Retailers of LRLs

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Re: Retailers of LRL's

Good afternoon satie: For some reason I can't believe that the buyers for those organizations didn't physically try them first as they do for any other machines and products ??????

So, by simple logic, they must have had 'some' positive results, no? Of course this is contrary to the sceptic circle's posting. Hmmmmm??

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

Re: Retailers of LRL's

Don Jose, it amazes me that a guy with your smarts would be here making Artie-level arguments.

Getting "positive results" with an LRL is so easy, even A.R. can do it. So can Chuckie. With ten minutes' practice, I could probably do the same. Some folks ain't bright enough to figure out that the said "positive results" are the wrong kind of positive results. And some of them are in military and police procurement.

If Chuckie wants to sell dowsing equipment to the military, let him fess up to what the stuff really is, rather than misrepresenting it as electronic technology. If soldiers understood that it's dowsing, they'd be a heckuvalot more cautious about placing reliance on the "results".

As I explained in the "whose malarkey?" thread, some of us de-BS'ers are just as capable of designing LRL's as Chuckie is, and have occasionally demonstrated that on this forum. It's just that we're not crooks.

If I were to put electronic flimflam on dowsing rods, patent the suckers, and accompany the whole thing with a line of pseudoscience to try to convince buyers that what they were getting was scientifically engineered electronic instrumentation operating according to a scientific principle, and then sold the thing into the utility locating market where the use of dowsing rods is commonplace, I would be committing fraud. If someone thought they'd located something electronically with it rather than treating it as a dowsed locate, and a backhoe went though a gas main as a result, that fraud could easily wind up killing someone. So suppose that's what happens. The fact that the thing "works" as a dowsing rod is no defense: my intentional misrepresentation of the apparatus led to a bad locate which caused someone to die.

This is directly analogous to selling LRL's to the military and police. It is fraudulent, it puts life at risk unnecessarily, and anyone who does it should go to prison.

And there would be people on this forum defending what I'd done! The world is such a superstitious place that when presented with multiple choice malarkey, rather than rejecting all of it, people accept all of it even when it's been shown unequivocally to be malarkey-- because having accepted the malarkey, they are now loyal to it, and to revise their opinion and get smarter would require admitting they'd been duped. It's the unwillingness to admit that one is obviously, obviously! being duped that makes the pigeon drop scam work. The same principle is played out every day on this forum.

If Chuckie wants to provide treasure hunting gullibillies something more fun than coat hangers and charge them ten grand for the privilege of pretending they're not dowsing, it's still fraud but nobody dies. And there's a certain Darwinian logic to it. Selling to the military and to the police is a whole 'nuther matter, it deserves hard time. I hope the FBI is getting ready to sting him. And some of his competitors who do the same thing.


Re: Retailers of LRL's

Hey Woof…Great long winded post…If you have any Scientific Facts to go along with it please feel free to post them…Art

Re: Retailers of LRL's

HI Wogie: Interesting, but it certainly did not answer my post --->

" For some reason I can't believe that the buyers for those organizations didn't physically try them first as they do for any other machines and products

So, by simple logic, they must have had 'some' positive results, no? Of course this is contrary to the sceptic circle's posting. Hmmmmm"??

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

Re: Retailers of LRL's

The Nigerian e-mail scammers must have positive results as well, because they keep sending them.

Re: Retailers of LRL's

Man Joe Hoo..You are much like most of our other Skeptics..They get confused to easily. They seem not to be able to tell the deference between a bomb detecting device and one made for Treasure Hunting…We have pledged not look for bombs with our devices. There is not much anyone can do about silly government workers..Art

Gee Carl…This lack of reading Comprehension among the Skeptics seems to be spreading..So you really believe that a couple of Military Non-Com’s were the ones that purchased these devices?... Can you tell us how many tons of explosives these devices have found? Can you tell us how many lives these devices have saved?...Art

Re: Retailers of LRL's

Artie & Real,

You guys are trying to justify defrauding the military and therefore putting lives in danger, on the grounds that if some purchasing agents don't understand what they're buying, what the heck, soldiers deserve to die anyhow.

It isn't even about LRL's any more, it's about the ethics of making money off fraud that can get people killed. And you're justifying it!

I can't make up the stuff that LRL'ers say, it's far worse than anything I can come up with.


Re: Retailers of LRL's

Lets see Woof…Did anyone find the people who were taking the guts out some of these devices before the troops received them? You see that half truths do not cut it here. Is the real reason you always come back to explosive devices is that you have no proof that any of the many Treasure Hunting Devices do not work?..I for one do not like being called a Murder by people with sinister agendas against any product…
This reminds me of when our troops came back from nom and were called murders and spat on. I think some of you were guilty of that…Art

Re: Retailers of LRL's

Art, you are the one who justified defrauding the military and police on the grounds of who cares what happens to "government employees".

You're still at it, and complaining that you got called out on it.

WARNING! If you're a newbie reading this thread, don't let yourself go down the road that Art went down!


Re: Retailers of LRL's

Toto, don't say I didn't warn ya. This place is a vacuum of rationality and ethics, and their darned proud of it.

Re: Retailers of LRL's

Art, you are the one who justified defrauding the military and police on the grounds of who cares what happens to "government employees".

If standing up for Treasure Hunting LRL’s makes me guilty then so be it….Now please put any proof that you have about Treasure Hunting LRL’s not working on this board..That should be easy if you have any…I am not talking about old obsolete stuff…Art

Re: Retailers of LRL's

The new, non-obsolete stuff is the inventions I posted on this very forum! And anyone skilled in the art can figure out that they'll work.

And you're chiefest of the ingrates.

* * * * * *

You're a big H3tec defender. If Chuckie sells his gizmos to the military or to public safety organizations, should he go to prison? I say yes. What do you say? A one-word answer is all it'll take.


Re: Retailers of LRL's

morning wogie: you posted ->You guys are trying to justify defrauding the military and therefore putting lives in danger, on the grounds that if some purchasing agents don't understand what they're buying,

Just what 'is' a purchasing agent's job ? If the devices didn't work, then the fault and fraud lies with the agent who is the direct representative of the military in this case.

"Yes Sir, no Sir, no excuse Sir" the only answers allowed to junior officers. I have no idea how many times I had to almost literally bit my tongue.

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to live, not live to exist"

Re: Retailers of LRL's

WARNING! If you're a newbie reading this thread, don't let yourself go down the road that Art went down!

You had better listen to Carl and go back to the forum where every one agrees with you. You know what I am talking about..Where you can make all the fraudulent claims that you want and no one will challenge you. If you want to stay here you will have to get a lot better at Spinning and Twisting. …When some one ask you a simple question you will have to learn more about the skeptics Ducking and dodging methods… Here are some simple questions from yesterday to practice on…
Can you tell us how many tons of explosives these devices have found?
Can you tell us how many lives these devices have saved?...

Re: Retailers of LRL's

Art, I find your ethics to be as well developed as those of a polychaetes.

Re: Retailers of LRL's

Art, I find your ethics to be as well developed as those of a polychaetes.

Thank You Rudy….The same old Skeptic Reply when they have learned that their proof is full of holes…Just more name calling using bigger words…Can You answer my questions?
I wonder why these devices are still being used?
Can you tell us how many tons of explosives these devices have found?
Can you tell us how many lives these devices have saved?...

Re: Retailers of LRL's

aarthrj3811 said:
Art, I find your ethics to be as well developed as those of a polychaetes.

Thank You Rudy….The same old Skeptic Reply when they have learned that their proof is full of holes…Just more name calling using bigger words…Can You answer my questions?
I wonder why these devices are still being used?
Can you tell us how many tons of explosives these devices have found?
Can you tell us how many lives these devices have saved?...

And neither can you. But I know someone at DOD, I think I will ask him to look into it.

Re: Retailers of LRL's

Thank You for the help….The only people I have contact with are Returning Military personnel…Art

Re: Retailers of LRL's

good morning: fraud? Hmmm, as far as I understand the literal meaning of the word, it represents a 'deliberate' misrepresentation of a stated, or accepted fact.

In the case of the military buying these machines, then the basic fault lies with the Military and their purchasing agent for not proving if they work or not as represented, yet places them in the hands of the troops for use in combat conditions.

I have yet to see an aircraft, firearm, vehicle, etc., that wasn't put through extensive tests and flights before it is accepted ????.

So, where does the actual fault or fraud lie?

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

Re: Retailers of LRL's

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
good morning: fraud? Hmmm, as far as I understand the literal meaning of the word, it represents a 'deliberate' misrepresentation of a stated, or accepted fact.

In the case of the military buying these machines, then the basic fault lies with the Military and their purchasing agent for not proving if they work or not as represented, yet places them in the hands of the troops for use in combat conditions.

I have yet to see an aircraft, firearm, vehicle, etc., that wasn't put through extensive tests and flights before it is accepted ????.

So, where does the actual fault or fraud lie?

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

What a world we live in, wherein the fault resides with the person being scammed and not the scammer. Where a purchasing agent
is supposed to be an electrical engineer and an expert on NRM and second guess the validity of the manufacturer's claims and the
issuance of a US Patent (never mind wether the claimed can possibly work) and the bogus "awards" being trumpeted by the vendor.

As the H3 Tec web site states, the Army has bought 2 units for testing. Hopefully it won't go beyond that assuming they are properly

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