Old parish register


Silver Member
Nov 12, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I found this while cleaning up on our place. The previous owner left stuff and told me to keep what I wanted. I wasn't really interested in it when I first saw it. While I was resting I opened it and saw the dates. The oldest date was the 2nd month of the year 1538. It shows the marriage dates of the people. Oh it's from the parish of Halifax. Not sure if it's from the New England . After reading a little of it. I believe its from Massachusetts. What would something like this be worth? 20180523_162530.jpeg20180523_161708.jpeg1527112281998.jpeg1527112366253.jpeg

Upvote 6
Looks like something that belongs in the local historical society. We found old court records in the attic where I grew up, we donated them to the historical society along with other old items I dug out of other's trash before it went to the dump.

It's not from here. I live in Alabama. The water damage is a lot in the first part of it. The rest is still very nice. To be as old as it is I'm impressed with the condition. In 20yr it will be 500 yrs. old.

Could be the missing link to a lot of peoples family trees

Looks like something that belongs in the local historical society. We found old court records in the attic where I grew up, we donated them to the historical society along with other old items I dug out of other's trash before it went to the dump.

As someone who has researched his own genealogy fairly extensively, I have to agree 100% with Loco here. The monetary value is probably pretty low but the intrinsic and historical value is very high. From the couple of pages you have posted it contains the last will and testament of people who's only memorial is probably in that book. It belongs in a society. I'm sure if it is from Mass. their historical society would be happy to pay the costs of transport. Heck, if it's Halifax Canada maybe we can get the Gov. to contact you.

My honourable mention nomination is ready and waiting to see what you do.

Couple of thoughts...contact the local Episcopal (Anglican) Diocese or Roman Catholic Church if you can determine the denomination. If it is Massachusetts, there may be a distinction, and likely it is Anglican.

If they do not want it, the State Archive would LOVE to have it. Through that (as others have mentioned) genealogy folks can have access without going through a business.

What is it worth? Well, whatever someone would give you for it, of course...but I'll venture to the families of the folks written in it, priceless.

GREAT find...one of the best mentioned here in a while. The stuff IS still out there.

Beautiful writing, what a treasure! :occasion14:

Outstanding find. It needs to find a home ( archive, museum ) in it's relevant colonial settlement. If you can find a historically famous family name in it, the value will be significant, I would think. Good luck Bob. Don't give it away.

Very neat find :thumbsup: I don't think it is from the 1500s though. It appears to be a genealogy book...? I can't see enough to be certain but it looks like transcriptions of family records

I think this is the record in your photo #3

Jackson Family Website - aqwg343

Michael BARSTOW was christened[SUP] 1[/SUP] on 17 Nov 1600 in Halifax, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. He died[SUP] 2[/SUP] on 23 Jun 1674 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Michael married[SUP] 3[/SUP] Grace HALSTEAD on 16 Feb 1624/1625 in Halifax, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.
Other marriages:
The 23 of june 1674.
I Michael Barstow (of Watertowne in the County of Middlesex within the Colleny of the Massachusetts in New England) beings at present, though weake in body, yett of sound mind and memory praised be God for itt; renouncinge and makinge void all former wills; doe make and declare this my last will and testament; my Soule I freely and willingly comit into the hand of God my Creator ; my body vnto the earth; at the charge of my Exicutor; hear after named ; by Christian buriall in assured hope of A joyfull resurrection through the purc1tas of Christ my redeemer;
and for my outward estate that God haue lent moe, I will and dispose of itt in manner as ffolloweth
I will and beqveath to my Dear pastor Mr John Sherman pastor of the Church in watertowne: my ffearm lyinge and beings in watertowne: and granted vnto mee by the inhabitants of the sayd towns: to him and his heyeres forever: and is accounted the 40 lott in the land known by the name of ifarme land
Item I giue to Hannah Barstow alias prince, one great bible, and ye debt due to nice in my booke, which her first husband William Barstow was indebted to mee in my booke
Item I give to yᵉ Church of Christ in Watertowne sixteens pounds to be paid in cash within one year after my decease
Item I give to Elizabeth Randall the wife of William Randall (of Sittuate in plymoth Colony) fiue pound to be payd in cash within one year after my decease
Item I give to Susan perry the wife of William perry (in marshfejld colleny) flue pound to bepaid in cash within one year after my decease
Item I glue to michaell Barstow (the soon of John Barstow deceased, to him and his heires forever,) my lott of vpland and meddow, lyinge and being in watertowne near the dwellings house of John Trains, bounded South and west with the high way north and east with lands of Joseph Tainter, and Edinand Bloyse, and also I give him my lott att bare-hill, lyinge in Watertowne, and known by the name of land in the leiue of township.
Item I giue to John and Jerimiah Barstow, the children of the aforesaid John Barstow Deceased, to each of them flueteene pounds apdice to be payd in cash within one year after my decease
Item I give to Deacon Thomas Hastings of Watertowne, term pound to be paid in cash within one years after my decease
Item I give to Deacon Henry Bright of Watertowne, fforty shillings to be pavd in cash within one year after my decease
Item my will is that the rest of my estate, houseinge, lands, household 22
170 Michael Barstow's Will. [April,
goods, bills, bonds, chattills and debts, the whole and singular reall and pa-0--l' of what kind soever (debts and fFanerall charges beinge first discharged) be eqvally divided into teen parts or shares, two of which parts or shares, I giue unto the children of my Brother George Barstow deceased, and eight of the said shares, I giue to the children of my Brother William Barstow deseased, that is to each child a single share of the tenn shares or parts
Item I doe nominate, apoint and ffully awthorize the aforesaid Deacon Thomas Hastings, my sole exicutor desiring him to performe this my last Will according to the true intent and purpose of itt
Item my Will is that, Deacon Henry Bright aforesaid be overseer of this my last will and testament. In confirmation of this aforesaid to be my last last Will, I Michaell Barstow, haue herevnto put my hand and seal the day above written
In the presence of Henrie Bright
The marke of _______ John Traine senior
John Bright

I wouldn't know. It's not my thing. Maybe more pictures you can tell. It's some fancy hand writing. The writing is broke up with empty pages in between. Maybe the binder can help. Thanks for the input.20180523_204124.jpeg20180523_204100.jpeg

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