S.J.M. Rock with Map

the sinks as you call them were actually fire pits this is how it works[ due to reasearch as i understand it ] a large hole was dug 2or 3 feet from top logs were placed side by side air entrances wereopened on each end for air from bellows on top of logs was heaped charcoal it burns at 2900 degrees when forced air is added above this was another set of logs with ore piled on top as charcoal burned it melted the silver it run or dripped to bottom of pit after burned out it wae dug up and silver collected then sent to smelterwhere it was coined or poured in bars ref. DE RE METALLICA AGRICOLA 1556 rgb1

did you know the indians mined in trenches until the french taught them howto tunnel rgbi

They were the first strip miners...haha..yes they would dig down and wide . That is how the best mine from the waybill was done.

Has anyone here been to the S.J.M. rock on Lower Devil's Creek? If so, can you post a topo with a location of it on a topo map. What about the compass rock? I think it would be valuable to post a recent picture of both with a compass sitting beside them. My plan is to get out more off the official trails this Summer in the Red River Gorge area and do some photo logging of key points of interest to the Swift legend. Including Timmin's mines opening, her grave site and cabin site, the SJM rock, the Frog's head with compass, ect.

I am familiar with the area and the treasure signs. A lot of people think it has to do with the "Swift Silver Mine Legend". I think it is actually KGC. My reasoning is that the "W:B:S" is KGC code for "Williams BrotherS", a means of referring to themselves, that Frank & Jesse James used when in mixed company. The "dots" between the letters are "coins" meaning that there are 6 treasures associated.:hello:

W:B:S ? I never heard of that carving on lower devils creek. Just the SJM and compass carvings. If WBS is supposed to be SJM upside down that is a stretch because the J looks more like a 'd' than a 'b' upside down. Also, lower devil's creek is very near the "forks of the KY river" where Col. Harrod was supposed to have gone looking for the Swift Mines and disappeared.

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The KGC stash letters WBS for William BrotherS sounds plausible. Sure wish someone would find a KGC stash of some size so we could know its real. I saw them find a "watcher stash" a few years ago that had some silver and gold coins...but it was a Jesse James spot....they were trying to tie the two together I think....but that was small potatoes. Also saw a guy down south that was trying to prove he knew the signs better than anyone but couldn't find anything for the tv show. If someone finds a big one I would be getting into looking myself.

Hi Shooterike,

Can you share the location of the initials? KY Hiker and I are interested, if you want to keep it confidential just PM us, if you would rather not we understand that too. Thanks!

The KGC stash letters WBS for William BrotherS sounds plausible. Sure wish someone would find a KGC stash of some size so we could know its real. I saw them find a "watcher stash" a few years ago that had some silver and gold coins...but it was a Jesse James spot....they were trying to tie the two together I think....but that was small potatoes. Also saw a guy down south that was trying to prove he knew the signs better than anyone but couldn't find anything for the tv show. If someone finds a big one I would be getting into looking myself.

I always thought W-B-S stood for Wisdom-Beauty and Splendor or 2,6,8 sephiroth of the Tree of Life. So maybe your W-B-S is telling you something is 2-6-8 in three different directions or either something that is 268 paces or 268 degrees? There was at one time a settlement in Kentucky in 1296. A swell place to look for early artifacts of historical value.

S:J:M with a partial star or unfinished star on a rock on or along an Indian trace by the three forks of the KY river. How could it NOT be Swift : Jeffres : Monde ? I think it more likely made by Swift's crew than the James gang (not the band of the 1970s). The unfinished 5 pointed star is the signal. This could be a way point marker they used, probably signaling where to leave the trace and in what direction. How would one draw a 5 pointed star if left handed, or right handed? Which stroke would be first? second? ect? Just as a surveyor when sighting a large area would have a starting point (monument stone) to base all the boundaries off of, this could have been similarly used.

Could the partial star be a direction pointer ??? Open side being the direction to travel ??? Thinking out loud again. Or maybe the opposite is true ???

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did anyone stop and think it might be reference to the north star

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