POLL: Is Elvis Presley still living? Jon Cotner?

Is Elvis still living?

  • No, he died back in 1977

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, he lives today under an alias

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  • Undecided

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  • I couldn't care less

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Michigan Badger

Gold Member
Oct 12, 2005
Northern, Michigan
Detector(s) used
willow stick
Primary Interest:
Some of you might recall that back a couple years ago there was this big fuss online about Elvis Presley still living. And no, it had nothing to do with a UFO. Every time some big celebrity and/or infamous character dies you can bet that for the next 100 years somebody will claim he or she is still kicking.

As for the online character known as "Jon Cotner," he is considered by some to be the REAL Elvis in hiding. Well, maybe semi-hiding, anyway. The story of one Jon Cotner is fragmented all over the web and it's difficult to sort it all out. I've heard that there are even people impersonating Jon Cotner. Imagine impersonators of a potential impersonator :tongue3: One wonders how far that could go.

Here's the story in a nutshell from some sites and the Lord only knows who came up with this data.

The Story: It has been suggested that Elvis wanted out of life as super star so he faked his own death. He then took up a new life as "Jon Cotner" (or so he's called online).

Back a few years ago this Jon Cotner made his online appearance (in a very secretive and limited way). The pitch I've read online is that he tells everyone he is NOT Elvis. However, some sites suggest that he tells his close fans the following: "I'm not Elvis, but if I was (should be were) I wouldn't tell you" (this would of course lead some to believe he really is Elvis and would amount to the same as lying). Now the question is, did Jon Cotner actually say this or did somebody make that up? There is so much confusion in this whole thing it's really difficult to sort it all out.

But then on the other hand, who in the world is this Jon Cotner? Is he still living? There are sites online claiming to be his but are they? Maybe most or all of them are frauds?


1. Does this Elvis Presley style Jon Cotner imitator exist?

2. If he is for real, does he say: "If I was Elvis I wouldn't tell you" (or words to that affect)?

3. How does one contact this Jon Cotner? I have made several attempts via his so-called "official website" and his "myspace" but to no avail.

Final word:
Back a couple years ago (and I've heard it continues today), many believed Jon Cotner is the one and only Elvis Presley (even though Jon says he isn't). These people believe Jon is Elvis for several reasons that are covered by several websites and Youtube videos.

Personally, I think the real Elvis is dead. But I must say this Jon Cotner dude is by far the best impersonator I've ever heard or seen. He has ever single singing element of the real Elvis. What do you think?


Elvis, James Dean, etc, etc, etc..........I wish this country would quite celebrating drug abusers as if they were gods. It's like saying, "We'll excuse them because they were soooo kool!" I don't get it, turning them into gods. :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

bigscoop said:
Elvis, James Dean, etc, etc, etc..........I wish this country would quite celebrating drug abusers as if they were gods. It's like saying, "We'll excuse them because they were soooo kool!" I don't get it, turning them into gods. :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

I agree. But some (not me) believe the drug thing was a cover-up with Elvis. He had to explain his death so he (with the help of others) staged the whole thing.

Personally I don't buy that but I understand thousands of people do.

Elvis didn't take 'drugs'. He took 'prescription medicines'. (my sister's a HUGE E fan) Far as I know he died when they said he did, cause that's too big of a conspiracy to keep secret, but he could be hangin out in Mexico with Andy Kaufman right now. I worked two shows for Jimmy Ellis, or 'Orion', who I thought was the best impersonator. His recordings were so-so, fair and close, but live his voice was scary as it was dead on.

RGINN said:
Elvis didn't take 'drugs'. He took 'prescription medicines'. (my sister's a HUGE E fan) Far as I know he died when they said he did, cause that's too big of a conspiracy to keep secret, but he could be hangin out in Mexico with Andy Kaufman right now. I worked two shows for Jimmy Ellis, or 'Orion', who I thought was the best impersonator. His recordings were so-so, fair and close, but live his voice was scary as it was dead on.

This Jon guy is also scary close. Even when he's just talking.

Lots of people look like Elvis. Very very few sound like him.

The impersonators I've heard live stunk. They played the music as loudly as possible to cover up.

To the credit of the conspiracy folks, their story does make a lot of sense. I mean why Elvis would fake his death. He was the type of person to do something this wild. I recall the many crazy stories about him that came out in the early 60's.

Most people saw him as a great singer but also something of a goofy kid with wild nutty dreams. He'd do the strangest things for no apparent reason.

He also was known to go by other names because he wanted to be a secret agent for the government. I think mostly for publicity, President Nixon played along with him.

One thing is for sure, Elvis had the money and connections to pull it off. And too, he was worth a lot more money dead. Just prior to his death he was going down in popularity. He was 42 and considered too old. His death escalated him to a god-like status and opened the floodgates of profits.

No, I don't believe it, but again, it does make perfect sense considering the profits and Elvis's nature.

Also, there are those who claim they've spotted Jon with Lisa Marie Presley. I understand there's even been some pictures taken but haven't yet tracked them down. But granted, that doesn't necessarily prove anything either.

One interesting tidbit is the fact that Lisa wouldn't look at her dad in the casket. This has been explained variously but one explanation could be it was because she knew it wasn't him in the box.

elvis was born in 1935 Cotner 1945

there are so many Elvi running around vegas
least they could do is find one his age.
I'm sure there is some 77 year old fat drunken
Elvis lookalike laying in a gutter somewhere

jeff of pa said:
elvis was born in 1935 Cotner 1945

there are so many Elvi running around vegas
least they could do is find one his age.
I'm sure there is some 77 year old fat drunken
Elvis lookalike laying in a gutter somewhere

Yes, I also saw that age thing. That's one of the arguments against Cotner. But then there are those who say that was also setup.

I've heard Cotner wasn't an Elvis impersonator until a few years ago. The story is some friends betrayed him by posting pictures and private singing recordings. That's when Cotner went public but only online. He doesn't do Vegas or any other public places.

Again, I don't think he is Elvis but on the other hand this display online would be a wise move since his identity was already out. Doing some silly videos and websites would help cover him from the intelligent. Only the nut case Elvisites would buy into it and who's going to take them seriously?

Oh well, if he really is Elvis we'll most likely never know. He can't come out and admit it. For one thing it's illegal to fake one's death and for another it would ruin the Elvis money empire.

the Better Elvis is still alive & Kicking anyway :laughing7:


Do any of you actually believe Elvis died on the toilet?

Common misconception. He was actually bobbing for Vicodin in the toilet and his knees slipped on the linoleum; causing his head to become stuck underwater. Tragic.

That was pretty sad. Chip just faded away when the team broke up that way.


Charlie P. (NY) said:
Common misconception. He was actually bobbing for Vicodin in the toilet and his knees slipped on the linoleum; causing his head to become stuck underwater. Tragic.


WOW! :o

I'm learning a lot with this thread.

Was that Dale Earnhardt Sr.? I can't wait to tell the boys.

That would be really cool to fake one's death. Imagine salting away millions and before the IRS moves in you fake your death. Your fans grieve, the IRS grieves even more, and you sit back and enjoy the whole thing free and clear. Talk about a fairytale of New York. :thumbsup:

Roadquest said:
Yes, That would be Dale Earnhardt. You know, I don't expect many people to believe it. And, that"s fine.
I know what I saw, and I will always wonder.

While it probably was an Earnhardt look alike it's still possible. Nowadays with enough money almost anything is possible.

And as stated above, faking death (if successful) would be the perfect crime for someone on the drug gang's hit list or someone with lots of unpaid taxes.

Lots of people commit suicide every year due to owing fortunes to the casinos or drug people. I'm sure some of the smarter ones (with money) attempt to fake their deaths.

There are some really sharp people out there who for a price can fake almost anything. Years ago one such person gained access into a major museum and altered the master records of paintings done by some of the world's most famous artists. He then faked those old paintings by using old period canvas and duplicating the paints of that day. He also mastered the various famous artists brush strokes. He eventually got caught in a more minor case and later confessed to forging the master works. To this day they haven't been able to locate all the paintings he faked. Many are still out there passing the inspections of "expert" appraisers and auctioning off for millions of dollars. The rich people buying them think they're genuine but they were really done by this counterfeiter.

I forget the name of this counterfeiter but I believe they did a documentary film on his life as a crook. Some searching online should find his story.

Almost anything can, and has been, faked.

A large number of the old U.S. $20 gold pieces are fakes. The gold alloy and weight is nearly identical to the genuine coins.

The man was driving one of those very expensive motor coach's like the Nascar drivers use. But, yes. I agree probably a look alike.
Some people say, there is no such thing as a perfect crime. I think it depends on how, you look at it. If it was a perfect crime. Then no one would know it happen. Other than the person who did it. As with the man who did the fake paintings. If he had not been caught. It would have been the perfect crime. That's an interesting story, about the fake paintings. I'm going to do a little research on it tonight. :coffee2:

Roadquest said:
The man was driving one of those very expensive motor coach's like the Nascar drivers use. But, yes. I agree probably a look alike.
Some people say, there is no such thing as a perfect crime. I think it depends on how, you look at it. If it was a perfect crime. Then no one would know it happen. Other than the person who did it. As with the man who did the fake paintings. If he had not been caught. It would have been the perfect crime. That's an interesting story, about the fake paintings. I'm going to do a little research on it tonight. :coffee2:

I believe he made an appearance in the hit documentary "Who the *$&% Is Jackson Pollock?" This is the true story of Teri Horton, the truck driver lady who allegedly found a Jackson Pollock painting in a thrift shop for $5. The painting landed Teri on several top TV shows and an offer of $9,000,000 for her alleged Pollock (which she turned down). Anyway, the former art faker I mentioned above makes a couple appearances in that film. They ask him if he could fake a Pollock and he said no. Jackson Pollock's "drip paintings" (he borrowed the method from Native Americans) can not be copied. That is, a specific painting can not be perfectly duplicated due to the drip method.

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