Re-Introduced COINS Act Seeks to Replace $1 Bills With $1 Coins

Coin dollars:

Interesting discussion. Good points on both sides of the issue. We (the taxpayers) already have paid for a blue zillion one dollar coins that are warehoused in limbo. Matter of fact the contract to stamp them is still on-going. As mentioned, the reason for not releasing those coins is that they might be confused with presently circulated quarters. They are not the same size, just not so different as is the case with quarters and halves. Somebody made a crappy judgement in design size. So the newly resurrected idea of a one dollar coin now may be something with tinted metal, as well as a diameter that is easily distinguishable from a quarter. Probably wont have any precious metal content due to the price volatility of silver, gold or even copper. What's left? Anodized steel? Yeehaw ... metal detecting will now have to just be without iron discrimination. Don't want to miss any of those $1 iron targets. I'm trending off my thought here ... paper dollars in my opinion are too costly to keep printing, burning, replacing. Besides they are called "filthy lukers" for a reason. Dirty disease transporters. At least a coin will not support bacterial growth. The other side of this argument is bulk. Carrying $100 in coins (1, 5, 10, 20 denominations) obviously is heavier than paper. Look in your wallet right now. Are you lugging around much cash? Likely you deal with the credit card for large purchases. Personally my carry around cash is more like $50 or less. In coins that would not make me walk with a tilt. My wife lugs around a purse that to me looks more like a small suitcase. So a few coins added in lieu of paper dollars won't be much storage burden to her. Another issue is public acceptance of a new $1 coin, or even higher denominations. Vending machines, cash register drawers, coin counting machines, cash changers, even ATMs will have to be reworked. For every plus there seems to be a minus. To further dream this through, consider the impact on the tons of US paper currency now in foreign banks, private hoards (drug lord holdings), etc. Removing paper to replace it with coins is going to put a monstrous demand on our coin stamping production. Paper will be streaming into foreign banks for exchange to coins. Of course this is the ideal time to see who is pouring in the tons of cash. If any of you have been in the military in the Nam war days, you are familiar with what was called "C day conversion". It was done to hinder illegal accumulation of huge amounts of cash (from drug dealing, gambling, prostitution). Not so much of a burden on the GIs, but it would render worthless the illegal MPC paper script that the civilian locals had. During a C day conversion, civilians would frantically attempt to get any GI to swap their money for them. Bags of script were tossed over fences to GIs in hopes of getting them to run down to the unit C day conversion officer and return with the newly issued script. There was, of course, a stiff punishment for any GI who was caught trying to "fence money". Reason I mention the analogy to a C day conversion is the potential for financial chicanery if suddenly the US declares paper to be no longer tradable after a certain date. There has to be a very long phase out time. Meaning dual currency styles would be in play all that time. This would leave merchants with a conundrum of how to handle storing money in the drawers, and making change. The transition period would be an inconvenience at the least.

The reason the coins aren't being released has nothing to do with them being confused with quarters. The banks don't want them because customers don't want them. Govco tried to ride the coat tails of the state quarter success. Then the recession hit and the last thing people had money to do was collect coins. That's why mint production of coins was cut short in 09. So much change was being cashed in at banks they didn't need any.

The reason the coins aren't being released has nothing to do with them being confused with quarters. The banks don't want them because customers don't want them. Govco tried to ride the coat tails of the state quarter success. Then the recession hit and the last thing people had money to do was collect coins. That's why mint production of coins was cut short in 09. So much change was being cashed in at banks they didn't need any.

usually enamel7, i give you some serious respect, and agree with you whole-heart-edly

but, I think you made some errors in this logic:

"banks don't want them cause costumers don't want them" they don't want them because they never tried them. People didn't want ikes cause they never tried them. Users of currency, don't buy things based on "liking them" we did not get to the current currency standard on the basis of people "liking it". Currency comes and goes based on systematic changes, not on user demand. If this were the case, the face value of currency would grow larger as inflation grows.

What I meant to say was when a bank orders coin they don't order more until they need more. Banks try to push the "gold dollars" on me all of the time. No one wants them so they don't order more. This is what is the main cause of them being warehoused. There isn't anywhere for the mint to send them. HH

What I meant to say was when a bank orders coin they don't order more until they need more. Banks try to push the "gold dollars" on me all of the time. No one wants them so they don't order more. This is what is the main cause of them being warehoused. There isn't anywhere for the mint to send them. HH

Dawg if they got rid of the dollar bill I'm sure people would "want" them because they will be forced to use them if they don't want to carry around a ton of quarters.

Y'all must have missed that other post where the pro salesman is pitching those presidential dollar coins for 80 bucks a roll. That dude must have some crazy skills.

Dawg if they got rid of the dollar bill I'm sure people would "want" them because they will be forced to use them if they don't want to carry around a ton of quarters.

I wonder if strippers would have to start wearing a coin purse since guys won't be carrying $1 bills?

I can't keep my pants up now! The last thing I need is MORE change in my pockets! Maybe the Gov. could make the NEW Dollar coins out of the pull tabs we find? A never ending supply,of light weight,non lasting coins!:laughing7:

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I wonder if strippers would have to start wearing a coin purse since guys won't be carrying $1 bills?

If they switch I will let you know...:D

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What will adult dancers think when you show up coins ?

I always used $2.00 bills

$5.00 bills get a whole different "cultural dance" version. Can't elaborate, we are family friendly...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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