Possible reason for less beach finds lately?

Silver Surfer

Bronze Member
Oct 6, 2009
Florida- Somewhere in the middle
Detector(s) used
MXT 300/Excal II/Surf Dual Field
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I hit Miami beach the yesterday (along with Snooksion), saw two other know members there... Finds were amazingly scarce, even with a negative tide and many areas with exposed coral/rock...
Ended up with maybe a couple bucks in clad, a pretty heavy silver earring, and a chunky silver pendant on a chain... I worked the water from 5:30 in the morning until 5pm and for the first 3/4 of the day, the waves were slamming us pretty good..
I began to wonder why this notoriously loaded area of the world has just not been producing much for anyone so far this year, and then I noticed something..
I didnt think much of it at first, but as the hours dragged on, I couldnt believe the number of people wearing rings and bling that would see me, and the first thing they did was do a jewelry check... I cant help but believe that with the economy the way it is, people are simply being a lot more careful when they wear stuff in the water... I am hoping that with school now out, the kids wont be as careful and the finds will increase..
Oh, forgot to mention, I also found a mint pair of Oscar de Larenta sunglasses.... The lenses are perfect.. I know they are worth a few bucks... So not a terrible day hunting by far, but in 4 hard hunting trips, only the one 10k ring from a couple weeks ago..
Hope it gets better...

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I'm beginning to suspect that we're giving out too many tips and hints to the newbies.

Cheap tourists don't help either.

It has more to do with the economy. There are definitely less people going to the beaches in Florida.....especially now since the oil trouble.

I am sure that the cold weather in the winter and spring also had a lot to do with less finds being made.

And I know that Daytona and the popular beaches in Florida have been less crowded all of this year so far when I was at them.

Plus I see a lot more people hunting than I ever did in the past. Probably due to the high price of gold.

I wasn't even going to reply (and maybe I'll regret it lol). It amazes me that when someone is in a slump they try to find a logical reason why it is happening. Alot of times they just panic and then the crazy theories start to surface. How bad is it when while detecting you start to notice people adjusting the jewelry on their fingers checking to make sure that it is still there?? :icon_scratch: My question to that detectorist....Are you that distracted?? Spend a little more time focusing on where you are hunting on that beach and concentrate on your basic technique and listening for those deep signals and stop letting your mind wander while out there. And the notion that the experienced folks are telling too much to the newbies....really??? Well....thats just a bit pathetic don'tcha think? Cmon....All I can say is get out there....turn on the detector focus on what you know and just enjoy yourself oh and don't forget to breath!!....JMHO....Brian

Surfdigger said:
I wasn't even going to reply (and maybe I'll regret it lol). It amazes me that when someone is in a slump they try to find a logical reason why it is happening. Alot of times they just panic and then the crazy theories start to surface. How bad is it when while detecting you start to notice people adjusting the jewelry on their fingers checking to make sure that it is still there?? :icon_scratch: My question to that detectorist....Are you that distracted?? Spend a little more time focusing on where you are hunting on that beach and concentrate on your basic technique and listening for those deep signals and stop letting your mind wander while out there. And the notion that the experienced folks are telling too much to the newbies....really??? Well....thats just a bit pathetic don'tcha think? Cmon....All I can say is get out there....turn on the detector focus on what you know and just enjoy yourself oh and don't forget to breath!!....JMHO....Brian
And the notion that the experienced folks are telling too much to the newbies....really??? Well....thats just a bit pathetic don'tcha think?

That was said tongue in cheek! Enough said?

There are too many factors involving beach detecting and one of them is the amount of sand that is bought in at certain times of the year. This is a fact of nature and its one everyone has to contend with from time to time. You cannot have it great all the time guys hehehe if you did the beaches would be all cleaned up hehehe good luck with your other theories.

Alan Hassell said:
There are too many factors involving beach detecting and one of them is the amount of sand that is bought in at certain times of the year. This is a fact of nature and its one everyone has to contend with from time to time.
Doesn't really matter when your looking for fresh new drops. I was there also for the last 2 days putting in 8 hours each day, and NO GOLD. I dug probably 200 targets yesterday, several pieces of sterling, but still no gold.

MT Pockets said:
We'll see ya around the Campus again soon... :hello:... Ebay those shades dude..

But before you do......

Check em really good..... Afterall you did find them in Miami... Theirs a 50% 50% chance that they could Replica's.. I hope not..
I thought that first off, but they were in the water long enough for the shellac to start peeling, but the lenses are hard coated and not even one fine scratch on them, which indicates really nice lenses.. Usually dont find them on cheapo's... They have that waterproof coating too, like my Maui Jim's, that when water hits them, a simple blow and it all flies off...
But I need to find out what they are worth, then sell them on epay...
Was great to see you again buddy... Hard to believe that mustache made such a difference in how you look... Took years off man.. LOL!

Surfdigger said:
I wasn't even going to reply (and maybe I'll regret it lol). It amazes me that when someone is in a slump they try to find a logical reason why it is happening. Alot of times they just panic and then the crazy theories start to surface. How bad is it when while detecting you start to notice people adjusting the jewelry on their fingers checking to make sure that it is still there?? :icon_scratch: My question to that detectorist....Are you that distracted?? Spend a little more time focusing on where you are hunting on that beach and concentrate on your basic technique and listening for those deep signals and stop letting your mind wander while out there. And the notion that the experienced folks are telling too much to the newbies....really??? Well....thats just a bit pathetic don'tcha think? Cmon....All I can say is get out there....turn on the detector focus on what you know and just enjoy yourself oh and don't forget to breath!!....JMHO....Brian
Great pointers for sure, but lately there have been SO MANY people in the water, you have to keep your head up a good amount of the time.... They dont look out for you, so you have to look out for them..
As far as "slump theories", not the case here.. I havent been doing this long enough to actually want to make excuses when I dont find things.. I have actually (I think) been luckier than most new detectors... I cant complain with what I have found so far.. BUT... I had heard so many things about Miami and the pretty consistent finds there, and in my 4 full day and 2 half day trips there, it just isnt the case.. I have actually found more on the few gulf beaches I have hunted... So something is up there for sure.. I also noticed that horseplay wasnt really even going on there.. Out of thousands of people, I only saw two people tossing a frisbee, another two a football... I didnt see one boyfriend toss his GF/Wife, no young men trying to wrestle each other, etc... 99.9% of the people were simply sitting in a spot, or standing and talking.. Jewelry doesnt just jump off of people.
Anyway, I hope my theory proves very soon to simply be a stupid, premature, conclusion...

My digs at local parks have dropped off considerably, also.
I think people just have less to lose.
And there may be others with the time I have to detect, for lack of work...

Who knows for sure...


there is a theory that if you go detecting during the peak swimming/beach-going part of the day and you are seen by the would be depositors they will be much more careful and not loose there jewelry.
don't know if i believe it or not because people are generally stupid! i do try and go detecting before the crowds get there and after they leave......just to avoid the crowds.

Surfdigger said:
I wasn't even going to reply (and maybe I'll regret it lol). It amazes me that when someone is in a slump they try to find a logical reason why it is happening. Alot of times they just panic and then the crazy theories start to surface. How bad is it when while detecting you start to notice people adjusting the jewelry on their fingers checking to make sure that it is still there?? :icon_scratch: My question to that detectorist....Are you that distracted?? Spend a little more time focusing on where you are hunting on that beach and concentrate on your basic technique and listening for those deep signals and stop letting your mind wander while out there. And the notion that the experienced folks are telling too much to the newbies....really??? Well....thats just a bit pathetic don'tcha think? Cmon....All I can say is get out there....turn on the detector focus on what you know and just enjoy yourself oh and don't forget to breath!!....JMHO....Brian

When you are in a slump, it is logical to try to understand why. If you know why, then you can make adjustments to become more successful. A successful detectorist will study every aspect of his game. To find jewellery, it must be lost first. If your aren't finding any jewellery, it is one of two things. It can be the detectorist or it can be that people aren't losing as much goodies. By being out there, you are reminding people to keep a closer eye on their bling. If a detectorist has noticed this, it can be something to adjust to by hunting (if possible) when the beach is empty. I have worked out in the middle of busy highways and interstates for the last 20 years. I just can't focus on the job, I have to focus on my surroundings as well if I want to stay alive. I have to focus on my co-workers and to know what is around me at ALL time. When you are detectoring, it is to a persons advantage to be aware of their surroundings as well. Some people enjoy working hard when they play. Some people don't really want to put much effort into it to get the enjoyment. Some people have goals they want to achieve while out there. They might not have a lot of free time and want to make the most of it. Some people have all the time in the world and don't care if they find anything at all. How a person chooses to detect is a personal thing. What some call hard work, others call fun. It is different for everyone. How, what, when and why are always up for debate and subject to opinion. If you have all the answers, then write a book. I joined this forum to learn from others. I don't always agree with everything I read but I respect their opinions and observations.

OK, I know this is a stretch, but with the "super sizing of America", as people get larger, the rings don't change in size and are less likely to slip off their fingers. I think we should all suggest the beach crowd go on a diet. ;D

Where I hunt is so sanded in no chance for anything but fresh drops, If nothing in one spot, move to another... works for me. :thumbsup:

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