Running into homeless camps while MDing

I've come across dozens of camps over the years, 1 meth lab, and 1 pile of garbage obviously from a meth cook, though likely located indoors. I've never had a bad encounter, and some of the people wound up being very pleasant, interesting, and/or intelligent. Most were pretty normal aside from mild depression, though one guy was hardcore bipolar or schizophrenic. He'd go from happy and smiling to crying in the space of a minute, but anyway, he was a nice guy and seemed harmless. I like to talk with them and treat them like human beings, and offer them water/food/smokes when I have some on me. They seem to appreciate being treated like equals, and when you get them to open up the stories they have to tell are fascinating. I did have one guy offer to sell 3 illegal handguns for 100 a piece, including a sweet .357 Smith & Wesson revolver. Mighty tempting but I don't need to go to jail, lol. He then gave me 12 doses of LSD and kept urging with great persistence that I eat them with him, as he was already under the influence and I suppose wanted some company. I had to think rather creatively in order to avoid offending the guy with 3 guns while also avoiding ingesting acid, but managed to navigate that situation rather well, lol.

Now this all is not to say that all homeless folks are good or friendly; I usually get "vibes" at a distance and avoid questionable individuals, but have no reason to avoid everyone just because they are homeless. One can learn many things from such people, and even get tips regarding places to hunt.

For me, it is often the non-homeless that ya gotta watch out for. The worst example was when a buddy and I were checking out this wooded park a few years ago, and came across 2 naked dudes engaged in a horrifying display of unnatural fornication. Years later that disgusting sight is still seared in my brain. I'd take a million stinky homeless lunatics over coming across something like that again. >:(

I wish i had homeless around here. I'd subcontract the digging part of my MDing. ^_^

I don't have any homeless stories but a couple weeks ago I ran into a funny situation in the woods. I was deep in this forest detecting some old house foundations. It was getting dark so I started back to my truck (about a 1 mile tough hike back). The trail used to be an old road in the 1800s, speckled with houses which are now all consumed by the forest. So, I'm about halfway back and its starting to get really dark. I am by myself and I start hearing coyotes calling and owls hooting. Even in my ripe age I still manage to scare myself, thinking about ghosts of the houses walking the trails, sasquatches running about with malicious intent etc... In the height of my irrational paranoia, I hear a loud rustling in front of me about 10 yards ahead. As I walked closer I see its a chipmunk running in fast perfect circles, about the size of a milk jug. As I walked up to and literally over top of the chipmunk, it didn't stop the circle-running. About 5 yards past the chipmunk, I turn around. As I turn around, it stops and stares at me. About 10 seconds later, it then continues to run the circles and I continued walking. I heard it running until it was out of earshot. Never walked faster in my life after seeing that. lmao Thanks for peaking my paranoia, Mr. Rabid Chipmunk. I'll never forget you!
That chipmunk was probably injured in some way. Great story though and funny too!

The only homeless I run in to are the ones sleeping on the lifeguard shacks at the beach before sunrise. I don't bother them and they don't bother me.

Best to remember that the homeless are people to, and for your karmas sake you better be nice to all people, for you never know when fate will toss you a curveball and you find yourself living in a homeless camp, as far as saying to watch out for mentally ill people whose elevator does not go all the way up like somebody said, well let me tell you there are ALOT of people who are off their rockers that are not homeless, I am one of them and have been in mental hospitals, so it not just the homeless, for the record my elevator got stuck before the first floor :p
I would object to the mental illness comments but I will not, just should try and be a little more sensitive to others

My take on the homeless, well you can read about it here.


That chipmunk was probably injured in some way. Great story though and funny too!

The only homeless I run in to are the ones sleeping on the lifeguard shacks at the beach before sunrise. I don't bother them and they don't bother me.

Hehe He definitely could have been injured. Judging by the speed and body movement, it didn't seem like he was injured though. I would guess he was rabid. Animals do crazy a$$ things when rabies finally takes over the brain.. scary stuff

I'm digressing but I find rabies so fascinating. The virus is hard-coded to spread. Attacks the brain and makes it's victim become aggressively violent (better chance to spread). The salivary glands are overactive (better chance to spread). Victims develop a massive fear of water, as well as pain when even trying to drink. This makes the frothing saliva much much more potent (better chance to spread). Survival is brutal!

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Hehe He definitely could have been injured. Judging by the speed and body movement, it didn't seem like he was injured though. I would guess he was rabid. Animals do crazy a$$ things when rabies finally takes over the brain.. scary stuff I'm digressing but I find rabies so fascinating. The virus is hard-coded to spread. Attacks the brain and makes it's victim become aggressively violent (better chance to spread). The salivary glands are overactive (better chance to spread). Victims develop a massive fear of water, as well as pain when even trying to drink. This makes the frothing saliva much much more potent (better chance to spread). Survival is brutal!
Hmmm, zombies?!!

I don't find homeless people that much different then the gen. Population, The good the bad and the ugly. Just some have a hard roof of their heads. I've had less problems with them then I have had with druggies. One would think after all this time that civilization would be at a point that we would not fear going out unarmed, sad, but it seems worse now and looks like it's not going to get better. Yes I pack one. I'm old and look like victim to be picked. That happens when you get old.

I didn't read all the posts.... I may be repeating.... When you hunt (prospect) near Stanton, AZ, say high to "Luke". You will find him on the access road to the Rincon Mine, west of Stanton. A fellow from Ohio that lives in his car. Been there for years. Tim and I see him regularly and leave him "care packages" when we visit. He is white but VERY dark from the sun giving him an Aboriginey look. TTC

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