REMOTE VIEWING... buried treasure(s)...

I think ill try this! Ive had the OBE's so this should be a piece of cake! sorry mark no Ouija boards for me. lol :wink:

;D :coffee2: :thumbsup: :tongue3: Yeah, Marc... read YOUR story... SO SAD. S_W, YOU could learn a LOT from Marc's experience; as an INDIGO KID, YOU could learn TRV, and be an "consultant" to us, "old fogies" :D LOL. BE SURE TO GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING... Good Luck! HH!! ;D :wink:

:coffee2: :thumbsup: :tongue3: "K.K.", if you are "talking" about LRL of the ELECTRONIC (High-Test) type... no, it is not. TRV is STRICTLY a human mind thing, utilized by the U.S. Army Intelligence, & CIA for "Intel" gathering. All you need, are the co-ordinates (seen SOME "posted" on TN for GPS PREVIOUSLY). ;D THEN, YOU go there (MIND Travel) and "see" what is there; HA!. STILL, gotta go "dig it up"! : :D :wink: :coffee2: :icon_study:

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I gotta say, how freakin frustratin would that be ? To have an OBE to an underground or otherwise hidden treasure only to find out you cant bring any of it back with you. ! :icon_scratch:

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :thumbsup: :tongue3: C.C., if you are "talking" about LRL of the ELECTRONIC (High-Test) type... no, it is not. TRV is STRICTLY a human mind thing, utilized by the U.S. Army Intelligence, & CIA for "Intel" gathering. All you need, are the co-ordinates (seen SOME "posted" on TN for GPS PREVIOUSLY). ;D THEN, YOU go there (MIND travel) and "see" what is there; HA!. STILL, gotta go "dig it up"! : :D :wink: :coffee2: :icon_study:

I know what it is, I just wonder why we are allowed to talk about it. :wink:

;D Who WOULDN'T allow us to "talk" about it? It is a NEW PARADIGM in THing, that JUST might work... DUNNO. :D

I was comparing it to LRL, which we are not allowed to talk about.

I talked about LRL once and Marc tele transported me to a dungeon where I couldn't use my E.S.P. To contact the F.B.I. So had to Keep on D.L. until the A.M. which is when the MRS. went lookin forme and found me D.O.A. cause i tried to have an O.O.B.E. but materialized half in and half outta a rock. :'( :P :o ;D

someotherdude said:
I talked about LRL once and Marc tele transported me to a dungeon where I couldn't use my E.S.P. To contact the F.B.I. So had to Keep on D.L. until the A.M. which is when the MRS. went lookin forme and found me D.O.A. cause i tried to have an O.O.B.E. but materialized half in and half outta a rock. :'( :P :o ;D

I guess you're too new here to know what we're talking about.
It is a rule on T'net that we don't discuss long range locaters-LRL

Lemme guess, because the majority of opinion is that they are bogus, right ? Well that is Marcs' right as the owner to stipulate what is and isn't open for discussion. But my two cents is that allthough I think they may be bogus I also have no experience with them, so my opinion ain't worth the paper I just printed on. Oh yeah this ain't paper :D Well that just goes to show what value my opinion holds. :D Anyhoo I just think there's plenty of other obvious bogus stuff I've seen posted I'm not gonna waiste anymore time on this one or any others for that matter.
Make peace brothas ! ;D

someotherdude said:
Lemme guess, because the majority of opinion is that they are bogus, right ? Well that is Marcs' right as the owner to stipulate what is and isn't open for discussion. But my two cents is that allthough I think they may be bogus I also have no experience with them, so my opinion ain't worth the paper I just printed on. Oh yeah this ain't paper :D Well that just goes to show what value my opinion holds. :D Anyhoo I just think there's plenty of other obvious bogus stuff I've seen posted I'm not gonna waiste anymore time on this one or any others for that matter.
Make peace brothas ! ;D

Yep yep and yep. ;D

:D ;D TECHNIQUES: "If you are aware of ANY conventional OR... unconventional technique that OTHERS can use to LOCATE treasure, POST IT HERE. " HA! "Treasure sniffing dogs" ?!? :o :D :wink:

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