NOT a sympathy plea, a warning to be careful, something horrible could happen


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
Detector(s) used
CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
I've not mentioned this before here. I went a few days without logging on when I'm on here every single day = TNet is addictive you know :)

My house is two stories, and I live upstairs while my 93 year old mother lives on the first floor. On June 1st, Mom called me to come down stairs and I don't remember the rest. I fell down the stairs, hit the bottom and was bleeding from both ears (Mom is a retired RN, she thought I was going to die because of that). She told me that most people who bleed from both ears die.

I woke up in Martinsville hospital, 3 sets of stitches and a staple on the top of my head. Apparently Mom called my older daughter who lives in Greensboro - she showed up at the hospital, they released me after they determined I was okay, and she took me home.

Can't wait to see the hospital bills..... The VA took my stitches out this past week, I've still one bandage on my cheek near my right ear.

This can happen to anyone. Be careful on stairs, apparently I wasn't, paid for it, and then I'll get the Martinsville ER bill here pretty soon.

Stairs can be treacherous.

I'm glad you're ok. When I go down stairs I hang onto the rail like Dracula on a victim! The knees are letting me down.

My handrail was one of the victims, it is now broken at the bottom. I probably hit it on the way down.

I'm glad you came through that OK. Hard headed for sure. Good thing your Mom was there to summon help! Thanks, Mom!

I'm glad you came through that OK. Hard headed for sure. Good thing your Mom was there to summon help! Thanks, Mom!

Oh yes my friend, Mom's are the greatest! I'm very careful on the stairs now, used to fly down them. Now, when I really flew down them, the ending wasn't as good :(

Wow. That could have been bad. Glad you made it.
Life can change in a heartbeat.

Good to hear you made it... As my wife and I get older we have come to the conclusion that we will need to sell our tri-level house for a single story. Her knees and my balance. Interesting stuff....

Glad to hear you're OK!

Thanks everyone. A person just never knows what is next. I never thought about this as a potential danger, and now I do. Each of us should pay heed - could have been a serious life changer, but instead just another few new scars. My head still feels "thick", but now with multiple scans, I'm in the clear.


Either fallin up or down them is an eventuality it seems.
You're falling too hard though. So stop it! :laughing7:


Thanks Dean, I'll try my best! I guess one thing about getting older is the dangers which come with it. I was very fortunate this time. I don't want there to be another time.

As the many things my head hit on the way down, broke the handrail, I was very very fortunate this time. I need to make sure there is no next time.

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That’s scary stuff. Glad to hear you’re ok.

Hawk old friend, I'd never have thought this would ever happen to me, never in this world. I guess I was pretty fortunate, Our Father protected me I guess. Tomorrow is another day and I'll get right at it :)

Stay safe!

I'll surely try that myself :)

Thanks Don, I'm coming into my "far more careful" period :)

Very glad you are ok.
You are blessed, that could have gone so wrong in so many ways.
Its a good thing you have a hard head. I mean that in a good way.

And now you have entered the tortoise phase, slow & careful.
The rest of us are already there.

The medical bills are good for, eye exercises, cardio, & breathing exercises.
Your eyes bug out & blood pressure and heart rate shoots right up there when you open it and see the outrageous amout you're being charged, then you scream & yell about it.

See that, a days work out, and you didn't even have to go to the gym!
Multiply that by several bills, and you'll be running marathons.

Sent from my VS810PP using Tapatalk

Whenever I go see my doc I'm am asked "Have you fallen in the past year?"
Thing is it's very common because we aren't the same as we were. It's easy to forget that.
Physical activity might help slow this down but that's not a medical opinion. But can't hurt.

Sorry to hear about your fall, hope you have a complete recovery!

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