Notka pinpointer (Makro look alike) VS Whites TRX...

Riches in Michigan

Jr. Member
Sep 10, 2015
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Omega 8000
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Nokta pinpointer (Makro look alike) VS Whites TRX...

I've decided to invest in a pinpointer and have narrowed it down to either the Nokta or Whites TRX...

Both have good features, favorable reviews and are water proof enough...

Haven't actually been able to touch either in person - so I am interested in any and all opinions to help me make my decision.

I know that the wands detect differently with the Whites being concentrated at only the tip. Is this really a hindrance or asset?

Looking forward to your replies.

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I've decided to invest in a pinpointer and have narrowed it down to either the Nokta or Whites TRX.....I know that the wands detect differently with the Whites being concentrated at only the tip. Is this really a hindrance or asset?

Looking forward to your replies.

Depends on your point of view. I have a TRX and a Garrett "carrot". I thought the TRX would be better 'cause it does pinpoint right off the tip... That can be good at locating the target before you dig, on the shallower ones. Once your hole is dug though, I think the target is easier to find with the carrot. I don't know anything about the Nokta, but both TRX and Garrett carrot are pretty good. Been using the carrot the most lately and it's cheaper than TRX.

We sell them all and the Garrett Carrot Pro Pointer AT is by far my favorite for ease of use, reliability and price! That said, all the top name brands have good pin pointers out now. It mainly comes down to the features that work best for you.

Hey - Thanks for your replies.

I went with the Nokta. It was a hard choice but I had to get something.

I have only used it once, but I really like it so far. Of course, I have nothing to compare it to as it is my first pinpointer.
It does seem to be very well built and durable just like the reviews said.
Anyway, if anyone has questions or is thinking about getting this one... ask me about it if you want.
I will come back and tell more later, after I have spent more time using it.

I have had the Nokta for about a year. Now that my son has the Carrot, i have been able to compare them side by side and i must say i like the carrot better. The only reason i like the carrot better is for its sound. The nokta has a small pinhole at the top that the sound comes from and it tends to get filled with dirt and muffle the sound quite a bit. I have not seen that happen with the carrot.

I've used the Nokta one for about a year with no issues, very hard life it's had too... serial number worn clean off


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I have had the Nokta for about a year. Now that my son has the Carrot, i have been able to compare them side by side and i must say i like the carrot better. The only reason i like the carrot better is for its sound. The nokta has a small pinhole at the top that the sound comes from and it tends to get filled with dirt and muffle the sound quite a bit. I have not seen that happen with the carrot.

I dont like where the button is on the nokta or makros is. Its hard to turn off and on. If you have gloves on it a major pain. The Garrett or Whites TRX is super easy even with my thick gloves I sometimes wear. I dont even have to take my eyes off my plug to find the on/off button on those. With the Makro I have to stop and use both hands to turn it off or on.

Again, personal preference.

I have both, the Carrot and the TRX. I like both of them but find the TRX to have more depth than the Carrot

As you can see from the picture above I wear a heavy leather glove on my right (pinpointing) hand and I have never had to use 2 hands to switch on/off my Nokta pinpointer. Just press one button once to switch on and once to switch off. Super easy even wearing that thick glove.

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I'm glad some of you are satisfied with your Noktas. I've had two that died within 3-5 hours of use.

I bought one from Kellyco middle of last month. I was very happy with it. Rugged. Pinpointed well and I was OK with the button location. Though i wish it was on the side.

It completely stopped working after about the fourth time out. Would not turn on. Changed to fresh batteries. Nothing.

I returned it to Kellyco and got another. It arrived Monday. I used it for 1.5 hours Tuesday and about 1.5 hours last night. In the middle of digging a target it started beeping incessantly and would not turn off. I pulled the back off, removed and reinserted the battery. That stopped the beeping but now it will not turn on. New batteries installed. Nothing.

Very disappointed and feeling a little foolish for giving it a second chance.

I liked it when it worked.

Yeah, I got a White's pinpointer and when I switched it on it blew up and I lost 3 fingers on my left hand, so I bought a Garrett and lo-and-behold it blew up as well and I lost another 2 fingers on my right hand. At least with the Nokta I haven't lost any fingers which is nice.
A very imaginative place this is indeed. My advice is to read reviews from outside America when deciding what to buy, good or bad I wouldn't believe a word of US reviews. Sorry but it is a bad reputation which is well deserved as this thread itself shows.

Stop being a drama queen. He CLEARLY said it was a personal preference and the gloves HE wore made him use 2 hands.

Posting a video of YOUR gloves is sure to set the record straight. :sadsmiley:

People have different opinions...and clearly you cannot handle that with you illogical post above. Bart is a respected vendor and member who MANY people take advice from. Good advice.

I have the Makro...and while the button placement does not bother me whatsoever...the Carrots placement is "better" on the side. The larger button on the Carrot is simply better as well.

Once again...personal preference and just my an American. So grain of salt I suppose.....

As far as the guy with 3 posts saying 2X Noktas failed. I get it. Kinda of like a guy with 6 posts coming in a spewing defensive illogical nonsense. (post count means nothing...just making a point)

Huh? I'm the guy with three posts. Now four.

I don't understand your reference to my post. I'm new to metal detecting. I found this site and have enjoyed it. Used it to make purchasing decisions. I actually did have back to back Nokta failures within a very short period of time. Came on here to see if anyone else had same problem. Found this post and reported my problem. I'm not sure how my lack of post count has any bearing on anything. It would have happened if I had 10,000 posts.

People can watch the video and decide for themselves if that pinpointer is hard to operate with a glove. OK maybe he was using a glove from a suit of armour I don't know, or maybe he was trying to sell the pinpointer he made a direct link to as well, who knows?
I paid full retail price for my pinpointer use it every day pretty much for a year. People can make up their own mind as to motives.

Huh? I'm the guy with three posts. Now four.

I don't understand your reference to my post. I'm new to metal detecting. I found this site and have enjoyed it. Used it to make purchasing decisions. I actually did have back to back Nokta failures within a very short period of time. Came on here to see if anyone else had same problem. Found this post and reported my problem. I'm not sure how my lack of post count has any bearing on anything. It would have happened if I had 10,000 posts.

You misunderstood. I agree about the post count not meaning anything. Which is why I put in parenthesis that post count means nothing. ColinD took issue with 2 posts....yours and Barts. I assume he does not believe YOU because of post count. Which is why I found it ironic as he had 6 posts at the time. But I am probably wrong. ColinD has issue with ANYBODY who does not like the button layout of the Nokta/Makro. A trivial reason to call out Americans and go on a dramatic rant about things blowing up and trustworthiness due to nationality. Hope that clears it up. :occasion14:

People can watch the video and decide for themselves if that pinpointer is hard to operate with a glove. OK maybe he was using a glove from a suit of armour I don't know, or maybe he was trying to sell the pinpointer he made a direct link to as well, who knows?
I paid full retail price for my pinpointer use it every day pretty much for a year. People can make up their own mind as to motives.

They can absolutely come to their own conclusion from the video. What I saw was a VERY "broken in" glove with little stiffness at all. They are as soft as bed sheets - albeit not as thin. You might as well of been using medical gloves.

So yes - with a stiffer glove that is not so soft and pliable - I can understand how a button 1/4 the size of the Garrett would make people dislike it - as the Garrett is much easier to press.

Bart sells both not sure what his angle would be as they cost a similar price. He was giving his experience and opinion in a fair manner.

HunterGT, don't put words in my mouth. The fact I have used one of these pointers for a year without issue does make me wary of a post implying that not one but 2 pointers got pretty much no use before failing, post count had nothing to do with it.

There is only one post suggesting this pointer cannot be used with a glove, not many, not everyone, not all Americans... just one.

That is a thick leather work glove and nothing like as thin as a Latex rubber glove, rather obvious in the video, but thanks for your assessment, people can decide for themselves, just hope you're better at assessing pinpointers than gloves that's all I can say.

I have a lot of American friends who I respect very much, I said I don't like American reviews of products... big difference there. You review things so your on here having a go at me, fine, the video is there to be watched and like I said people can make up their own minds about the pointer and gloves, and now also your assessment of said glove.

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I clearly said in my last post that I was probably wrong about the post count thing and that you will likely dislike anybody talking ill on your blessed Nokta.

I also clearly said that is was not as thin as latex....just soft like it.

Please try to at least read my responses before you type back your response....makes for an easier conversation.

Anybody who see the gloves in your video will see they are butter soft and and not indicative of what a newer less broken in glove would do.

Again...not as thin....just soft. Just like I said before.

This started as Makro vs. TRX but very quickly became Makro style vs Garrett side button style. I have used and owned them all and have logged a lot of hours, to where my old habit forming mind also has an opinion. As Bart stated, the Makro style pointer is a somewhat two handed device. This double hand operation also required for the user to stop and look to make the selection of your choice. Many of us like to hold our main detector in one hand pinpoint with the other until the exact location is determined, and then lay down the detector for the dig. With the two handed/ look to function it requires most operators to stop and lay down the detector and then proceed with the pointer until it is on and functioning. As Bart stated I also much prefer the side button TRX/Carrot style plus they do not get clogged up with debris in the surfaces and without looking I am hunting rather than programming the pointer.

My opinion on the Nokta pointer is based on over half year of use.
I love it!
Very sensitive and design is well thot through.
Tough, and reliable battery compartment - as with the Garret Carrot, no screwing down pressure on the
battery, with a rubber (cork?) shim, that dislodges easily.
The Nokta has its buttons at the upper end of the probe, away from getting grime, dirt and water, that gets worked
into any crevice of the thing.
Easily rinsed off after your hunt....its Water Proof to 3'ft (1m), and the TRX is only water-resistant, I believe.
If you so choose, it has the ability to have the light on while digging in a deep, dark hole - is good
It has two coil covers, both of which I use - one is smooth and the other has a scraper edge.
(have I convinced you? - hope so!)

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