
Jr. Member
Aug 11, 2017
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Went to pick up some rolls today that a teller had told me about. The lady said that she had $540 in halves. I asked if they were from one person, and she said that all but $40 werte from that person. She said that the $500 had been gone through, so I took the $40. Skunk. As I was driving home, I stopped at banks along the way. For some reason, I stopped at a bank I hadn't stopped at in about 2 years, because whenever I had been there before, they ne3ver had any halves, and I stopped about one a month for two years. Today I stop in and ask the teller if she had any halves. All three tellers chuckled , and i said "ok?" She then told me a person had dropped off $900 worth that morning. I figured that it was a CRHer, and that they had been gone through. She said she didn't know, but the lady that dropped them off had put the dates of the coins on the rolls. She had a bunch of rolls at her station, and she showed me a 1971 1973 1973 etc. I asked if any of the rolls were from the 1960's. She looked and said yes. She pulled out one, then another,then another, and another, etc. When she finally finished pulling out the rolls, there were 41 ROLLS of 40%ers, and 2 rolls of 90%ers. I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY GOOD LUCK. My son took some pictures if the coins all unrolled, and then sent them to my email. When I figure out how to get them from my email to this site, I will have pictures for you guys.


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Don't ya just love it whe you get surprised like that? Even without pictures you gave me a big grin, happy for you.

You had an awesome day CVB, congratulations!

Just goes to show, BUY THEM ALL! You never know what may be mixed in. Congrats on an amazing score! All I ever get is $900 of smelly DUMP.

Awesome score!! However, I do not recommend asking tellers for certain year coins-- they might wonder why you wanted halves from the 60s and older and do some research and save the silver for themselves next time. Always buy them all. This is why it is called coin roll hunting.

I used to buy them all, but since 2016, there are no banks that have coin machines, so I have to reroll everything. I can't even do dimes anymore because it is too time consuming to reroll dimes.

I used to buy them all, but since 2016, there are no banks that have coin machines, so I have to reroll everything. I can't even do dimes anymore because it is too time consuming to reroll dimes.

Dude... Hop in your corvette and go back and buy the other $500.

Did you ask if the lady brought in anything else like dimes, quarters, nickels, cents? Big dollars?

Great find and score but don't let a little work like re rolling coin get in the way!

By a coin counter like I use for doing Arcade collections. Makes short work of a lot of coins. They sell for cheap on ebay. You might want the electric one. Klopp is the best but most expensive. I had three and most were $100 and came with all the tubes for all the different coins.


Congrats Bill. That is a lot of silver! I do agree with others. I'd drive up there right now and ask if the lady deposited other denominations. The best way to be kind to other potential hunters is buy them all and return the dump coins to a different bank. It helps preserve the game. As for rerolling, I WISH we were allowed to reroll in my area. They won't allow it. Tellers used to hate seeing me come with my dumps because it meant a lot of work for them! I think that was the biggest thing that got me shut down with at least one band and one credit union. I'd probably still hunt a little here and there if I could reroll.

That's 'Gettin Paid' .
Where to re-sell tho?

A BIG CONGRATS, just being there at the right time cuz you were at the RIGHT PLACE. I envy your treasure. Nice job.

Congrats! That teller had to have been new.
That's a heck of a haul of 40%, and to think we used to throw those back.

Wow that's awesome!!! That's a tricky situation when they have dates on the outside. I have seen many a teller get the silver bug and a great pickup bank turns into a dump bank for a few years. Once one gets the bug its highly contagious. Still I have walked away from many a $900- $1000 to $4000 dump. Too many hunters in my area- I'd break the shocks on my car trying to haul all those searched coins. Have I missed a few good ones? Of course. I have also sniped solid rolls out from under $1000 dumps by asking the right questions quickly. When I do get that nice score I often am in such excitement I forget to ask for other denominations. Its hard to think on your feet. Great work, I don't think anyones done better on here in a long time.

Wow that's awesome!!! That's a tricky situation when they have dates on the outside. I have seen many a teller get the silver bug and a great pickup bank turns into a dump bank for a few years. Once one gets the bug its highly contagious. Still I have walked away from many a $900- $1000 to $4000 dump. Too many hunters in my area- I'd break the shocks on my car trying to haul all those searched coins. Have I missed a few good ones? Of course. I have also sniped solid rolls out from under $1000 dumps by asking the right questions quickly. When I do get that nice score I often am in such excitement I forget to ask for other denominations. Its hard to think on your feet. Great work, I don't think anyones done better on here in a long time.

I'm still learning how to optimize my CRHing, so I'm curious what you mean exactly by "asking the right questions." Are you asking about who happened to sell which halves they have in stock at a given time?

Wow that's awesome!!! That's a tricky situation when they have dates on the outside. I have seen many a teller get the silver bug and a great pickup bank turns into a dump bank for a few years. Once one gets the bug its highly contagious. Still I have walked away from many a $900- $1000 to $4000 dump. Too many hunters in my area- I'd break the shocks on my car trying to haul all those searched coins. Have I missed a few good ones? Of course. I have also sniped solid rolls out from under $1000 dumps by asking the right questions quickly. When I do get that nice score I often am in such excitement I forget to ask for other denominations. Its hard to think on your feet. Great work, I don't think anyones done better on here in a long time.

I'm still learning how to optimize my CRHing, so I'm curious what you mean exactly by "asking the right questions." Are you asking about who happened to sell which halves they have in stock at a given time?

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