Putting the brakes on the skeptics

Libralabsoldier said:
This sounds suspiciously like faith healers blaming the person who wants to be healed for the failure of a faith healing...you know, when their faith is not strong enough?

Still no sign of the OP, but the view count is going up. perhaps he is lurking.

Like when science thought that bleeding someone was a good idea...You know, to let the bad blood out.

Believe me....a lot of what we now think is scientific fact....will be looked back on from our future and be laughed about.

I am not ready to dismiss something that has been successfully used for thousands of years just because I don't understand it.

Maybe one day science will evolve enough to be able to explain the mechanism that is responsible for metaphysical phenomenon.

Until then I am going with faith brought about by seeing something work for me. even though I can not explain it scientifically.


I have shown the attached picture before, and everyone can draw their on conclusions. The pendulums shown are a part of the production that was on going for over five years. There were at least three people (myself included), averaging about 300 units a week. You do the math. If pendulum dowsing did not work, how could we have stayed in business?


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  • PendulumDisplay2.jpg
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Folks are experimenting at the rate of 300 units per week?

Do you have repeat customers?

I dunno.

Folks by LRLs too... they keep selling... as seen in the back of comic books and treasure magazines as long as I can rememer!

Montana Jim said:
Folks are experimenting at the rate of 300 units per week?

Do you have repeat customers?

I dunno.

Folks by LRLs too... they keep selling... as seen in the back of comic books and treasure magazines as long as I can rememer!


I have to say that the first time I witnessed a lady using a pendulum to decide which vegetable to purchase, I thought to myself she is a weirdo.

Now it looks like I'm a weirdo too.... ;D
Although I am never going to go shopping with a pendulum to help me pick out dinner.


Goldminer said:
No, that was 300 units X 3 piece workers per week for FIVE years.

Lets see 900 units a week x 52 weeks a year for 5 years = 234,000 That's a lot of pendulums!

Goldminer said:
No, that was 300 units X 3 piece workers per week for FIVE years.


Sounds like they work for YOU guys at least! Treasure is where you find it! For you the treasure is the pendulums. :thumbsup:

GG - I participate in these discussion as a believer AND a skeptic... I know a folks practce the arts, I guess it works for folks, I just remain a skeptical believer and will continue to ask questions.

But the original poster's challange... I wish he would reply to my questions, and others questions who are genuinly asking for further dialog.

I really enjoyed seeing so many responses, irregardless of the intent from the authors, so lets be friends ,shall we?,, I especially liked the post referring to reproduce-able results and controlled conditions,,,,, verified laboratory results is fine with,, controlled conditions also are good,, and reproduce-able results are a piece of cake.It seems there are many of us who possess a super ego which precludes them from accepting anything which they cannot master them selves,,, thus I try to educate rather than denigrate,,,,,,
1) I claim to able to find analomies
a)that is metals,some crystals and ores of minerals, water, voids in the earth,various alloys and most substances which can accept and radiate a magnetic field(induced field or eddy current)
2) I do not claim to know what it is I have found, unless it has been identified initially regarding physical size.
3) I do not claim to know the depth of the substance.
4) I can stand motionless with my ellrods extended in my hands, and when items are place beneath the wires,, they will cross if the above criteria is met(#1)and will uncross when the substance is removed, and I can and will do this blind folded if you wish.And filming this phenomenon is acceptable to me ,if I have exclusive rights to the film.
Furthermore,, I am not ina position to travel, as I have a responsibility to my family to stay here and provide for them, thus, if you want proof, you must come here.I allways pay for my own expenses, when travelling, and have no regrets for refusing to prove my claims,some people will never believe irregardless.This is unfortunate loss for them,,a missed opportunity to learn something.
So, in closing those who wish to challenge my claim, must do so at their own expense,, and those who wish to learn this skill, will get a free tutorial,which is only fair. Dont you think?
I encourage any and all

Awesome response Sodak :thumbsup:

I think I'm starting to hear those brakes.
Looks like it's up to the skeptics now, to either put up or shut up!
But they wont, they wont be happy with the details or want it done their way or else say "its not a fair test." Or ask for advance details of the find that even the best metal detector in the world couldn't even live up to.
They are so predictable. :tongue3:

I cant wait to see the back pedaling.

"Oh I would, but I don't have the money"
or "You live too far away"..........etc, etc.

Sorry if I am coming off sounding like an instigator, but I believe this challenge is going to separate the serious skeptics from the ones who just want to throw stones.


It was a good response and I'm glad someone is willing to demonstrate their skills.

I hope someone responds who can travel and can spend money to either win or lose the challenge put forth.

However GG... this comment of yours:
"Oh I would, but I don't have the money"
or "You live too far away" or..........etc, etc.
... was good enough for sodak to lean on, it outta also be good enough for the rest of us... we all have responsibilities.

Short of picking apart some of his details, like not claiming to know the depth, means his claims can never be disproved.

"There's gold down there... I just don't know how deep". ::)

Anyway... good response, I hope someone can travel to see you, wherever it is you live.

And again - just because someone will not "travel" is no reason to discount their opinion.

here we go
i cannot say how deep the analomy will be,, i cannot tell you what substance the anolomy will be made of,,,, though i can say that when i dig a target,, i stop at about a foot because, most of the time the target will be found,, or i will run out of "youth" and be too tired to dig further on an unknown substance,,,,, if i have been told that treasure exists in an area,, and i have located a target,,, it is wise to dig that isnt it? conversely,,how much effort do you put into projects with un known or uncertain outcomes,,, youd have to be wealthy to spend your time digging holes for unknown values!
does it ever cease?
Im beginning to understand why some are miffed at the postings of those who exist only trying to ruin the fun for others,,,,whats the word??? "Spoilsport"
Its apparent that ignoring those posts is the price I pay to read the others,,

Montana Jim said:
However GG... this comment of yours:
"Oh I would, but I don't have the money"
or "You live too far away" or..........etc, etc.
... was good enough for sodak to lean on, it outta also be good enough for the rest of us... we all have responsibilities.

Hey it's ok Jim, nobody is going to hold anything against someone for not accepting the challenge because of their responsibilities or lack of money. Those are as good excuses for backing down as any.

Believe me, anyone who really thinks Sodak cant back up what he is saying, I'm sure could find the time and the money to accept the challenge and go home with an extra $1000.00 in their pocket less expenses.

As far as the depth thing goes. Does that mean you accept that the rods will cross when gold is simply passed beneath them while the rods are being held by a blindfolded man?

If you do accept that then you are no longer a skeptic, but accepting of the mechanism involved in dowsing that allows it to work.

sodak said:
4) I can stand motionless with my ellrods extended in my hands, and when items are place beneath the wires,, they will cross if the above criteria is met(#1)and will uncross when the substance is removed, and I can and will do this blind folded if you wish.And filming this phenomenon is acceptable to me ,if I have exclusive rights to the film.

The above should be all the test necessary to convince anyone.

Sorry Sodak for butting in. You weren't here and I got carried away defending dowsing. The floor is yours and I'm out of here. Also you are my hero for putting your money where your mouth is.

SK, your "parameters" are unacceptable.

You cannot tell what it is, how deep it is, or what it is made of? It could be ANYTHING, and you could say "AHA, I am a dowser, and I found....."

My last go round I found nearly two hundred and fifty bottle caps and one buffalo nickel.

There is too much metal in the ground to make this vague a claim and expect someone to take it seriously.

sodak said:
Furthermore,, I am not ina position to travel, as I have a responsibility to my family to stay here and provide for them, thus, if you want proof, you must come here.

Where is 'here'?

How do you use a pendulum guys? Is it a 'yes' or 'no' kinda thing? Circles one way, its "yes", circles the opposite direction its "no"?
What does it mean if is swings back and forth? Just wondering....

Soda, you are now backpedaling. If you can prove that you have this dowsing ability, then you should be prepared to put your money where your obviously big mouth is.

You threw down a gauntlet by claiming to be able to "shut down the skeptics". So far, you have done nothing but provided perfect examples of why no one takes this seriously. You made a grandiose claim, then you reneged on the claim, expanded the interpretation of your "abilities" to the point as to make it about as useful as being able to tell when it is already raining.....

I doubt not only the existance of your dowsing ability, but the thousand dollars you claim to be wagering. How much is snake oil going by the ounce these days?

I supposed I will start manufacturing pendulums and dowsing rods...since it seems a dowser is born every minute.

Libra honey? You make me wanna drink. Hit the liquor cabinet.


I am not the one who said this:

I will give anyone $1000 if they can bebunk my ability to dowse with ellrods made from copper wire or house wiring.

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