Old story ...let's be careful out there

The link , in your link, that allows the reader to read the "rest of the story", is not working.

But I'm very familiar with the story. It is JUST SO CLASSIC about how person's can become sincerely convinced that they "know where a treasure is". And have machine readings that "tell you something's down there". And will go to insane measures , that defy all logic, .... utterly convinced they know where a treasure is.

The machine in this case was a TM 808. No doubt the guy was using it wrong (steel-toed boots ? improper settings ? WHO KNOWS ?). Gets a signal in his yard. Starts digging. Each time he turns on the detector, it still beeps. So he digs deeper. Even gets to the point where he hires guys to dig. Eventually coming under the scrutiny/curiosity of his neighbors. And then the public works dept (d/t it's becoming a hazard ? Or falling afoul of const./building codes?).

But the guy will not be convinced. I suppose that all these people, in-his-mind ... are trying to "keep him from his treasure", that's "just out of reach" . Heck, maybe he even knew an old yarn of a treasure story of some historical happening in his area. Which would be ALL THE MORE PROOF that the beep in his yard is treasure, right ?

It's a good story that sheds light on the psychology of some of the claimed treasures that have made-the-rounds recently, even here on T'net. You know, someone comes on claiming they know where a treasure is. And now it's merely a matter of overcoming govt. red tape, or heavy equipment to drain a swamp and dig-down 60 ft, or thieves that no-doubt stole the $ when he wasn't looking, etc... But rest assured: a Treasure certainly exists or existed.

Good link that bears repeating.

Sorry about the link. Not sure about how to fix. The comments are hilarious. Will try find a different link.

this one about the man with steel toe shoes

The guy dug 60 feet! Heck, the deepest I've dug is 4 ft...only because black sand was moving around inside my coil cover!
Just kidding

Ok, let's take a vote :

a) How many believe there was a treasure in the guy's yard, that the big-bad govt. kept him from getting ?

b) How many believe there was a "more plausible explanation" for the beep he thought he was getting, and/or whatever research he had that made-him-think something was in his yard ?

If he is any thing like me...the target was simply falling deeper and deeper into the hole. Happens all the time! And it is usually a cent...so I vote "b".

Let me guess...


The gold was actually on the surface but on the OTHER side of the planet.

Thats crazy but if you add up all the holes Ive dug over the years I could be eating Chinese food

It may have been some sort of false signal from his aluminium hat. Seriously though, we have all dug silly holes at one point or another. We learned that if it isn't where its supposed to be, it isn't what its supposed to be. I don't go over fourteen inches at the beach. Anything three inches or less in a yard I use a probe and a pocket knife, no plug. Learned the probe from an awesome detectorist that shares his hunts online. I have friends that only dig deep targets.

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