Question about detecting gold coins


Sr. Member
Oct 8, 2012
Franklin new Hampshire
Detector(s) used
Ace 150
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Upvote 0
Gold is gold! It all shows up in the same app. area of your indicator. Frank


  • Boca map 500 -2 copy.jpg
    Boca map 500 -2 copy.jpg
    75.7 KB · Views: 268
Nice map Frank. Is any of those areas claimed or on private property?

Thanks frank. Reason I was asking is last nite I was tecting near a cellar hole. Got a pull tab signal at 6+ inches. I have ace 150 which doesnt usually pick up deep targets. After digging down 18 inches and still no target( machine still picking up strong signal) I ran out of daylight. I couldnt sleep at all wondering what it is. I started a job today so it'll be a couple days til I can get back out there. I doubt theres a pull tab burried that deeply and know theres a billion other things that read as tabs...but im hopeful...

Ace 150, 18+in, still a strong signal.
Fleet of Buicks or something equally big.
Good luck!


If you're getting a strong signal at depths like that odds are it's a big piece of junk metal.....a little trick when detecting
if you get a strong signal......raise your coil about 6" or so and if the signal is still strong it's an oversized object.

Regards + HH


Hi folks and good day. This may be another one of my silly questions, but here goes...i know from reading tons of other posts that gold rings and other gold jewlery often shows up in the pull tab range, is that also true with gold coins?

A $2.50 gold piece reads at about round tab. A $5 gold piece reads at about square tab (the beefier thicker square tabs, that is). A $10 gold piece reads up about zinc penny. A $20 gold piece reads at about copper penny.

Can't help you with the question adaminnh but most interested to see what you find. Might not be gold but like you said doubt there are any pull tabs either. Good luck on the dig...

Adam, I would be willing to bet the target is in the side of the hole, and not 18" down. Hope you have a pinpointer. Harbor Freight has them for around $18. Good luck

Casca, that is an old cache map for a cave stacked with silver bars in a canyon in Mexico. This is all I have on it. FrankBoca map 500 002.jpgBoca TP-1  500.jpgBoca TP-2 500.jpgBoca map 500 -2 copy.jpg

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Yeah frank, I ordered a pro pointer very shortly after I started swinging in the spring. I honestly dont think I would have fallen so deeply in love with MDing without it. Best thing since sliced bread. As far as that hole goes its already a foot wide and my signals dead center of it. I'll have a short day tomorrow (theoreticly) so as long traffics not too bad leaving Mass. I should be able to get out and dig it. Keep you guys updated. By the way...i dont usually make such a large hole. Its in a very wooded area and I too figured the target was on the sidewall somewhere. It wasnt. I dont want you guys thinking im turf butcher or something!

Ok, you guys are gonna think im crazy or pulling your leg...but its some kind of a ROCK! I swear on all 7 of my kids its a rock! It was 16ish inches(like I said,it was dark the other night lol) down. My ace picks it up further away than a shovel. Its very light in weight. Kinda small. Reads as a pull tab. Whats going on here? Nickel ore? Meteorite? Alien trash? Someone out theres gotta know. Wheres that guy with the ''i want to believe'' avatar? Help me out on this on guys cause im about to smash it with a hammer...just in case...



Looks like iron to me.

Thanks Frank. Messing around the border is a bad thing now a days.

I bet there is a gold ring inside...or a square tab.

It might be a meteorite or magnetic ore. Does it stick to the fridge? Great find though. :icon_thumright:


Spend 35 years working for the railway and odds are that's what's called slag or clinker coal.....back in the steam locomotive days they would burn metalurgical coal which had metal residue left after burning.

They're also called hot rocks by some....glad you finally found your mystery target.....depending on the machine you're using some of those types of targets sound off pretty good.

Regards + HH


Not magnetic. It does seem 'coalish'. Like I said very light weight. Nearest railways about 2 miles from the site. Maybe someone that lived there worked for the RR.


Lots of older houses also had coal furnaces back in the day and would just toss the burnt coal residue in the back yard, use it as fill, etc.....

Regards + HH


Not magnetic. It does seem 'coalish'. Like I said very light weight. Nearest railways about 2 miles from the site. Maybe someone that lived there worked for the RR.

Railroad coal turns up all over the place. My grandfather told me stories about going along the tracks with his brother and a couple buckets to pick up spilled coal during the depression when the family couldn't afford to buy it.

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