Remote cellar dig; GW button,coppers and relics


Bronze Member
Sep 6, 2013
New England
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro; F75
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi all . It's been awhile since I've posted. Still hunting and finding lots of coppers and buttons but nothing too thrilling. Several years ago I posted my finds from a hunt that yielded a rev war Inimica Tyrannis button. Well several months ago I happened upon a map of the same area dated 1800. The site where the Tyrannis came from was on the map but so were several other sites I hadn't known about. Best thing was all the families who lived in this area were rev war veterans. So using my "secret method" of locating sites I determined where the site should be and as always these old maps are remarkably accurate.As is the case of the sites on this mountainside they are rectangular stacked stones with no dug out cellarhole. When I reached the site I liked the look of it ; besides a few shotgun shells no evidence of having been detected or messed with. So I did the usual search about 20 feet around the perimeter and to my amazement not a single sound not even any iron to speak of. Then I wondered if some hunter/detectorist had beaten me to the punch. So after a 3/4 mile uphill climb I was going to check out the entire site and about 25 feet from one corner of the foundation I found a pewter button. Then I began getting targets. Odd thing was all the finds from this site came from an area roughly 20' wide and 100' long. I found nothing outside this area even though it was easy to detect. Anyway it was a great old site probably abandoned by 1820 and it coughed up my first GW button in great shape , a neat silvered button and some nice Connecticut coppers. All in all a great hunt. My partner Max was however less than impressed. Now if I can only find that USA button.......


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Upvote 49
Congrats on a great hunt, I'd love to find one of those buttons. I'd be scared to hit the woods this time of year. I've seen too many friends and relatives get lymes, tricky disease to diagnose with some serious long term effects. I make my doctor check my blood work at least once a year for Lymes.
Hi thank you. Problem is up here ticks are out basically out 10 months a year. During the other two months we’ve got too much snow!

Yeah we are a bit spoiled up here. The issue is I find all unhit sites are way off the beaten track. The site in my post was just in the middle of a mountainside , no tote roads , no walls , no nothing . Without finding the map I would not have walked that part of the mountainside ; just too inaccessible.Virgin sites are like hens teeth. So when you find one you gotta enjoy it. But you are right it is a fun region to hunt. MAGA

Nice job on the research. That’s what separates the men from the boys, or women from the girls! Still dreaming of a GW. Speaking of GW (the guy, not the button) I have been wondering about the MAGA thing. Not trying to judge, just trying to understand what it means. I’m interested in knowing in what period America was considered great (assuming it wasn’t recently) and just what made it great then. I mean that in all sincerity.

Nice job on the research. That’s what separates the men from the boys, or women from the girls! Still dreaming of a GW. Speaking of GW (the guy, not the button) I have been wondering about the MAGA thing. Not trying to judge, just trying to understand what it means. I’m interested in knowing in what period America was considered great (assuming it wasn’t recently) and just what made it great then. I mean that in all sincerity.
According to Cuomo.....America was "never" that great. I'm a TRUMP supporter, and Gaspipe is my friend. Was from the beginning........and THANK God he was elected! I know what you're fishing for with the "when was it great" comment. If you wanna go there have at it, but you may not like what you hear from me. MAGA! Our forefathers were WAY ahead of their time when writing the constitution, ESPECIALLY when adopting the "electoral college". It's almost like they were seeing into the future. I guess "some" just cannot accept that. 2024 is a LONG way away.

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Nice job on the research. That’s what separates the men from the boys, or women from the girls! Still dreaming of a GW. Speaking of GW (the guy, not the button) I have been wondering about the MAGA thing. Not trying to judge, just trying to understand what it means. I’m interested in knowing in what period America was considered great (assuming it wasn’t recently) and just what made it great then. I mean that in all sincerity.
????? MAGA is short for Me And George Almighty

Great hunt! GW is on my bucket list.

Those remote spots are the only way to go in my opinion. I always love a trip to a site that’s miles up a wagon track and you never have to dig any modern trash! Killer group of finds!

Those remote spots are the only way to go in my opinion. I always love a trip to a site that’s miles up a wagon track and you never have to dig any modern trash! Killer group of finds!

Iam with you ; the whole experience is what makes it fun . The finds are iceing on the cake.

????? MAGA is short for Me And George Almighty

Well done, sir! That’s not the MAGA I thought you were talking about. In terms of that, I’m a middle aged white guy so America’s always been great for me. Anyone else, maybe not so much.

Well done, sir! That’s not the MAGA I thought you were talking about. In terms of that, I’m a middle aged white guy so America’s always been great for me. Anyone else, maybe not so much.

Of course you realize Iam known for being a bit sarcastic 😉

Congrats on getting a GWI along with the CN copper. GWI's are a thrill to find. You pull out this huge button and when you see that tell-tale design - Eureka!!! :hello2:

Kick ass site!!!!! Wow!!!

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