Possible Oak Island Solution

non sequitur. Your arguments prove that Ptolemy was right.
What's the problem now?

I based my work on yours, the same as you based your work on Zena's map.

You showed a carving on a rock and it has 8 portholes so this Octopus, which is part of the Rennes le Chateau Templar Treasure mystery, is directly related to all this. See, 8 arms? It's exactly the number you quote, how can you deny that it is 8?


Sorry I'm not following this now as I used exactly your methodology for I too am adept at picking out points, numbers and angles to assert they are directly associated. That's what research is all about!

But my theory even is a lot better and fuller than yours; when the Templars were moved against by King Philip in the 1307, the Templar fleet escaped Rochelle with the Treasure.

That carved ship represents this with the 8 portholes being a direct clue for the Templar Nautical Octopus treasure for the Octopus has 8 arms. And we all know that Templar Octopus symbol has been around for awhile (pfft! except for those who didn't include it in their work for Oak Island). You didn't pick up why Marty and Rick went to Montsegur to find clues to this treasure?

Are you saying now that the 8 armed Templar Octopus is not to be included because you didn't know about it?

Or are you saying that you can use that methodology but others cant?

Or are you saying that it's just some random subjective association of a number being roped in to build a spurious theory around?

Well, as you say, you need to 'prove me wrong'.

Sheesh, I come on here to share my work and people like you just jump on me.

But I know how good my work is.


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I’m just trying to find out if they’re filming Season 10 because the dumbasses at the History Channel don’t know crap!

I’m just trying to find out if they’re filming Season 10 because the dumbasses at the History Channel don’t know crap!
Yes they have been:


Hopefully I get to present my Zena Map Templar Octopus Treasure theory on the show this time.

I also discovered that if I draw lines from the mid points of the back yard fence that intersect the midpoints on the opposite sides, an “X” is again formed over the exact same spot as the previous “X”.

That’s either confirmation of the Ark of the Covenant being buried there or it points to yet another treasure buried in the same spot.

I fear to dig as there may be flood tunnel traps, giant rolling boulder traps, or something worse.

Yes they have been:

View attachment 2048401

Hopefully I get to present my Zena Map Templar Octopus Treasure theory on the show this time.
Thanks man… but I still can’t see this if I go to the history channel app or site. Where did you see that at? In fact, the dumbasses at the HC emailed me back yesterday saying they had no information available about anything.

What's the problem now?

I based my work on yours, the same as you based your work on Zena's map.

You showed a carving on a rock and it has 8 portholes so this Octopus, which is part of the Rennes le Chateau Templar Treasure mystery, is directly related to all this. See, 8 arms? It's exactly the number you quote, how can you deny that it is 8?

View attachment 2048399

Sorry I'm not following this now as I used exactly your methodology for I too am adept at picking out points, numbers and angles to assert they are directly associated. That's what research is all about!

But my theory even is a lot better and fuller than yours; when the Templars were moved against by King Philip in the 1307, the Templar fleet escaped Rochelle with the Treasure.

That carved ship represents this with the 8 portholes being a direct clue for the Templar Nautical Octopus treasure for the Octopus has 8 arms. And we all know that Templar Octopus symbol has been around for awhile (pfft! except for those who didn't include it in their work for Oak Island). You didn't pick up why Marty and Rick went to Montsegur to find clues to this treasure?

Are you saying now that the 8 armed Templar Octopus is not to be included because you didn't know about it?

Or are you saying that you can use that methodology but others cant?

Or are you saying that it's just some random subjective association of a number being roped in to build a spurious theory around?

Well, as you say, you need to 'prove me wrong'.

Sheesh, I come on here to share my work and people like you just jump on me.

But I know how good my work is.
Non sequitur, Noun: a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.

My “previous argument”:
  • I didn’t pick the starting locations.
  • Boat Stone was discovered in Westford, Ma. during road construction. Stone markings were made by persons unknown. Date is unknown. The exact discovery location is unknown, so I used Westford. Line distance: 66 miles (The distance is so great, the margin of error becomes insignificant)
  • Multiple government entities selected the SE county corner and the boundary line directions. When the north line reached the Miner plot, they curved the line to the west to go around the plot. Line distance: 3300 feet
  • The Oak Island starting position is Nolan’s Cross. The cross builders are unknown. Date is unknown. Distance 414 miles
  • All 3 lines require a 4-degree adjustment to intersect at the Miner plot.
  • Construction dates could range from 100 to 800 years ago.
  • Either the Builders had an organization and communication system that survived for centuries or it’s just an amazing coincidence that the line intersect at the same place.
  • The builders did all of this with only human, animal and wind power
  • The Boat Stone iconographs presented 3 different versions of the same information.
Your “argument”:
  • You picked your map
  • You picked where your lines started.
  • You stopped your lines where you wanted them to end.
  • Your lines are the same length.
  • Your build time was minutes.
  • You are the organization.
  • You used all of our modern-day technology.
  • You produced iconographs that supports the Boat Stone “184” message. To demonstrate how easily this can be done requires 3 different iconographs depicting information supporting your map not mine.
Your arguments did not address any of the arguments that I stated. By definition, your arguments failed to logically follow my arguments and are therefore “Non sequitur”.

Try again and factually address the key points to include:
  • Three different people will draw lines on a map to the same destination. These individuals cannot communicate directly due to distance, resources and not being alive at the same time.
  • They do not know that other individuals are being given the same task.
  • They do not know the destination location.
  • They must select significantly different compass headings.
  • Each person will be given a different distance to be travelled. One will be in the range of 1 mile, another will be between 60 and 70 miles, and the last will be between 400 and 450 miles.
  • The lives of each person must not overlap.
  • Individual map maker language, nationality, education level, etc. may vary.
Somehow, you must communicate the destination to the future map makers over hundreds of years or they can just draw a map with a line in a random direction and get lucky.

Thanks man… but I still can’t see this if I go to the history channel app or site. Where did you see that at? In fact, the dumbasses at the HC emailed me back yesterday saying they had no information available about anything.

I monitor lots of 'Oak Island' groups and commentators to see who is coming up with what.

That's a grab of a promo that was captured.

Non sequitur, Noun: a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.

My “previous argument”:
  • I didn’t pick the starting locations.
  • Boat Stone was discovered in Westford, Ma. during road construction. Stone markings were made by persons unknown. Date is unknown. The exact discovery location is unknown, so I used Westford. Line distance: 66 miles (The distance is so great, the margin of error becomes insignificant)
  • Multiple government entities selected the SE county corner and the boundary line directions. When the north line reached the Miner plot, they curved the line to the west to go around the plot. Line distance: 3300 feet
  • The Oak Island starting position is Nolan’s Cross. The cross builders are unknown. Date is unknown. Distance 414 miles
  • All 3 lines require a 4-degree adjustment to intersect at the Miner plot.
  • Construction dates could range from 100 to 800 years ago.
  • Either the Builders had an organization and communication system that survived for centuries or it’s just an amazing coincidence that the line intersect at the same place.
  • The builders did all of this with only human, animal and wind power
  • The Boat Stone iconographs presented 3 different versions of the same information.
Your “argument”:
  • You picked your map
  • You picked where your lines started.
  • You stopped your lines where you wanted them to end.
  • Your lines are the same length.
  • Your build time was minutes.
  • You are the organization.
  • You used all of our modern-day technology.
  • You produced iconographs that supports the Boat Stone “184” message. To demonstrate how easily this can be done requires 3 different iconographs depicting information supporting your map not mine.
Your arguments did not address any of the arguments that I stated. By definition, your arguments failed to logically follow my arguments and are therefore “Non sequitur”.

Try again and factually address the key points to include:
  • Three different people will draw lines on a map to the same destination. These individuals cannot communicate directly due to distance, resources and not being alive at the same time.
  • They do not know that other individuals are being given the same task.
  • They do not know the destination location.
  • They must select significantly different compass headings.
  • Each person will be given a different distance to be travelled. One will be in the range of 1 mile, another will be between 60 and 70 miles, and the last will be between 400 and 450 miles.
  • The lives of each person must not overlap.
  • Individual map maker language, nationality, education level, etc. may vary.
Somehow, you must communicate the destination to the future map makers over hundreds of years or they can just draw a map with a line in a random direction and get lucky.

I think this statement from the 'counter argument' says it all for which gears this guy is slipping:
  • You are the organization.

I can only speak for me:

I don't know if there is any treasure buried on Oak Island.
I don't know if there ever was treasure buried on Oak Island.
I don't know if anything will be found on Oak Island.
I watch the show because it is entertaining and I enjoy it. If they find a treasure, good for them. If they don't, too bad for them. Neither outcome changes my life one bit.

Not trying to down anyone for their opinion on the validity of the hunt but some folks seem to be too caught up in this and that, my friends, is my opinion.
I totally agree, it is al about the thrill of the chase!

So, what you are saying is that you are positive that I am wrong, and you know where the evidence is located to prove it. I don’t know where the information is, and you will not give me any clues except that I need to “read back thru the years of posts here regarding hoax island”. It’s exceptionally easy to tell me to search when you know that I don’t know where to look. Who’s on fantasy island when the only resource you offer starts with, “There was once a website”. At least I post my research and fantasies so everyone can learn, reject and/or ignore.

I’ll ask you again, “Why do you care if I waste my time?”
Yes I am positive you are wrong. I have the evidence to prove it. There is treasure or I should say treasures on Oak Island. But the Lagina brothers will never find it.

You have 4 corners? And when you connect each corner it crosses in the middle?

And a cross is associated with the Knights Templar?

And when I think about it the Octopus drawing for Rennes le Chateau has 8 arms, just like the number associated with the Templars?

View attachment 2048302

So by connecting the corners, the Octopus Templar treasure is.........right here on Oak Island!

View attachment 2048303

What, why is everyone laughing? This is valid.
As you are always eager to point out, anyone can draw a bunch of lines on a map. Freeman proved it with his excellent artwork.

You all have the right idea but you have only addressed the builders’ part of the formula. That’s the easiest part because the builder controls every part of the process. The actual solution is a 2-part process. The first is the Builders work effort which must include sufficient clues to find the treasure. The second is the Searchers. The Searchers must gather all the available evidence, develop theories and hypothesize solutions, and then actually do the search.

Your map is an excellent start but now, the reality of the situation is that 300 years have passed. All the builders are dead. No one has the map or maybe all knowledge of the map is gone. It’s likely that only a verbal family history, passed down through 10 to 15 generations, is all the evidence that remains. The solution is not a simple 30 second drawing made with a word processor.

I’m certain that all the debunkers represent a vast storehouse of Oak Island knowledge because they have been shooting down every idea ever presented here. On the other hand, I haven’t seen any factual debunker evidence that I’m wrong so maybe the storehouse is empty.

Now that your collective expertise has created a map, how about adding additional fact-based information on the treasure location. Your “X” looks close to the area where Alan Butler’s tunnel ends. He believes the treasure tunnel runs 366 megalithic yard west from the money pit (Curse of Oak Island).

I’ll be happy to help you if I can contribute to your search.

FYI - I'll be posting another fact-based post that supports the Rhode/Oak Island story soon.

”Let’s get ready to rumble!”

In this corner we have Franklin who has found every mythical treasure known to man (yet cannot show one iota of proof).

In the other corner we have Mark Wright, a rookie who is authoring yet another series of fictional treasure tales.

Who will take the Championship Belt?

Let the battle begin!

I sit back and wait for anyone to produce anything. And, in the mean time, watch History Hit on Youtube which is a British version of actual archelogy and scientific method of what the History Channel could be if they were serious, sober, and actually interested in history.

Templar Pentagrams on 2 islands!
(1 is on Oak Island)
What are the chances?

I added a link so the debunkers can find some factual information. They seem to be running out of material.


  • Templar Pentagrams on 2 Islands.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 34
Templar Pentagrams on 2 islands!
(1 is on Oak Island)
What are the chances?

I added a link so the debunkers can find some factual information. They seem to be running out of material.
Just because you say what you shared is "factual information" doesn't make it so!

Now I'm really confused. This link is to a very knowledgeable person who completely disagrees with the whole Templar scenario. I was doing your work for you!

My position is pro-templar and I gave you a solid anti-templar source. Now you are saying that a solid source who agrees with your position isn't good enough for you.

"Just because you say what you shared is "factual information" doesn't make it so!" can only mean that you do not agree with the pro- and the anti-positions.

Please clarify your position so I'll know where to sit at our next meeting.

This reference is comprehensive with 31 footnotes. Here's the 1st paragraph:

Templars in Denmark: Bornholm Island​

There are no records of any Templar activity in Denmark.1 I realize that recently a book, The Templars’ Secret Island,2 has made a case for the Templars living in round churches on the Danish island of Bornhom, just off the south coast of Sweden. The authors of this book, Elring Haagensen and Henry Lincoln, further state that the Templars used this island for mystical astronomical study. Part of this book contains geometric studies of possible results the Templars might have come up with on Bornholm. But first they give historical background to prove that the scholars are completely wrong in their belief that the Templars never settled in the area. The trouble is the history is based on a few pieces of data and several assumptions that rely on inaccurate information.

First, let’s look at the “historical” narrative as given in this book and how it doesn’t match known information.

If you won't let me help you in your case against me, I don't see any way forward with you.

I don't care "wins" or who is "Right". I only care about the work

Here's the link again for anyone to look at:

SingleStack Wonder, You would not believe me but I am making progress. I have made three outings this year. One to Oklahoma, one to Georgia and one to South Carolina. I have all ready solved the Mystery of Oak Island. But, the Lagina Brothers have their own agenda. I have three map marking the location of the treasure on Oak Island. One is the 1347 Map of Zena Halpern, the 1395 Map of Antonio Zeno and it has been carbon dated to 1397, then I have the 1766 Map of John Weymms. All three give the same location near the Kingdom Stone on the West End of Oak Island, or about 1615 feet due West of the Money Pit. Fourteen years ago, I found 18 coins from the Confederate Treasury, 6 were gold and three were Mexican Silver Dollars and one was a British Sterling. I am getting ready for another outing soon. So don't count me out yet. I could show the Laginas anytime where the treasure is located but they are too busy trying to get enough WOOD for the Winter.

Two five dollar gold coins minted in Dahlonga, Georgia. The last photo is one of the kegs that had contained 5,000 Mexican Silver Dollars. There were hundreds of pounds of box binding wire and barrel keg hoops. That is what they did with the containers but the coins were carried to the cemetery in coffins.

Well Dig Danville, Va.png

Yet another “Franklin“ story.

Please show the 5000 coins you claim to have found. The pictures you show appear to be just a construction site.

Everytime you state the locations of hoax island treasures, they are in a different location. Just as with your conflicting sunken ship stories.

As far as oak island, all of your claims are fiction based on fiction written by others.

Although I admit your story stating the templars took a ride in the money pit and took their treasure to Mars was a whopper!

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Well you are quoting things I have never said. Nothing about Templars on Oak Island or Mars. That must have been someone else. Also I did not say the keg contained 5,000 Mexican Silver Dollars. I said "had contained" There is a photo of the pieces of the keg along with one of the hooks still on it they used at the Confederate Treasury to move them around with. Other than that please stop saying quotes of things I have never said. Don't you admit that the coins I found on Christmas Day, 2008, are more than the Laginas have found in 12 years on Oak Island. Two of those five dollar gold coins have the Dahlonga Mint Mark. Which makes them a rare coin.

Franklin, as you are aware you’ve deleted many of your old posts to prevent furher scrutiny, including the templars on Mars one.

Also, please provide proof that the containers you say you found once contained 5000 gold coins.

You need to be more credible if you are going up against Mark Wright in the battle of best hoax island fiction..

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