
My mother fell last spring, took many months to start recovering. She is nearly close (now in her 80s) to being most of the way recovered, but older folks take time to heal up completely.

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Art, thank you for caring enough to help your friend. prayers from me to you and yours.

Thank you Guys….When you get into your 70’s you find that your old friends get fewer every year…Art

That's why we have a site like TreasureNet. :key:

That’s right…When I could not drive after the doctors cut on me she took care of me….It is my turn now which I will gladly do,,,,Art

This the first day that I have been able to get away....She lives in the old part of town and the utilities are still above ground...We lost the telephone there by the internet Tuesday ...Still not working....Art

Look, I'm not against people helping other people, but you should read in the Holy Bible Matthew think it's chapter 6. The people who brag about it, who want everyone to see them, are called hypocrites. They already have received their reward.

Look, I'm not against people helping other people, but you should read in the Holy Bible Matthew think it's chapter 6. The people who brag about it, who want everyone to see them, are called hypocrites. They already have received their reward.

This post is uncalled for....

Art is just letting his friends know he is away from his pc where his info is. You did not need to interject religion into it.....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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I know people will out me down for saying the truth. Sam "Lobo" Wolfe said there are only a few real dowsers in the whole country and they all walked close to God. I want people to know who they are dealing with and they aren't real dowsers.

Hi Art; Good Luck. I've had "multiple" spinal surgeries so far so if you need some insiders advice PM me. I'll be glad to help ok.
I fell 17 stairs head over heels and "shattered" "every" vertebrae in my spine from head to toe literally. Paralyzed 17x. I've had 8 surgeries so far and more to come so I guess that puts me on the Inner Circle so speak ok. PS: I'm still out there digging. !! :laughing7: So if I can help I will ok. PEACE:RONB

I know people will out me down for saying the truth. Sam "Lobo" Wolfe said there are only a few real dowsers in the whole country and they all walked close to God. I want people to know who they are dealing with and they aren't real dowsers.

Bible say something about Judging to, Art a good person,you need lift him up at times like this. God Bless

I know people will out me down for saying the truth. Sam "Lobo" Wolfe said there are only a few real dowsers in the whole country and they all walked close to God. I want people to know who they are dealing with and they aren't real dowsers.

Signal here is the truth, your out of line and your violating our rules.. Your post was an attack on Art, it has nothing to do with the topic and you brought religion into it....

I pointed out your out of line already....Move on...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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Good on you "The Watcher"
I can see that you have a good heart and soul on you
Will be thinking of your friend and hope she gets better soon:thumbsup:

Thank you guys….A lot of people do not understand what we do here…..For one we give advice to people trying to make them better Dowsers….We map dowse a whole bunch of maps and photos…I learn more about treasure hunting in countries all other the world…..I learned in the past mouth more facts about Spanish Markers and Turkish Markers than I knew before…This will help me in asking my questions when doing maps because it gives me more information
Joanie had a rough surgery and a few problems in the hospital….She is hopping to get released this week end…..Art

Hey elhit29….I will be home for a while Friday….I will dowse your photo for explosives…Art

Hey elhit29….I will be home for a while Friday….I will dowse your photo for explosives…Art

Something I forgot in my message….You have a little over two feet to go. Be careful using that Jackhammer….Art

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