Newbie Rockhoundette here.....


Jr. Member
May 5, 2017
Southern California
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Welcome Aboard Stephanie! Take a look at Sub-Forums: California for information (i.e., clubs, etc.) directly related to your state.

Welcome aboard :icon_thumleft:

Welcome aboard :icon_thumleft:

Try for references on materials online. What you'd probably like is getting access (for a fee of course) to one of the gem tourmaline mines east of San Diego. Been there, done that, got tourmaline. Can think of the Pala Mine and Himalaya Mine at the moment.

Thank you and I will check it out, I've always been interested in joining a club so I can go on digs. My four year old daughter is the one who actually got me interested in rock collecting.

Thank you all for ur welcoming me into group and your tips. I will check out the sites listed and look into joining a club. Idk if any of u can maybe check out my other post n possibly tell me what kind of rocks those are. I've rented all kinds of books from library and can't figure it out for the life of me or maybe u you can point me in right direction. Thanks again.

Welcome to the forum from Massachusetts!


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