Odd Tree

What is the the diamond shaped rock indicating? Please tell us.

These trees are so close to the road, the rocks original placement could have been disturbed by road crews bulldozers, picks and shovels.


well, they could be pointing at something or a direction, they could have something carved on the bottom or something hidden underneath them, or they could be indicating that the hootowl was created by the KGC. Look at the inside of this symbol of the freemasons. Maybe that could have some symbolism since the KGC members were tied to the Masons.


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Thanks boat, I will look around we were out today but the chain came off the atv, what a mess! lol.

BTR Wrote:
"These trees are so close to the road"

Not all of these are by the roads but in that case you are right, you can't count on the rocks to still be there if they ever were. I found a huge beech one weekend covered with carvings about 5 feet from a dirt road at a creek crossing. I went back the next weekend and it was cut down because they were clearing out to rebuild the bridge across the creek. I felt sick to my stomach. Across the road from the old beech about 20feet into the woods there was a rock in the shape of the state I was in. While I had a strong desire to take the rock, I didn't because I don't believe in destroying any signs or markers. Again I felt horrible to find out after the bridge was constructed, they cut a right of way right through the area in the woods just off the road and the rock was gone. It was such a unique rock and it was probably thrown away.

As for hootowls being near the road, some are but on my last hunt, while following signs, I was led out to a spot 2 miles deep in the woods from the nearest road. There I found an oak tree made into a pointer with 2 vertical branches. At about 10 feet high, both branches were grafted with Beech limbs. It raised the hair on the back of our necks when we saw this. On the hunt that I'm on now, I'm about a 1/4mile from the road into the woods and there quite a few hootowls at the site. Admittedly I can only prove that 4 were created by the KGC out of all of them.
Good luck,


You made my heart sing! Lovely way to start the day!

Do you remember Jane Froman..she sang the song "With a Song in My Heart"! Telling my age aren't I!

Do you have any idea why the tree was grafted with another type of tree?

Keep hunting and looking for those trees...one day they will all be gone.

Received Google Alert this morning:Great Article on Indian Thong Trees!


By The River

Hi again BTR,
Please understand that I do not consider myself an expert. I have learned a lot in the process of hunting KGC treasure but I know I still have much more to learn. I believe that some hootowl trees were put there near the road as an attention getter. But if you think about it, you probably passed right by many pointers before without even realizing it. Then after you became aware of them, they are like blinking lights getting your attention. Obviously where the KGC is concerned, they convey information when used in a treasure layout. As to why they grafted some of them, I can only assume that they are marking it for themselves to identify. The layout that I'm currently working has carvings on a tree depicting 4 hootowls. On the tree 2 of them are shown to have identifying marks. I was able to tell which 2 hootowls were the correct ones of the 4 by finding the marks on the actual hootowl trees that were shown on the carvings. Here I will post a picture of the pointer 2 miles deep in the woods and a picture of one of the branches clearly showing an oak on the bottom and a beech on the top with a line at the "joint". BTW, the face has been blurred to protect the innocent ;-)

Arkobnrs, Since you decided to change your picture to show us your pretty face, I decided I would go ahead and change my picture to show what a handsome devil I am...hahahaha (I crack myself up) ;D
Good luck,


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Boat thanks for all the info as always, that is a very interesting tree. I am curious about the carvigns of hoot owls and symbols...... were the carvings of trees or of actual owls? and the markings on the trees that were on the carvings also, how were they placed?

I had that pic on my IM and BTR thougth I should put it on here LOL so i did, nice pic capt. I can do the hand thingy, so guess im part vulcan....

I learn something new every day on this site!

Please post photos of any new trees you find. KGC or otherwise!


Hey you all!

I reached a milestone today! I hit 100 posts and decided I better pay up my 20.00 if I am going to be lurking on the site.....I am now an Official Charter Member! does this make me special?

I love all my new friends on this forum...thank you Brandy for posting those tree pictures...That is what brought me to this forum.

You are a beautiful gurl! inside and outside!

By The River


I am a thrift shop junkie. Can't pass one up. I am not a collector but seems like I have collected many items; one day I will retire and get me a booth to sell my thrift store finds.

I was stopped by a another shopper while walking out of a store with a large framed art piece, (I paid $3.59) he offered me 40.00 on the spot. Of course I refused, figured if someone is going to give me 40 I could probably get $400.00 for the art. I decided to keep the art piece, looks beautiful hanging in my bedroom.

One day I will get it appraised. It is a Marguerite Pearson large art work of a lady at the piano looking out her window, the frame is also very pretty, old and very ornate gold with some green color.

Thanks for posting the news article.



Is that for for chili Pepper?

I don't have a digital camera at the moment, I performed a search and found the same art print on the web site, however the frame is different.

I am at a different computer at the present time so am not able to send today, will send Monday.

It is a very pretty print somewhat dark with age and appears to be a replica and not an original oil.

Thanks for asking to view the print


nope, no chilli pepper, chelly short for Michelle - what my grandmother always called me, and p is my last name initial.

Would love to see the link when you get to the other computer!!

I posted in the wrong forum. So here it is!

If you know anything about this print please let me know....

Lady at the piano with black cat on chair.



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