Poof 350,000 acres going going go....

POOF! There goes another 100 mile stretch of the peoples land. 350,000 plus acres!

Legislation introduced to make Berryessa Snow Mountain into | The Press Democrat

In a written statement, Thompson said protection of the Berryessa Snow Mountain region would “help boost tourism, grow the local economy, improve recreation opportunities and protect important species.”

The region’s mountains, valleys and streams host abundant wildlife, including bald eagles, black bears and mountain lions, and afford humans places for hiking, mountain biking, camping and whitewater rafting.

Hunting and fishing would continue to be allowed in the national monument, along with existing grazing and motorized vehicle trails, officials said.

"In a written statement, Thompson said protection of the Berryessa Snow Mountain region..." Protection from what? We the people?:BangHead:

More government overreach

What a crock of ****!! This is my back yard. No way this is going to improve the economy, tourism or anything else. Leave it the "f" alone it is doing just fine the way it is now!. The use of this so called "national monument" is being misused to gain land for other purposes. This designation was meant for significant geographically significant areas or natural wonders that don't rise to national park realm. This area in question is neither. It is quite simply open space coastal land. Leave it the hell alone. This is simply a land grab with the intent to limit, control, regulate and permit everyone out of there. What a crock of **** this is. The problem is they will do as they wish irregardless of our wishes. Our government is out of control and we need to rise up and stop them. It has happened before, Maybe it is time again. If you read the constitution it says they are here to serve us, not to do what they will.
There has been some talk of a few BIG dams to be built in this area I am thinking this is a ploy to limit that. Considering the water issues here, I say bring it on! Where is my shovel? What was it the Repubilcans were saying?? "Dig baby dig"?

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If that comes out of comittee to the house or senate, it will be time to tar and feather some republicans. Stand up boys and be counted.

Hmmm, must be something there they want, oh yeah, remember not to kill the Kings Deer either as that's what got Robin Hood into trouble. Everything belongs to them, even us, at least that's how they view it. Those pencil pushing geeks are in for a real surprise some day, for sure!

If that comes out of comittee to the house or senate, it will be time to tar and feather some republicans. Stand up boys and be counted.

By then it will be too late, get on the phone tomorrow

as these presidents of ours keep takeing millions of acres of land for "their" legacy, at some point we wont have any land left and will be forced into living within a city! then, at that point, where will these other presidents get land for " their" legacy? it seems to me these wacoenviromentalists are gonna get their way any way you look at it!

Yet another Government land grab just like the San Gabriel Mountains job last year. Much of the SGM area was already National Forest land, so why the change in the status? They claim it's so they can better police the pot growers and illegal alien camps and get them out of the area. Ok.... Sounds like a good excuse to John Q. Public, but as a National Forest they should have been able to do the same already. The only thing the SGM is a "Monument" to is how effective the government is at stealing both land and rights from the public.

This latest grab is no different. Sure, they say that nothing will change for the public, but we all know better. One rule and regulation at a time they will close off areas and before you know it, you can't even THINK of going in there. It's the old "Picket Fence" approach. Add on picket at a time and soon the fence is completed and no one can come into the fenced area.

I lived in Fairfield in the 70's and used to hike and camp that region often. This is definitely a KEEP OUT John Q Public land grab. Will definitely be emailing reps in congress to vote against.

turn this into a national monument, ya seen what happen when congreess could not pass a budget, they closed all access to public land,

I've been following this for some time now as the proposed border follows the bounty line of a 100 acer parcel my family owns. The thing that is confusing is that the land is nothing special, as in I do not see any special intrest that would require further protection than already being usfs and blm. Everyone from the area uses this land primarily for hunting and fishing and ohv. The protection seems to focus on hikers but I've personally never once seen anyone simply hiking this land, I could think of many much better places to hike and site see than this..

Yet another Government land grab just like the San Gabriel Mountains job last year. Much of the SGM area was already National Forest land, so why the change in the status? They claim it's so they can better police the pot growers and illegal alien camps and get them out of the area. Ok.... Sounds like a good excuse to John Q. Public, but as a National Forest they should have been able to do the same already. The only thing the SGM is a "Monument" to is how effective the government is at stealing both land and rights from the public.

This latest grab is no different. Sure, they say that nothing will change for the public, but we all know better. One rule and regulation at a time they will close off areas and before you know it, you can't even THINK of going in there. It's the old "Picket Fence" approach. Add on picket at a time and soon the fence is completed and no one can come into the fenced area.

yep,same here, here its known as the * salami tactics" Applicable in so many branches..landgrab..taxes..getting people used to surveillance ..etc,rtc..

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