One of those days

Dok Holliday

Hero Member
May 2, 2011
Eastern Iowa
Primary Interest:
{angry rant}
On the heels of my credit union cutting me off from coin counter bags...and me changing my monthly order to boxes...this is really frustrating. The week after I setup my weekly order, a teller I wasn't familiar with told me that she didn't have the coins for me after checking witht he vault, and asked if I had a standing weekly order. I told her that I most certainly did have a standing weekly order! After much checking with other tellers and what I'm told was the head teller who was upstairs "for her review" I was told they didn't order my coins, and wanted me to call every week with my coin order.

Up until 2 weeks ago I've had no problems with this branch...then they cut me off from coin counter coins...and then they screw up my weekly order. I get the feeling they don't want my business. I have $250,000 sitting in a money market account with them...right now I feel like being a jerk, going to pull my quarter mill, and explain to a manager why I'm doing it: I no longer feel like I'm getting exceptional customer service.
{/angry rant}

Honest question. Is being a bank teller really a difficult stressful job? I'm an IT Engineer and don't really find my job stressful. I see being a bank teller is all about following a simple procedure. 1. Llisten to customer's request 2. Decide if I can do it or not. 3. If so, do it, if not, explain why I can't and what the alternatives are. Something seems to be amiss in this process all of the sudden...

There has to be an easier way to get coins...

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I would jerk my money out of that CU real fast. And let the manager know why, mention names if possible.

To treat any customer the way that they have treated you, or any non-customer for that matter, is not a business I would want to
frequent. I would keep $5.00 (Minimum in the Credit Union) in a savings account and you now have a new dump bank!

mdockter said:
{angry rant}
On the heels of my credit union cutting me off from coin counter bags...and me changing my monthly order to boxes...this is really frustrating. The week after I setup my weekly order, a teller I wasn't familiar with told me that she didn't have the coins for me after checking witht he vault, and asked if I had a standing weekly order. I told her that I most certainly did have a standing weekly order! After much checking with other tellers and what I'm told was the head teller who was upstairs "for her review" I was told they didn't order my coins, and wanted me to call every week with my coin order.

Up until 2 weeks ago I've had no problems with this branch...then they cut me off from coin counter coins...and then they screw up my weekly order. I get the feeling they don't want my business. I have $250,000 sitting in a money market account with them...right now I feel like being a jerk, going to pull my quarter mill, and explain to a manager why I'm doing it: I no longer feel like I'm getting exceptional customer service.
{/angry rant}

Honest question. Is being a bank teller really a difficult stressful job? I'm an IT Engineer and don't really find my job stressful. I see being a bank teller is all about following a simple procedure. 1. Llisten to customer's request 2. Decide if I can do it or not. 3. If so, do it, if not, explain why I can't and what the alternatives are. Something seems to be amiss in this process all of the sudden...

There has to be an easier way to get coins...

I wish we could order direct. :dontknow:

koala33 said:
mdockter said:
There has to be an easier way to get coins...
I wish we could order direct. :dontknow:

YES! I wish I could deal with the coin delivery services directly. I would most certainly pay a fee to do so....just because it would be easier.

mdockter said:
Honest question. Is being a bank teller really a difficult stressful job? I'm an IT Engineer and don't really find my job stressful. I see being a bank teller is all about following a simple procedure. 1. Llisten to customer's request 2. Decide if I can do it or not. 3. If so, do it, if not, explain why I can't and what the alternatives are. Something seems to be amiss in this process all of the sudden...

There has to be an easier way to get coins...

As a teller myself, I can say it is not a stressful job. Customers that are jerks are few and far between. Jerks tend to not have any money and usually don't stop into a bank. If an jerk does have money, well then, they are usually really nice because we're handling their money. They don't want to get on our bad side for fear that we'll steal their money or something odd like that.

And you are right. That is usually our procedure.

Say hi to customer. Do whatever customer asks. Say good bye to customer.

Other than that, we do the usual paperwork, but most of the job is just downtime.

Edit - This might be the only forum in the world that bans curse words anymore. Really archaic...

Thanks for the info.

I'm over the anger now. As it is now my only supply bank I'm cut off for the week. Instead, a buddy and I are going to take a road trip into uncharted territory tomorrow, as we get off work at noon. When we've went out, we've always found the AG.

I may have to deversify my supply banks. My fault that I didn't do that earlier.

mdockter said:
I have $250,000 sitting in a money market account with them...right now I feel like being a jerk, going to pull my quarter mill, and explain to a manager why I'm doing it: I no longer feel like I'm getting exceptional customer service.

I'd have the conversation with the manager first, explaining how you planned to do just that, and why, and see what he says. If he blows you off, then do it. If not, you should get better service - maybe not "exceptional"; economic times being what they are, what you experienced might be from a cost-savings policy. However, to keep from losing $250k worth of deposits, exceptions can usually be made.

Is being a bank teller really a difficult stressful job?

No, but it's not the best paid job, and you can get burned out pretty quick. The stress doesn't come from the job itself, it comes from often not being able to support your family; I know of at least two tellers that have second jobs to make ends meet. Ironic that they're handling tens of thousands of dollars a day, and aren't paid like they are.

FormerTeller said:
No, but it's not the best paid job, and you can get burned out pretty quick. The stress doesn't come from the job itself, it comes from often not being able to support your family; I know of at least two tellers that have second jobs to make ends meet. Ironic that they're handling tens of thousands of dollars a day, and aren't paid like they are.

Kinda like how we underpay teachers...ironic and sad :(

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