Plans set for electronic receiver



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Nov 14, 2011
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Mike, you're just another in a very long line of kitchen sink dabblers who want to pretend they know what they're doing. Before you set out on your latest magical journey, you should have bought an Electroscope, TreasureScope, Ranger-Tell, and Omnitron; took them all apart to see what's inside; then you would have seen just how low the bar was set for you. Do yourself a favor; take a dowsing rod, add some pretty blinky lights and maybe a couple of knobs, and call it done. It's as good as you're gonna get.

Yeah, Carl is right--I'm just a dumb hick from the Montana hinterlands with no electronics education but I believe in miracles just like the Jack And The Beanstalk faery tale. Will I ever get this contraption to market? Lord only knows. My motivation and enthusiasm levels are pretty much at an all-time low right now. Just feel fatigued with it all. I might even bet against it. Literally I have no one in the world who is with me on this. It's me against the world. The prognosis does not look favorable. But I'm obsessed. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.



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Nov 14, 2011
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Yeah, it's lonely here at the bottom. LOL I wish they had some pill to take to increase motivation. LOL i think about the only thing that can help me is to make a nice find, and I don't see that happening anytime soon. I don't even know if someone gave my a hundred grand to kick start this project if it would help. I read somewhere "Hope is not a strategy." Ever had a dream where you try to run but you can hardly move? That's what I feel like. LOL As I said, I believe in miracles and I guess i need one now. I kinda feel if I do get this project off the ground it WILL be a miracle. Obviously the problem is me. Like i told a friend on a stalled project he had, one week of hard work and it will be done. Maybe I should heed my own advice. I don't know--something is holding me back. Guess I need to figure that one out. When i look at all that needs doing I just get overwhelmed. Just need to get back on track, one step at a time. I'd like to say I feel better now, but I don't. LOL



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Nov 14, 2011
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Yep, pretty much your textbook definition of psychosis. What? You don't believe in faery tales or miracles? This is the stuff they are made of.

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Sr. Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Dowsing rods


DO NOT get discouraged!! After all, YOU are the one that MOTIVATED me some while ago when you made your comments about the ELIMINATOR e120 unit imagelocators(dot com) sells out of Greece!! I have a very small pension and how I would get the money to purchase their LONG RANGE LOCATOR KIT fr $450 I had NO IDEA how I would fund that purchase!! Yet, your comments inspired to the point that I KNEW "some miracle would happen" and I would get it. I KNEW. Well, almost a month ago it finally arrived (got here-USA in 72 hours!). The KIT is TWO units, the ELIMINATOR($250), plus gold-plated dowsing rods with a little box that has wires that plug into the bottoms of each rod. $40 for 2-day DHL shipping.

Repeated testing I am able to locate a hidden gold ring within 3 minutes at 35 feet. My son hides it, then I come out and do my search/test, and vice versa. He actually locates that signal line faster that I do EVERY TIME!! Both are 100% successful, even in 20mph wind conditions!! So, now my despair is that the cold has come and have to wait 5 months to go on our searches in the "field"...Living in Minnesota there are not a plethora of lost treasure targets to find, but yes,there are some and we are extremely hopeful. And we feel BLESSED by your ENCOURAGEMENT, and we are BOTH extremely grateful to you for that!! CHIN UP!! :-) :coins: :coins:

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Gold Member
Dec 9, 2012
Concrete, WA
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Nokta FoRs Gold, a Gold Cube, 2 Keene Sluices and Lord only knows how many pans....not to mention a load of other gear my wife still doesn't know about!
Primary Interest:
Signal Line: Don't know ya, and have only read the last couple pages of
the thread....


You need to lighten up on yourself! Holy've taken over analyzing
ones accomplishments and perceived failures to a whole new level. You've
got a lot on your plate right now, so mellow out before ya blow a circuit...

Short story... Back in my working life, I had the opportunity to work with
the new product development labs of dozens of tech companies. My part in
it involved the initial testing of prototypes, and I've seen, first hand, dozens
of these prototypes melt, catch on fire or simply explode.

Now, these products weren't built by guys like you and me, but by teams of
some of the best engineers around. Believe me, they weren't happy when
three months of redesign and redevelopment just went up in smoke in
front of them.

Point being, Rome wasn't built in a day, and you're developing a sensitive
electronic device. Quit taking it so ain't, and when the product
is right, it'll be right. Until then, ya keep plugging away. Keep in mind that
in the world of science, a test failure provides just as much data as a successful
effort. Either way, you learn something.

Stop, take a look around you and count your blessings, of which I am sure you have many!




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Nov 14, 2011
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Hey DD, many thanks for the moral support.Obviously i need it badly.

This one hasn't caught on fire yet. I ordered Carl's (and George's) book "Inside The Metal Detector" so maybe I should buy a fire extinguisher along with it. LOL I might be a dumb hick from the hinterlands of Montana (I like it that way!) but I'm not illiterate. And just maybe I will find something I can use in that book--you know some lights or whistles to add on like Carl says. A book I'm reading "Resisting Happiness" says if you aren't learning and swimming upstream, you are floating downstream like a dead fish. Talk about motivation! So I guess I'm starting to see my problem. LOL Merry Christmas!

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Nov 14, 2011
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Of course I was just joking about the fire extinguisher. I've never heard of any metal detector catching fire. Been running this one for over a year. Checked it with a thermal camera when I first built it and again about a month ago--just because.



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Once the ITMD book arrives I suspect I'll be off on ten different tangents. :laughing7::censored: I never bothered to look at the table of contents as I thought it was of little interest to me, but there are many subjects the book covers. So maybe I can hack something.



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Nov 14, 2011
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This project is still alive barely. My brain is scattered, I'm trying to get motivated to take the next step. Obviously that has been difficult for me lately. I kinda feel like I am starting to snap out of it, this depression, or apathy or whatever sort of psychological disorder I have. i don't feel s overwhelmed like i did the past few months. Well i hope so cause it ain't no fun to be like this. Probably short daylight hours is a big factor.

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Sr. Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Dowsing rods
signal_line READ THIS BRO!!! <3 - 3>

I told you -->>before<<-- already.....PM--->>ME Anytime, bro!!! F&^% this sh(* QUIT BEING a "victim" and WRITE to me, bro!!

This project is still alive barely. My brain is scattered, I'm trying to get motivated to take the next step. Obviously that has been difficult for me lately. I kinda feel like I am starting to snap out of it, this depression, or apathy or whatever sort of psychological disorder I have. i don't feel s overwhelmed like i did the past few months. Well i hope so cause it ain't no fun to be like this. Probably short daylight hours is a big factor.



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Nov 14, 2011
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Perfectionism is a form of insanity. Not that I'm perfect, not even, but every time i think of how I wish this locator to be, I get overwhelmed. i keep saying that one day I'm just going to have to say "It's good enough." People don't want to hear that, but like the line says "You can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself." I'm sure some people will mistake that as being self-centered. That's not what it is. More like if I don't get something out, there won't be anything. "Never was the kind to do as I was told" That's me, and not too smart.

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Nov 14, 2011
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I'm putting this project on hold until Spring. It's just been to much of a source of irritation and stress. This damned thing is owning me and I'm putting a stop to that. Just burnt out on all of it. So hopefully this Spring I will perform the CPR and revive the patient. I just need a vacation from this as it's not doing my health any good.



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Nov 14, 2011
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Just a little update. The project is still alive. Now me, that's another story, but I'm still breathing. Been through one cancer surgery, and a chemo treatment that was more painful than the surgery. Now just got news I need two more surgeries. No rest for the wicked. :BangHead: Weather and Ground Hog have not cooperated for anything outdoors. Snow, cold, more snow, more cold. It ain't going to melt anytime soon. Things could be a lot worse so I'm thankful for that.



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Nov 14, 2011
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This might all sound like gloom and doom, it's not. I have a lot to be thankful for. Winter is half way over today. I have very little pain right now, even my anxiety level is low. I have a wonderful doctor--I'll tell you, people like him are rare. Very nice and caring, not greedy. Can't get no better than that. The project has been a real nightmare but I guess any new project kinda rough going but at least it is going.

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Nov 14, 2011
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The weather has warmed enough to get outside in the yard to do more experimentation with the "improvements" i made over the Winter months. Was I ever disappointed! I had it working good indoors at short range < 20 feet, but outside it just was not working very well, hard to pinpoint. I can think of a few things that might have caused it, cold temperatures, wet sandy ground with a lot of mineralization, then there was all the changes i made to it. Well ,I solved some of the issues but everything comes with a price. It's costing more power. So I had to make some other mods. Still at it.



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Nov 14, 2011
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And if all this ain't enough, I had another strike on the antenna stabilizer "fantasy". I call it that because I have concluded it is not possible for me to ever get a working model. But on a good note, I did some controls adjustments and I am slowly clawing my way back up to where i "thought" I was last Fall. Like everything I do, slowly. My brain must be weaker than I know. So I always need a day or two to find out if my changes work or not. Now where did I put that rabbit's foot?

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Nov 14, 2011
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I'm sure you've heard the expression "You gotta love it." I guess I never really understood what that meant. Yeah, I'm slow. I thought it meant --This is so good you have no choice but to fall in love with it. Well, now I don't think that's what it means at all. I think it means --If you don't love it with all your heart you'll just hate it to the point of physical nausea. And it's a very fine line, like sitting on a fence you can easily fall one side or the other at any time. I've been messing with these frequencies for over two days and it's causing me pain just about everywhere. Not just physical pain. Lately there hasn't been a day gone by where i haven't said to myself I want to quit this project. Talk about your addiction--a little high then withdrawals, or like the Merle Haggard & Willie Nelson song "The reasons to quit, the low is always lower than the high." Somebody needs to start an LRL anonymous. LOL

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Nov 14, 2011
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It's been a tough last three days, but I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. A bit embarrassing, reminds me of the guy who said his AT Pro was not working right. Turns out he had the manual ground balance on and didn't realize it and never admitted it. LOL So yeah, I did the panic thing, too. I'm here to admit I got brain fade...again. I kept experimenting with different frequencies and didn't realize I had some wrong parameters that got carried over. The sun was bright and I never noticed it was wrong for way too many hours of frustration. It's like being lost in the jungle and finally finding your way out. And right now I'm sure not about to admit things are right. LOL A real nightmare as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully I learned my lesson--do a preflight checklist.

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