Post your clues here!


I hadn't noticed that before but now that you mention it, it could be a heart with two valves on top,? the eyes remind me of the binoculors that are positioned at some overlooks like those to view Mt. Rushmore from the observation area. ( A National Monument )

Near Mt. Rushmore there is an old town called Deadwood, where Wild Bill Hickok had been shot and killed during a card game by an observer who disliked him because he believed he had killed his brother.? He shot him in the back of the head, he didn't have a clue of what was about to happen.? Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane are both buried in Deadwood.? Wild Bill had tried his hand with Buffalo Bill Cody's? Wild West Show but didn't do so well so Buffalo Bill fired him.

Back to the veggies,? I wonder if the dandelion could be a Cauliflower. When you break off a piece of? Cauliflower it kind of looks like the dandelions with a little bit removed.

Just another way to look at the FORest.? ? ;)

Bonny Blue


Sorry to post again so quick but I was thinking about your heart theory, Maybe MS is trying to indicate that something is the heart of the matter so to speak.

If you look at the tree on page 28, It looks like it could be hinting at maybe the Heartland of the Country, and to follow the MAIN ARTeries, Major Roads and Freeways from the heartland of America.? ?But it is in the Shape of a W, could that indicate Washington DC, as the heart.? Maybe somebody could check out the Vietnam War Memorial near the Womens Memorial, there are three lady soldiers, two are on guard and one is bending down to aid a fallen soldier, there are I believe 7 groves of trees in honor of the women who lost their lives in Vietnam.? Notice the three lady fairies together on page 36 , two are in front and one is in back.? The sections of the memorial are seperated to indicate the torn positions, and feelings on Vietnam and the and the way we all felt about it,? ( Parted the heart and soul of the Country. ) One of the tie in's to the Military Camoflage theory I posted earlier.
Also if you take the word from the book on the the opposite page 37,? Nomenclature and ANAgram it, it say's A CLUE MEN TORN. .? We were all torn over Vietnam, even the soldiers.? Also notice that the fairies hair on page 44, everyone of them have a part down the middle of their hair. Hmmmm?

On the Even Code Page 41, Camo Border.The little obnoxious little Red headed fairie with his tongue stuck out, he made me also think about Agent Orange, that was used to kill the forrests and foliage in Vietnam and is still killing an disabling people today, including our soldiers who came home.? Maybe MS is making us think about what we do and future consequences to the earth and people.? ( Take care of each other and the earths environment.)? The little redhead is wearing a shirt that reminds me of Camoflage also and the word Nary at the bottom of the page first popped out at me as WAR. I hadn't seen the possable N or W as of that moment.? We have had the Revolutionary War, The Civil War, The Mexican and Spanish Wars here in this country ect. ect.


Maybe MS wants the kids to notice and eat their veggies,? Good for the heart, and when you pull back the outer parts of ARTichokes, Cauliflowers, Broccoli's and Celery, you come to the heart of the Veggie, or the middle, depending on how you want to look at it.? Also the Spider wanted to eat Zac with some Dandelion greens and Honeysuckle wine.? Also when you overcook Broccoli and Cauliflower it releases the Sulphurs in them and they get that Stinky Smell.? Celery was first intruduced to us and grown in the area by way of a farmer in Kalamazoo, Michigan and then spread to the California Growers, eventually in the 1960's Michigan gave up.? Thomas Jefferson first introduced? and encouraged us to the eating of Broccoli and Cauliflowers.? Remember Thomas Jefferson's Head is carved on the Mt. Rushmore Monument as well.? Hmmmmm.


Also there is a little romance and love going on between Zac and Ana, which involves the heart.? Remember they were celebrating their First ANAversary together.? The Statue of Liberty was a gift made for us from France,? France is known for Romance and Zac was making a love gift, ( the Jewery Box to give to Ana. )? Sorry to jump around so much but there is so much here to share, especially when you add the historical type of thought.? Confusing as it might be.? Probably getting a little too carried away here.

Just a little more food for thought.

Good Luck Everybody? :)

Bonny Blue

BONNIE BLUE , WOW !!! I really wish i could find facts that easy i really like oyur ideas. the other thought i had on those three trees i'll call it heart shaped face guy page. sorry my book is no longer a book . just a bunch of papers thrown together. ok i'm going with a kids idea here. when i was little we would play games outside in the summer anyway i was going back for a moment. while playing those games we would play hot hot cold. remember its like a guessing someone would ask a ? and you say hot or cold depending on wether they were close to an answer or cold if not. still following? those 3 trees one looks like its saying hot. the middle guy looks cold . heart face guy looks like hes saying hot look here . notice his hands pointing to pook. hot=clues. cold=nada. ive only been working on this a day or so so nothing yet. i did however find that if you take a pg ( go ahead and rip it out weve all done it) make a black & white copy of the photo. now only trace around , with a fine point black marker, only what you want to bring out in the picture. i say this because theres more to these pictures than what we actually are seeing . weve got to bring whats in the brackground . its helping me , but ive only been trying it out for a day or so . it at least stopped me from going crosseyed at the picture. i'll send you a pm later on what you asked for. but i tend to be a little detailed when i try to point something so's i dont lose you on directions s o i'll only be able to do a few at a time . i will tell you i am misiing one or two still so bear with me. just curios if you saw what i had posted earlier on the SHHHHH!!!!! HUMMINGBIRD & SPIDER? CAROL


You just may be on to something there, it sure don't hurt anything to give it a try, it will either work or it won't but at least you check it out just to see anyway, nothing wrong with that to be sure.

The reason I had kept mentioning Thomas Jefferson,? I really think he could be a good lead.? ?He also invented a little invention called the Jefferson Wheel, you can look it up on your search engine, but it a cylinder he made with 26 wooden wheels on it that turn with our alphabet letters on them to decipher and cipher codes with.? He was President George Washington's Secretary of State at the time.? Its a pretty interesting read anyway but I thought it could be a clue as well.? I forgot to tell you guys that when I was doing all that writting earlier,? I had meant too, but got carried away and forgot it.


Jefferson's wheel cipher consisted of twenty-six cylindrical wooden pieces, each threaded onto an iron spindle. The letters of the alphabet were inscribed on the edge of each wheel in a random order. Turning these wheels, words could be scrambled and unscrambled.

Good Luck To All? ? :)

Bonny Blue

Just a thought on the Under sky and above ear-TH be... there is slight miscolour above the fairie's left ear and the Letters TH are the initials to "to helen" on the page after the code and key written in the same ink as the code... probably nothing

There is also a large A on page 35, chapter 7 entitled Ana, in the same color pink as To Helen and the encrypted numbers.

Good Luck All

Bonny Blue :)

Hi i got this yesterday and found almost all theclues and if u didnt notice, on page 68 i think it says "not a hey will show"
and if you look at the code of numbers that the faerie is pointing at that may be intertwined with the clue on page 41

Hi everyone we're new here but we have been looking at all of your previous posts on nary and all that. We tried looking up nary on google (images) and it gave us this weird pattern of trees
We think that the treasures (tokens) are definitely on trees, and this gives us even more proof. "Above the earth, Below the sky" A tree or a bush maybe?


i actually read page 68 wrong but i do have an idea about the clue on page 83 i think that the secret is a tree stump because it is not half of the tree but it is not the whole tree and on 38 it says just reach inside, maybe a hole in the tree

We've talked about this in another topic: many believe it to mean knotholes :o hehe

happy hunting,

I just started with the book but I noticed that there are 13 types of trees listed in the book most of them are found between the first 48 pages.
I don't know if there's anything to it but thought i'd throw it out there. the ones named are, Silver birch, ginko tree, Linden, Oak, Walnut, blond maple, cherry
Elm, Smooth Beech, pale Brown heartwood, ironwood, willow, and tigerwood. Any thoughts? ::)

Are any of these trees found primarily in one state? That might be a clue.

Hi all: (I hope this helps!!!)


Lady Bug ? pages 16 and 31
Spider ? pages 20 and 21
Caterpillar ? pages 22 and 39
Dragonfly ? pages 25 and 44
Firefly ? pages 28 and 33
Bumblebee ? pages 37 and 88
Hummingbird ? pages 41 and 55
Ant ? pages 45 and 77
Butterfly ? page 52
Grasshopper ? pages 59 and 86
Beetle ? pages 63 and 69
Snail ? page 66


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