Parlier saloon token


Silver Member
May 5, 2014
Central California
Detector(s) used
Minelab E-Trac and Whites MXT
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I found this saloon token in a vacant lot in Parlier, CA. It has a black corrosion on it. I've tried baking soda, acetone, a light bushing with a copper brush, and just about every other method to clean it. Any suggestions?

On one side it says Good For / 10 / In Trade and on the othe side it says Parlier / Saloon / Saloon Cal.



This is the only saloon token listed in Parleir, Cal Be darn careful on cleaning you could make it worse than better.

This is the only saloon token listed in Parleir, Cal Be darn careful on cleaning you could make it worse than better.

The cleaning that I have attempted has been very light. I am hesitant on doing too much because I don't want to harm the token, but I'd also like to see it. When I found it, it was not readable. I could tell it was a token by its shape, but it was so crusted over that the lettering was completely covered up. And I made a mistake on the says Parlier / Saloon / Parlier Cal.

What Groundsmn said is true! Feisel's California Saloon Tokens book reports a 5¢ token from the Parlier Saloon. Would you be willing to post pics on for the good of the hobby? Or, with permission, I could post your pics.
John in the Great 208

What Groundsmn said is true! Feisel's California Saloon Tokens book reports a 5¢ token from the Parlier Saloon. Would you be willing to post pics on for the good of the hobby? Or, with permission, I could post your pics.
John in the Great 208

You are more than welcome to post them. Thanks!

Killer, killer, token!
I've dug quite a few in my detecting life, but only one that says "saloon"
It looks aluminum, but we never get them out here in that good of condition. Is it brass?
Silly question, but have you tried nuking some peroxide in the microwave, then soaking?
Mucho Kudos!

Killer, killer, token!
I've dug quite a few in my detecting life, but only one that says "saloon"
It looks aluminum, but we never get them out here in that good of condition. Is it brass?
Silly question, but have you tried nuking some peroxide in the microwave, then soaking?
Mucho Kudos!

Thank you. It is aluminum and fairly thin. I have tried hot peroxide, which for me works well on pennies. Unfortunately it had no effect on removing the corrosion from the token. The only thing that has worked was lightly rubbing it with a baking soda paste, and that only worked to a point.

Brasso will clean it up good being allum

Sent from my SCH-S738C using TreasureNet in the middle of a field somewhere

Quick update on the cleaning of this token. First of all, thank you to everyone who gave me suggestions on how to clean it. I received a number of pm's with various ideas. The more I looked at the token, the more I wanted to try to clean it up a bit. However, I didn't want to expose it to a barrage of different chemicals or abrasives in fear of doing damage to it.

After doing some research I decided to try aluminum jelly (thanks Lastleg for the idea). It was a bit hard to find at first but I was able to eventually pick up a bottle at a small local hardware store for about five bucks. The directions say to apply a layer of the chemical and let it sit for no more than five minutes. After a few seperate five minute applications and gental rubbing with a q-tip, a good portion of the corrosion came off. If I were to work on it a bit more and take a toothpick to it, I could probably get it a little cleaner. I think I'm done though. I'm perfectly content with how it is now. The bit of corrosion that is left on it gives it character.

Here is a before and after picture.



You know that saloons back in the day had no restrooms with running water and soap dispensers.
Also they had an assortment of food items on the bar which were free such as boiled eggs, pig
knuckles and worse. No wonder you can't get it all off.

i see you been busy and thats a cool token. here in the valley they are far in between. parlier is an old town and as we know its gone through changes in the past few years. i use to deliver wine to the ( B ) bars in town and thats a great find. anyone reading this dont ask wat a B bar is unless you . :laughing7:

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