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Apr 11, 2013
I have been at this just a short time.logged over 100 hrs so far. I would love to find some rare old coins like many,of you. I have found some great places to,hunt, but still searching. I have a fisher f2 and find its good, but wonder if its good enough. I did find a very old bell at a church and not finished there yet. When I am done there, I will see If they want the bell, , but would love to keep it for my collection.
So I,just wonder if a better detector would be better for me. Funny thing is I still find good relics. I was checking my front yard and found a very old religious medal. I was a full moon, and we were digging in the dark, it was about 6 inches deep. It was well worn and not sure how to tell how old it is. I gave it to my friend to carry around to keep her safe.
I am so addicted and dream of coins and cool old things all the time now. I am self employed and should be working , but just want to dig dig dig.

Practice is what it takes. That and perseverance! Swing the coil low and slow (you are not cutting the grass with a scythe or playing golf). I use a White's Coinmaster while husband uses a V3i, mine is a basic machine (similar to the F2), his is much more complex. We have both found old coins, jewelry (and junk), so it is not just the machine; it is technique and patience as well. The good stuff WILL come...get out there hunting as often as you can. Research your sites. Ask any of the "old timers" (no I'm not calling you guys old!) - slow and steady finds the best things. It sounds like you are on the right track. Learn your machine. You will be amazed at what you can find when you learn the subtle nuances of the machine.

The good stuff will come! Happy Hunting,

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When you can use that machine with your eyes closed then it might be time to upgrade!! keep at it, you are addicted!!

I have lots of detectors as I enjoy learning them and I used to sell them too. Once the urge to upgrade sets in you aren't satisfied with what ever you using. You have to settle down and improver the search technique. The F-2 isn't bad, but it does not have an adjustable ground balance for max depth. All detectors find metal but using a smaller search coil allows you to get between rocks and closer to metal fences. When you look at property try to imagine what it looked like many years ago. Bushes haven't always grown where they are now.

Thanks for the inspiration everyone. I always seem to get the most dirty and find the most junk. My friend has an ace 250 and she does well with it. She doesn't get too dirty and finds old buttons. I can only get better.

So today I went out. Got a good hit...yippee. I see something white. So I dig thinking it might be a box. It gets bigger, bigger and even bigger. My mind is thinking so many things. What if there's a lot of coins under this thing. About a half hour's the top to a washing machine.. I quit after that.

So today I went out. Got a good hit...yippee. I see something white. So I dig thinking it might be a box. It gets bigger, bigger and even bigger. My mind is thinking so many things. What if there's a lot of coins under this thing. About a half hour's the top to a washing machine.. I quit after that.

Could have been a cover like in the tv movie LOST:laughing7:

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