Overstreet Next Edition


Bronze Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Garrett AT Pro
Attn Colllectors: We are now accepting artifact submissions for the OVERSTREET NEXT EDITION Indian Arrowheads Identification & Price Guide! A lot of hard work has went into making this publication the most accurate to date and here's your chance to be a part of it. The artifacts that you submit do not have to be the biggest or sexiest, I'm really just looking for classic examples of their respective types. So, be sure to submit those field-grade relics as well! There are certain types that will be needed more than others (I'll compile a list for each region later), but you can submit anything that you like. Here's the criteria for the images:

(1) Clear photo with white or black background.

(2) 300 DPI is prefered, with image files no larger than 1mb each.

(3) Place a ruler next to the artifact (but not touching) to show scale, if possible.

(4) Include as much information as possible (material, beveling, smoothed edges, etc).

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask.

The link to the submission page is Over Street Next Edition - Typology Submission

Matt Rowe

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Quito, I would go ahead and submit everything and anything now. The regional lists that I mentioned will only a be the types that we have no images of at all - there are very few of those. However, we will be swapping out some images of the more common types too. Not all of the images presented will be used; however, I would rather see a new image used than one that has been in there for the past 15 years if they are comparable or show the same attributes.

Matt, I take it you are involved in this project. That is great to hear. I have criticized this publication for years because of things ridiculously priced or shown in areas where they aren't found. Glad to hear you are involved and will help correct those mistakes. I may actually purchase this one. lol

If there any certain types you need from Ohio, or basically any state since I have something from everyt state except Hawaii, let me know and I may have an example. Would you prefer individual pictures or can we submit site trays or state trays? Also, is it only Flint you are seeking or can we submit Bone, Shell, Stone, etc?

Steve, I'm supplying the typology and information. Steven Cooper will be the editor, and Jim Bennett will be doing the artifact grading & pricing. It's a complete overhaul of the book. I've spent hundreds of hours on it already and there's a lot more than I still need to do. There's quite a few changes; far more educational information will be added. The amount of images will be streamlined for a better flow (there doesn't need to be 7 pages of dovetail points) . Many types that are not valid have been removed, and many that are important will be added. The corrections and changes are pretty staggering if you compare previous volumes and the upcoming edition.

The submissions will have to be individual and flint only. I would love to have as many submissions as possible from everywhere in the U.S., that way there's a much larger pool of images to draw from.

Thanks, I guess if I would have opened the link first I would saw Flint only. lol

I'll get some photos and send them out ASAP.

Attn Colllectors: We are now accepting artifact submissions for the OVERSTREET NEXT EDITION Indian Arrowheads Identification & Price Guide! A lot of hard work has went into making this publication the most accurate to date and here's your chance to be a part of it. The artifacts that you submit do not have to be the biggest or sexiest, I'm really just looking for classic examples of their respective types. So, be sure to submit those field-grade relics as well! There are certain types that will be needed more than others (I'll compile a list for each region later), but you can submit anything that you like. Here's the criteria for the images:

(1) Clear photo with white or black background.

(2) 300 DPI is prefered, with image files no larger than 1mb each.

(3) Place a ruler next to the artifact (but not touching) to show scale, if possible.

(4) Include as much information as possible (material, beveling, smoothed edges, etc).

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask.

The link to the submission page is Over Street Next Edition - Typology Submission

Matt Rowe

Matt: I have submitted a couple of photos in the past and they were accepted for publication. My question is, the photos submitted in the past were 180 dpi. The ones I would like to submit now, are only 72 dpi. I just can't figure out how to up the dpi to a minimum of 300 dpi.
Thanks for your reply...

T.C., 300 DPI is ideal, but it's more of a suggestion than set in concrete. Just upload the best quality of photos that you can (under 1mb size) and we'll see what we can do. Thanks!

T.C., 300 DPI is ideal, but it's more of a suggestion than set in concrete. Just upload the best quality of photos that you can (under 1mb size) and we'll see what we can do. Thanks!

Thanks Matt!! Correct me if I'm wrong...you don't need any obsidian or chalcedony type points then.

@ Neanderthal

I have photos of a few points Id like to send you, but Im not 100% sure on the type or material they're made of. They're from Southern Arizona. Would you be interested?

Thanks Matt!! Correct me if I'm wrong...you don't need any obsidian or chalcedony type points then.
I'm not sure why you would think that. We absolutely appreciate any submission, from any part of the United States.

@ Neanderthal

I have photos of a few points Id like to send you, but Im not 100% sure on the type or material they're made of. They're from Southern Arizona. Would you be interested?

Yep. If you have the location of the find and aren't sure of the type, I may be able to help with that. I go over each one of the images and add information (type, material, etc) and then mark them for inclusion into the book. Be sure to check the criteria though, we really do need them on white or black backgrounds (makes it easier to edit) and we need size as well. A ruler would really help, but if you don't have one handy you can always fill in the dimensions field in the form. Be sure to take the pics in plenty of light and try not to be TOO close to the artifact, or it may affect the depth of field (that makes one part of the image more sharp than another). All submissions, from anywhere in the U.S. is greatly appreciated! State of exhaustion and minor damage doesn't matter either. If they have a tip or barb nick, go ahead and submit it because we want to show different grades.

What's the deadline on submissions?

Yep. If you have the location of the find and aren't sure of the type, I may be able to help with that. I go over each one of the images and add information (type, material, etc) and then mark them for inclusion into the book. Be sure to check the criteria though, we really do need them on white or black backgrounds (makes it easier to edit) and we need size as well. A ruler would really help, but if you don't have one handy you can always fill in the dimensions field in the form. Be sure to take the pics in plenty of light and try not to be TOO close to the artifact, or it may affect the depth of field (that makes one part of the image more sharp than another). All submissions, from anywhere in the U.S. is greatly appreciated! State of exhaustion and minor damage doesn't matter either. If they have a tip or barb nick, go ahead and submit it because we want to show different grades.

Sounds good, and yes I know where the ones Id like to submit came from, all from the Tucson area. It will take a little while for me to get some good clear photos, so until then.

I am really glad you are involved in this. My friend bought Bobs (Overstreet) house here in Tennessee and he left a bunch of mortars and pestles there I may pick up and my Uncle worked with him at Bowwater Corp. I have never got past his secretary,lol.
If you need any types from the south east let me know.

We need types from everywhere! What's kinda funny about all of this is that nobody seems to be submitting some of the more common types. They appear to assume that everyone else is submitting their dovetail, adena, and kirks and they won't have a chance of getting theirs in. Nothing can be further from the truth. Please, submit any classic examples of any type.

Just wanted to update you. Im having trouble getting some quality photos. My Sony camera is no longer with us and its difficult with an I-phone, so Im waiting on another camera to use.

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