes like battleship. You will eventually grid the target and have an X worked out. At first you should or can "X" from a whole bunch of different angles, once you get better, you'll be more fluent and get away with less few as two. Try simply laying a coin on the grass where you can see it and practice over it. This is all about practice Boss.......if you have the drive, trust me, you will get this all packed in a few outtings. Further Kellyco and see if you can exchange the titan for an ace 250. It'll be a good move, I think many here will endorse this advice. Let us know how it all goes.

Boss, here are links to examples of what I mean about the Titan 1000 vs the BH 1100. I own a BH 1100, good detector, but it is not good business for someone to sell you the same thing for four times the amount. I hope posts like this steer people in a better direction.

This is the Titan 1000

This is Radio Shack's 1100

And this is an Ebay auction for an 1100

I was lucky to get in on one new for $49 when people were listing them on Ebay left and right. Take a close look, I tell you, they are the same thing..........

Titan 1000, 2000 and 3000's are BH 1100, 2200 and 3300. The biggest difference is the price.

As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Here is a newbee pinpointing method I liked and had a 90% on target success. Find your signal, back up off the signal very slowly still swinging your coil. Once you lose the signal, stop and swing forward again. As soon as you pick up the signal again, stop once more and dig around that spot.

Keep @ it and HH!!

I started hunting with a Bounty hunter MD I got from doing a small plumbing job that \
took me about 15 minutes. I few days after getting it I joined this site. Afew days after that I found my first gold ring in myy own back yard...All with a detector that really isn't worth a hoot..I was hunting my backyard because someone here suggested it...I was practicing pinpointing by doing the "X" thing from different angles. I am wearing that ring today and always will!
When it is possible, I would suggest an upgrade to a better machine. A little ol $200 Garrett Ace250 has gotten me a LONG ways with this hobby!

Best o' luck to you and welcome to Tnet!


Tin Nugget said:
DMB, if your enjoying MDing that much you are going to grow out of that Bounty Hunter real quick.

Welcome and HH
Yeah I think your right
I got it for my 12 year old son and didn't want to pour a bunch of money into it
you know how kids can be with hobbies I just didn't know that I would like it so much
My birthday is in a few months I may upgrade then.

Try taping a target to a piece of cardboard then flipping it over and drawing an "X" where you think the target is. Its a bit faster than burying and re-digging. Just my two cents. HH dave :O)

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