OUR HARRISBURG CORRESPONDENCE.;Carlisle Published: July 1, 1863

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OUR HARRISBURG CORRESPONDENCE.; The Report of a Spy--His Adventures in Carlisle and Vicinity--Ewell's Corps There, Numbering 20,000 Men--Lee's Movements--The Work of the Copperheads--Information to the Enemy--The Rebel Intentions, &c.

HARRISBURGH, Monday, June 29, 1863.

I have just had an extremely interesting conversation with a young man whose name I dare not mention, because if the rebels should ever catch him they would surely shoot or hang him as a spy -- for such he was. He voluntarily went within their lines, and traversed all their camps in the vicinity of Carlisle, with which country he is entirely familiar, While in Carlisle he met an old friend now in the rebel army, and through him was introduced to several of the rebel Generals, who talked with him very freely. They said he could not get out of town, and they did not care how much they told him. He is brave, adventurous, and as cool as a man can be, though he is but a mere boy. He made his escape over the South Mountain, though the rebel soldiers were in pursuit of him, and he arrived in Duncannon at 2 1/2 o'clock this morning. He walked twenty miles in three hours and a half, having left Carlisle at 11 1/2. He arrived here in the 12 o'clock train.

Nearly the whole of EWELL's corps is at and about Carlisle, and it numbers about 20,000 men. Gen. EARLY left yesterday, with a considerable body of troops, for Gettysburg. All the expeditions here-abouts have been made from this corps. Gen. ANDERSON's corps is close behind at Chambersburgh, and advancing. Gen. LEE passed through Chambersburgh yesterday, on his way to Gettysburgh. He holds the centre, which is composed, in part at least, of LONGSTREET's corps. EWELL is on the left, and A.P. HILL, who is now at Hagerstown, on the right. The whole rebel army is on this side of the Potomac, and most of it in Pennsylvania. It consists, probably, of not far from one hundred thousand men.

The information of the rebels is very full and accurate. They showed my informant a complete map of the fortifications here, and told him of fords on the river. They know as well as we do the number of men that we have, and their character. They say that our militia won't be able to stand two volleys of musketry, and that they are not afraid of as many as we can bring against them. There are plenty of Copperheads, who furnish them all the information they want, and point out to them the places where goods are hidden. While they use these men, they despise them. "There," said a rebel officer to my informant, "do you see that man?" (pointing to one of these sympathizers.) "Well he is a -- rebel; and if I were in the place of you people that are loyal, I would hang him as soon as we get away from here." The individual alluded to felt the force of the remark, and left. The rebels concurred in saying they honored an open enemy, but despised a snake. The more I think of it, the more I wonder that a Northern man can be found who will aid the rebels while invading the Free States. That some Southern people retain their loyalty to the Union, and their affection for the old flag, is not surprising, but a traitor to the Union in the Free States is an anomaly.

Gen. EWELL said he should encamp in front of Harrisburgh to-night, and would have done so last night but that he preferred not to travel on Sunday, where it could be avoided. Several of the other Generals said the intention of the rebel army was to capture Harrisburgh at all events, and then march on Philadelphia. They all appear to be in the greatest spirits, particularly the officers, who have of late had very superior quarters to those they are accustomed to. The privates are many of them better clad than the wretched tatterdemalions who are brought in as prisoners; but they seem to feel very well, and marched through the streets of Carlisle singing "Dixie" at a great rate. They are very rude and unfeeling in their conduct toward our prisoners, tantalizing and abusing them when they are taken through the camps. They told my informant that HOOKER had retreated to Washington and that GRANT had been repulsed at Vicksburgh, both of which statements they profess to believe.

A great many desert from the rebel army. The mountains are full of deserters, and they come into Harrisburgh every day. The picket guard has been doubled in order to prevent this. I apprehend Gen. LEE will find a good deal of trouble on this score. Thousands of the privates are tired of fighting and have no heart in the cause. Now that they have got into a Free State and having a good chance, if they once get beyond the pickets, of escaping North, many will leave and regain their freedom. After the first great fight, when the usual precautions to catch deserters are necessarily somewhat intermitted, the rebel army will unquestionably lose heavily in deserters and stragglers. Heretofore, if they escaped, they could only go south. Now the case is quite different. The most of them, however, are very plucky. They say they are fighting for their rights, and that if they can only succeed in staying North during the Summer they are sure to be recognized.

They make requisitions on the inhabitants for all they want. They made one requisition on Carlisle yesterday morning for 1,500 rations, and later in the forenoon another for 500 barrels of flour. They strip the stores, but touch nothing in private dwellings, and they are courteous and polite to citizens, particularly ladies, I am happy to be able to say, also, that our ladies do not follow the example of Southern ladies in their treatment of the rebel soldiers.

Thus, while we of the North have been quibbling, grumbling and criticising, instead of aiding the Government -- manoeuvring for the next President instead of fighting for our country, and quarreling about our Generals instead of following them cheerfully, a powerful, desperate and determined foe has invaded our soil and driven our citizens from their homes. While our peace Democracy have been advocating an armistice, and resisting all our preparations for men, the character of the issue has changed, and now we are obliged to fight or be conquered. Why don't FERNANDO WOOD go down to Gettysburgh and ask LEE if he won't consent to an armistice? I think Mr. LEE would say, if he deigned to answer him at all, that he would talk about that when he should get to Philadelphia. Even now, appalling as the danger is, I hear from all quarters, both high and low, scarcely less vindictive denunciations of the War Department and the Abolitionists than of the rebels. "Why don't the President send up 10,000 men from HOOKER's army," they whine, "and defend Harrisburgh." As though any one would think of such a thing as dividing the army, which is our only hope, to save such a contemptible little village as this. People have got so into the habit of blaming and finding fault that it seems as though they could do nothing else. They are doing better now, however, than they yet have. The whole population is ready to take up arms; very many are formed into companies. The veterans of 1812 have taken their muskets and cartridge boxes. Two companies of negroes were armed yesterday and marched through the streets, strange to say, without being insulted. The thought seemed to impress itself on every mind that there was bone and muscle even if the skin was black. The darkies themselves are highly delighted. They polish up their muskets and stuff their cartridge boxes full, laughing and chatting all the time as merrily as possible -- tickled as a child with a new toy. These men have never been drilled much, and are officered by colored men, but I am inclined to think they will fight as well as the militia. When we consider the fearful risk they run we must acknowledge that it requires a high order of courage for a negro to enlist.

The fortifications are finished, and there are now a great many troops to defend them. They are impregnable, if well defended, and I hope the rebels will find cause to change the contempt they feel for our militia into admiration, when once they test their mettle. I do not suppose the great battle will be fought here; but I have very little doubt of their intention to take Harrisburgh if they can do it. Though they made no use of the capture, it would be a great thing to say that they had taken the capital of Pennsylvania. It would be worth five thousand men to them. If, however, they mean to stay in the North the whole Summer, they could not do better than to occupy Harrisburgh permanently. In the meantime, a few days longer will explain the whole plan up to the first battle.

The Philadelphia Age published on its bulletinboard to-day that there were no rebels near Harrisburgh. A message was sent to Gen. COUCH that the statement was believed in many quarters, and that it had the effect which was undoubtedly intended -- to stop enlistments -- and asking for the facts. He answered that the rebels were within four miles of Harrisburgh and advancing, and that an attack was hourly expected.

Col. COPPIE is relieved of his onerous duties, and his place is filled by WAYNE MCVEIGH, Esq., who is an old newspaper man, and will, I hope, be able to give us more news than we obtained from Col. COPPIE.

There was a slight skirmish over the river to-day. Nobody hurt, but some a good deal frightened. The Seventy-first New-York was engaged; also, SPENCER MILLER's battery. The rebels were about one hundred and fifty cavalry. They have made no advance this afternoon, so far as heard from. A detachment was seen at a point about thirty miles north of Harrisburgh, on the river, but no report has yet come of their operations.

The bridge company at this place keep an account of all the soldiers and teams that cross the river, and intend to present their bill to the State or the National Government, whichever they think will be fool enough to pay it. Patriotic! :D


just at present, seems to be this: LEE's whole army is in Pennsylvania and the borders of Maryland. LEE himself is at the centre, at or near Gettysburgh, with LONGSTREET's corps. A.P. HILL is on the right, and EWELL on the left. The latter corps is much the strongest, and numbers, according to information received by Gov. CURTIN, thirty-seven thousand men. Other accounts place it at thirty-four thousand. LONGSTREET's corps is said to be only ten thousand, but this, it seems to me, must be a mistake. ANDERSON's corps is in reserve, and is now at Chambersburgh. The whole rebel army must number at least one hundred thousand men.

EWELL's corps, which consists largely of cavalry and mounted infantry, and were the first to advance into the Cumberland Valley, is charged with the double duty of watching our movements and making excursions to various points for the purpose of plunder, and also to break our railroad connections. L[???]N is advancing on Bloody Run, probably to capture MILROY's remnant, at the same time a force is at Perryville, thirty miles north of Harrisburgh, and will probably cut the Pennsylvania Railroad at some important point. A force is also at York, and has laid that unfortunate city under contribution to the amount of $150,000 in money and a large amount of flour and other edibles. These points are at least one hundred miles apart. A large force is threatening Harrisburgh, and all these detachments are parts of EWELL's corps. I think the other corps, LONGSTREET's, A.P. HILL's and ANDERSON's, are to be held in hand, while EWELL's does the Work of burning bridges and cutting off our communications with the North, East and West, and at the same time collects together horses and supplies for the main army. I can no longer doubt that the rebels intend to carry on the Summer campaign in the North. It is a desperate movement, but it is their only hope. They must neutralize our victories in the West if they can. If we can beat them the rebellion is crushed, for whether we capture and destroy their army, or whether we only drive them back to Richmond, they cannot live through another Winter. The "black cloud" is gathering in the Southwest. A counter fire is gathering in the Northeast. When the fire and the cloud meet, the bolt that falls will destroy the last vestige of the rebellion. The people of the North must realize the fact that the rebels have actually attempted their conquest, for such is the fact. They trust to the machinations and schemes of their friends here to succeed. May this be discouraged and foiled now and forever.

Gen. COUCH has issued an order forbidding all newspaper correspondents to cross the river.

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The Rebel Army.
Published: July 1, 1863

The Army of Gen. LEE, which for a week past has been scattered in detachments over the lower counties of Pennsylvania, from York to Franklin, and from the Susquehanna River to the Potomac -- a region sixty miles wide and seventy-five miles long -- seems now to be effecting a concentration, either as preparatory to other work or to shield itself from danger. Shippensburgh, a place on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, between Harrisburgh and Chambersburgh, thirty-four miles southwest of the former, and ten miles from the latter, seems to be the point toward which the enemy's columns are tending. They seem, by the news, to have moved in this direction from Chambersburgh, to have fallen back in this direction from Harrisburgh and Carlisle, and to have retired from York and Gettysburgh, in the same direction.

Shippensburgh is an excellent point for the rebels -- in the midst of a country full of supplies, with the best of communication, and capable of good defence.

It may be that they have been compelled to this step by the movements of our army, regarding which we are very much in the dark. It may be that it is for the purpose of moving en masse toward the Relay House, so as to get between Washington and Baltimore. It may be that it is preliminary to a march back to the other side of the Potomac, with a view of taking Harper's Ferry and its garrison on the way. Events develop rapidly, and we shall soon know.

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THE REBEL INVASION.; Important Intelligence Regarding the Movements of Lee. Sudden Withdrawal of His Forces from Before Harrisburgh. Hurried Evacuation of York and Other Places. Probable Concentration of the Rebel Army at Shippensburgh. The Army of the Potomac Pressing it Closely. A Great Battle Expected in the Cumberland Valley. Pleasanton's Outer Pickets Reported Near York.A Cavalry Fight and Defeat of theRebels at McConnellsburgh.MARTIAL LAW IN BALTIMORE.SPECIAL DISPATCHES FROM WASHINGTON. TELEGRAMS FROM HARRISBURGH. THE REBELS RETIRING. TELEGRAMS FROM COLUMBIA, PENN. TELEGRAMS FROM PHILADELPHIA. TELEGRAMS FROM BALTIMORE. EYCITEMENT AT OXFORD, PENN.

WASHINGTON, Tuesday, June 30.

Advices received here this evening indicate that LEE is at last thoroughly aroused to the peril of the position in which he has entangled his army. He is drawing in his forces to the neighborhood of Shippensburgh, where a great battle will probably be fought.

The position of our army cannot be stated, but the public may rest assured that it is rapidly forcing conclusions with the enemy. Its present numbers, and moral and physical condition are such as to give informed parties here to-night the most sanguine expectations. The tide has turned to-day, and will hardly flow again in the enemy's favor.

HARRISBURGH, Tuesday, June 30 -- 1 o'clock P.M

The city is now as quiet as though it was Sunday.

There is no excitement in the city.

The soldiers are all at their posts.

Yesterday 400 cavalry, belonging to Col. PIERCE's command, late MILROY's, had a fight with IMBODEN's cavalry at McConnellsburgh, defeating them and driving them through the town.

The rebels had three killed. On our side two men were wounded. We took thirty-three prisoners.

The rebel division of Gen. EARLY left for York this morning, taking the road to Carlisle.

Gen. LEE is now concentrating his army in the valley between Shippensburgh and Chambersburgh, evidently anticipating an attack from the Army of the Potomac.

Gen. EWRLL's rebel corps is still in front of Harrisburgh, and may commence the attack at any time.

HARRISSBURGH. Tuesday, June 30,

All is quiet. The rebels have retreated beyond Carliale.

COLUMBIA, PENN., Tuesday, June 30.

S. S. BLAIR, Train-master on the Northern Central Railroad, left York at 8 o'clock this morning, when the rebels had all left, except their rear-guard, which was beginning to move off when he left.

The rebels are supposed to be moving toward Harrisburgh. They left unexpectedly, and in a hurry.

It was reported that Gen. PLEASANTON's outer pickets had been seen within four miles of York.

The total demand on York by the rebels, amounted to three hundred thousand dollars.

The citizens raised $30,000 In cash and subsistence, and the rebels allowed them twenty days to raise the balance.

No private families were molested. The citizens were all treated with respect.

The railroad property was not disturbed, with the exception of about thirty old cars that were at the shops awaiting repairs.

The railroad south of Glen Rock was not injured in any way.

The rebel force at York was not over 8,000, with eighteen pieces of artillery.

The rebel force at Wrightsville was 3,000, with five pieces of artillery.

PHILADELPHIA, Tuesday, June 30 -- 2 P.M.

Intelligence has been received here to-day that Gen. LEE and his Staff were at Carlisle last night.

A rebel infantry force was seen this morning, about fourteen miles from Harrisburgh, marching toward that city. They may come up to our forces some time this afternoon. An engagement is then expected to take place, although it may be postponed until the morning.

The telegraph wires are uninterrupted along the whole line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The trains are running also, but slowly and cautiously, so as to avoid surprise.

The Reading Adler, the organ of the Democrats and generally known as the Berks-County "Bible," has come out with a stirring appeal to the farmers to quit their fields and [???]ly for the defence of the State. A camp has been formed, and it is expected that there will be 20,000 men assembled there immediately.

PHILADELPHIA, Tuesday, June 30 -- 3:15 P.M.

A dispatch from Harrisburgh, received this morning, states that the authorities at Harrisburgh have information, apparently reliable, that EWRLL's corps, with portions of HILL's and LONSTREET's, will move this day toward Harrisburgh.

They number about forty thousand men.

The report that several companies of Col. THOMAS' regiment had been captured is incorrect. They have arrived safe, with but small losses.

PHILADELPHIA, Tuesday, June 30.

Fifty rebel prisoners from Harrisburgh arrived there to-day.

PHILADELPHIA, Tuesday, June 30 -- 8 1/2 A.M.

A special dispatch to the inquirer, from Baltimore, says:

"A train came in this morning Union Bridge, the western terminus of that Western Maryland-Rail- road, having pawed through Westminster. No rebels had appeared anywhere along the route.

It is ascertained that a large body of National cavalry reached Gettysburgh, took possession of the town, and captured quite a number of rebels. Our army is gradually moving in that direction.

The trains on the Northern Central Railroad run this morning to Parkton, twenty-six miles from Baltimore.

Several bridges have been destroyed north of Parkton.

No apprehensions are felt for the Baltimore and Washington Railroad, as it is strongly protected. The same may be said of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad.

The gunboats are in each of the gunpowder rivers, and at Havre de Grace and at Bush River.

The defences of Baltimore are now very strong.

All the negroes that can be found, without distinction, are impressed into the service and made to work in building fortifications.

The cars from Baltimore to Frederick, this morning, were obliged to return after reaching Sykesville, here a large force of rebel cavalry were seen tearing up the track and burning bridges.

The train narrowly escaped being captured.

BALTIMORE, Tuesday, June 30.

The American, this morning, publishes the following paragraphs:

A portion of the First Delaware cavalry regiment, which were stationed at Westminster, twenty-eight miles from the city, were attacked, yesterday, by rebel cavalry, and a running fight ensued, In which our cavalry were chased to within seven miles of the city, but few of the detachment reporting at headquarters.

Later in the evening it was reported that a considerable force of rebel cavalry were advancing toward the city on Keister's town road. The preconcerted signal was immediately given, and the members of the Union Leagues promptly assembled at their different headquarters, received their arms and marched to the barricades. The promptness with which the call was answered was highly creditable to their patriotism and courage.

The American also says:

We are gratified to be able to announce that the Army of the Potomac is in rapid and successful motion under its new commander, Maj.-Gen. MEADE. The character of this movement is such as will satisfy the country of the vigor, skill and good judgment of the new commander. We feel that we ought not to explain this grand movement in its present stage, but we assure our readers that it will give great satisfaction.

BALTIMORE, Tuesday, June 30.

The following definite information relative to the rebel cavalry force which crosses the Potomac River at the Point of Rocks on Saturday night, has been received by the American, in a letter from a Methodist clergyman residing at Brookville, Md.:

Very much to the astonishment of the citizens the rebels came in there on Sunday evening about 6 o'clock.

Gen. STUART was with the rebel force, and took possession of the Reverend gentleman's house.

The rebels had with them captured wagons, prisoners, contrabands and mules, besides other plunder.

On Monday morning the rebels left, going northward as is learned from another source.

The Reverend gentleman says he entertained five of the National prisoners (officers,) at breakfast, among them Major DOANE and Capt. MECKLING, of the United States Engineers.

This was doubtless the same rebel force which struck the Baltimore and Onto Railroad yesterday morning.

It is equally certain that it is the same rebel force which passed northwest of this city last evening, in the direction of Westminster, doubtless aiming to reach their forces at York or Gettysburgh, which gave rise to the alarm here last night.

BALTIMORE, Tuesday, June 30.

The American says:

"The response of the Union Leagues of this city last night to the call of Gen. SCHENCK For the public defence, was most prompt and enthusiastic. Old and young flocked to the armories to obtain arms, and the supply was not sufficient for one-half of those who presented themselves. By previous concert each company marched to its post at the barricades, and stood guard during the night.

We learn from a citizen of Westminster, who arrived here this morning, that the First Delaware cavalry made a most excellent fight, and fought with sabres and revolvers when first attacked, and until the enemy appeared in overwhelming numbers. The enemy came on by the Washington road, and at the time our cavalry were getting their horses shodt and preparing for a scout beyond. They captured two or three horses and men at a blacksmith's shop at the end of the town, when the balance charged on them in an effort to recover the prisoners. A fierce fight ensued, in which a number were wounded on both sides.

While the fight was going on about 300 more rebel cavalry came in sight, when a retreat was ordered, and they passed through the length of the town, skirmishing and fighting the whole distance, in which one of the rebels was shot by a civilian who joined the Union troops. There were not more than sixty of the Delaware cavalry in the engagement, and it is feared that the greater portion of them were killed, wounded or captured. Not more than fifteen out of 110 in the command have reached this city."

Commodore DORUIN has, at the request of Gen. SCHENCK, placed two gunboats near the end of Broadway, and one at the bridge on the western side of the city, in an admirable position to bear upon the city and its approaches.

One o'clock P.M. -- The mail train that left Baltimore at 8 1/4 has just arrived at Monocacv. The timber for the burnt bridges, sent out on that train, was unloaded, and the bridge rebuilt in twent-five minutes, and the train crossed safely with its passengers."


BALTIMORE, Tuesday, June 30.

The American contains the following:


The immediate presence of a rebel army within this Department and in the State of Maryland requires, as a military necessity, a resort to all the proper and usual means of defence and security. This security is to be provided against known hostilities, and opposition to the lawful and National Government, from every quarter and in every form. Traitors and disaffected persons within must be restrained, and made to contribute to the common safety; while the enemy in front is to be met and punished for this bold invasion.

Martial law is therefore declared and hereby established in the City and County of Baltimore, and in all the counties of the western shore of Maryland.

The Commanding General gives assurances that this suspension of the civil Government within the limits defined shall not extend beyond the necessities of the occasion. All the civil courts, tribunals, and political functionaries of State, county or city authority, are to continue in the discharge of their duties, as in time of peace, only in no way interfering with the exercise of the predominant power assumed and asserted by the military authority.

All peaceful citizens are requested to remain quietly at their homes and in the pursuit of their ordinary avocations, except as they may be possibly subject to calls for personal services, or other necessary requisitions for military purposes or uses hereafter.

All seditious language or mischievous practices tending to the encouragement of rebellion are especially prohibited, and promptly be made the subject of observation and treatment. Traitorous and dangerous persons must expect to be dealt with as the public safety may seem to require.

To save the country is paramount to all other considerations. When the occasion for this proclamation passes by, no one will be more rejoiced than the Commanding General that he can revoke his order and return to the normal condition of a country at peace and a Government sustained by a united and loyal people.


ROBERT C. SCHENCK, Major Gen. Commanding.

OXFORD, Chester County. Penn., Tuesday, June 30.

The excitement at this point is increasing.

The merchants are moving away their goods.

Rebel scouts have been seen passing down the banks of the Susquehanna River, on the Harford side, and they have been reported at far down as Peach Bottom.

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THE GREAT BATTLES.; Our Special Telegrams from the Battle Field to 10 A.M. Yesterday. Full Details of the Battle of Wednesday. No Fighting on Thursday Until Four and a Half, P.M. A Terrible Battle Then Commenced, Lasting Until Dark. The Enemy Repulsed at All Points. The Third Battle Commenced. Yesterday Morning at Daylight. THE REBELS THE ATTACKING PARTY. No Impression Made on Our Lines. The Death of Longstreet,and Barksdale of Mississippi. Other Prominent Rebel Officers Killed or Wounded. A LARGE NUMBER OF PRISONERS. Gen. Sickles' Right Leg Shot Off. OTHER GENERAL OFFICERS WOUNDED. OFFICIAL DISPATCHES FROM GEN. MEADE. THE BATTLE OF WEDNESDAY. REPORTS FROM PHILADELPHIA. THE BATTIE OF THURSDAY. YESTERDAY'S BATTLE. Our Special Telegrams from the Battle Field. NEWS RECEIVED IN WASHINGTON. NEWS RECEIVED IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. REPORTS FROM HARRISBURGH. REPORTS FROM COLUMBIA, PENN. REPORTS FROM BALTIMORE. THE GREAT BATTLE. COL. CROSS, OF NEW-HAMPSHIRE, KILLED.


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