please tell me this isnt human


Gold Member
May 28, 2012
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All Treasure Hunting
please tell me this isn't human

It's hard as stone and seems too thick but something about it is creepy to me. I thought it might have been human at first..It did come from a site that has produced Paleo artifacts. I would have left it if I was sure. Also appears to be ancient damage on one end.





possible bit of a humanoid skull --- look at the markings on the "outside" do they look like stitching --the human skull has a suiture lines where the skull plates "knit" together

removing part of the skull to release the pressure from internal bleeding from head injurys (to prevent the brain from being crushed by the pressure)- was known to be done long ago -- they would have said --to release the evil spirits frorm the head.

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They could be worn... while I have you ....that's alot of posts you have;are you a moderator? And if so. Can you remove this post for me?


Wow Bill that really does look like part of a human skull....I hope it's not as it's an interesting find.

I want to get rid of this post. Bad Idea on my part

Since its so thick-humans are thin, right? - maybe it's monkey? Or maybe it's not part of a skull at all. Seems to have more lines than I think a human skull has.

Thanks...I'm talking myself out of it too.

That does not look at all like a human skull. In addition, it looks more like a joint bone.

Yeah I figured that but every time I looked at it It looked odd can't explain just silly.. I found a nice dugong rib close by

I was looking at bones from the Dugong and noticed many bones below the shoulder plate look similar to yours.


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a part of hip or shoulder joint socket from a creature is highly possible-- I was talking about cave manish rather than modernnative american humanoid *(thus the thick skull vs modern human thin skull ) if its a skull piece it will have a very distinctive line where the skull "knits" (grows) together our skulls have to be loose to squeeze thru the birth canal and after birth start "knitting" together - it a uniquely humaniod type skull trait

a part of hip or shoulder joint socket from a creature is highly possible-- I was talking about cave manish rather than modern native american humanoid *(thus the thick skull vs modern human thin skull ) if its a skull piece it will have a very distinctive line where the skull "knits" (grows) together our skulls have to be loose to squeeze thru the birth canal and after birth start "knitting" together - it a uniquely humaniod type skull trait

if it creeps you "out" or your getting bad vibes from it ( there might be a good reason / your sixth sense might be kicking in--- bottom line keep nothing that "disturbs your peace") -- being part native american myself -- I say if its bothering your "peace "remove it from your home and if possible "replace it" where it came from if possible -- and if you want a "extra measure" of forgiveness if you felt you accidently might have disturbed the dead --a bit of tobacco scattered about and a heart felt -- "I'm sorry for disturbing your rest" might help -- many folks who seek native american artifacts often leave a bit of tobacco behind as a "exchange" item when they find and take "hand made stone tools and arrowheads" * -- to just take stuff and not give a item in "exchange" was rude to most native american cultures (and would be to the spirits of those who made a item * many folks feel that when you make a handcrafted item a bit of "you" goes into it) --to just take stuff or to accept a "gift" without giving anything "in exchange" was "just stealing / rude " but giving a "exchange" gift for a item was cool ( to give a lame exchange gift was a bit of an insult -- and folks that did that were not very popular in the indain world )---(ps) tobacco was a highly prized "exchange" gift by native americans

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you mean it feels incorrect to keep --you get a funky "feeling" off it --basically put --it disturbs your peace --- if so my "bottom line" is if it "feels" wrong and bothers you to keep it , then it needs got rid of --if possible replace it exactly where you got it from or as close as possible to it --if that is a no go for some reason or another, than take it to a peaceful spot -- say a heart felt "I'm sorry if I disturbed your rest --no disrepect was intended" offer a bit iof tobacco and be done with it -- bottom line if it bothers you then you need to be rid of it in a respectful manner. --nothing is worth feeling creeped out and uneasy / not at peace.

some folks believe that some things have bits of spirits (human or animal) "attached" to them , and if you believe in such things-- than that could be what your "feeling"

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I do and I am. I'm not one to question things like that. I am spiritual and respectful. I have tobacco and sage set aside already.thank you brother.

ah sage -- a cleansing herb * you have either been studying or know the ways already

you would be surprized - how many folks ask me about spirit matters , many have a hard time believing about spirits --- until as they put it "something weird" happened to me, can you help explain it?

I have full faith that god and "good spirits" exist and also bad and evil spirits as well.

some spirits are "homebodies" and they attach themselves to things and just want to be " left alone" - right where whatever they are attached to is at.. -- they are at their "peace spot" and want to stay there

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Oh yeah, Brother Gator. Back to its place. And tobacco or burnt sage would be good. You are feeling the right thing, for sure. Trust your heart. You know what it is.

And you are a good man. Worry not :)

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