pot of gold


Bronze Member
May 12, 2005
Drake, Costa Rica


Wow, he wins a lottery and finds a pot of gold! What next? Thanks for sharing the story!

"The treasure will be sent to a laboratory to be cleaned, as most of the coins have turned green from oxidation. "

? heh

India’s current Treasure Trove Act stipulates reporting the find of treasure quite generous actually paying a reward of 20% above market value for any gold coins bought in. However India has a long history of looting under the British India treasure trove system of 1878. ignorance of post 1947 treasure trove laws and perhaps mistrust of Authorities many villagers just plunder every discovery. The Indianan government considered a better tactic to pay a reward for such finds.


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But I should also add the Devil is in the detail. The treasure trove law is based on a accidental discovery not a discovery by design.

The Law is not user friendly and encouraging to Hobby Metal detector enthusiasts or to professional Treasure hunters as practically all finds belong to the local Government however reforms in the law are being sought.


and India's government is a shining example of the corruption that plages all governments
Dent's Run ?

Hello Bill

We have to look in through the eyes of labors doing the digging. While the archaeologists most likely come from rich influential families. The laborers are struggling to put food on the table from a day to day working for pittance. If I was in their shoes I would be the same if it helped to feed my family.


Hi Kanacki

exactly the same happens regularly at downtown construction sites in New Orleans

edit: I am in agreement Kanacki, I just spent a while with a 66 yr old who works to eat, no power or running water
the government here in CR will sequester the property and put an armed guard w/o recompense, no appeal
like in the US, there are wealthy who have entire villages on their property - and plunder at will

hi ho

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and India's government is a shining example of the corruption that plages all governments
Dent's Run ?

I cannot comment about Dents Run treasure as I do know if it was true or not. But the conduct of FBI to allow themselves get into a situation where they are now under suspicion of stealing the alleged treasure? Indicative of the arrogance such organisations now feel these days that they themselves are above the law. They could of avoided this suspicion if they had been opened and filmed everything. Yet thier actions recriminated themselves. At the very least whoever in the FBI who was in charge of the dig should of been suspended or fired for threatening the integrity of the FBI.

Has government institutions in America become so toxic that they do not care anymore even being seen to be Honest?


Hi Kanacki

blatant thieves AND liars, why I will never even visit and am a CR citizen
and no, 'they' care not in the slightest (foreign policy of any government, look at the UK)

Hi Kanacki

exactly the same happens regularly at downtown construction sites in New Orleans

edit: I am in agreement Kanacki, I just spent a while with a 66 yr old who works to eat, no power or running water
the government here in CR will sequester the property and put an armed guard w/o recompense, no appeal
like in the US, there are wealthy who have entire villages on their property - and plunder at will

hi ho

So land In CR still tied up like feudal estates with tenant farmers and property renters? Leasehold or freehold?


It seems like a long history of CR taking what it wants? When August Gissler made a deal with CR to set up a colony on Cocos island. They failed to provide a monthly boat to the island. Gissler colony imploded and after Gissler left and tried to claim is property as part of deal he had made and CR claimed no such deal was made. Gissler later in life had become very distrustful of CR government back them claiming he was not sure they would share any treasure if it was found on the island.

I have some of Gisslers private letters.


don't know so much about tenant farmers apart from the US experience
landowners/coops/corps simply hire as they wish, but the lack of agricultural workers is the cause of Nica seasonal migrations
most property is titled apart from 'special' areas like the oceanfront where I live which is a lease (a corrupt sack of poop)
the Osa has many older people on property which is not titled - in a Forest Reserve; same old dichotomy

It seems like a long history of CR taking what it wants? When August Gissler made a deal with CR to set up a colony on Cocos island. They failed to provide a monthly boat to the island. Gissler colony imploded and after Gissler left and tried to claim is property as part of deal he had made and CR claimed no such deal was made. Gissler later in life had become very distrustful of CR government back them claiming he was not sure they would share any treasure if it was found on the island.

I have some of Gisslers private letters.


Hi Kanacki

don't know if you discussed CR corruption with Richard Ray, it broke him - of course he was gullible, examples were all around

who was that American swindler (insurance co looting ?) who fled to CR and then Cuba ? '60s ?)
he had a joke named after him
How do you make a fortune in Costa Rica ?
Come with a large one, leave with a small fortune.

I think the Ticos got him for about 100 million - big bucks in those days

Man, some guys have all the luck...!

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