Jr. Member
Feb 17, 2017
Santiago, Chile
Detector(s) used
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
1.- Can anybody use a metals detector on the beaches? Even if is a tourist?
2.- Who gives excavation permits in Florida Beaches? How much cost it?
3.- If something was found: It can be touched or, must warn to the police or authority to remove it?
4.- What percentage corresponds to the finder?

Kind regards to all.
Yours truly,

"excavation" ? For Pete's sake, what are you going to do ? Bring a back-hoe ? I'm sure if you used the word "excavation", with any sort of Govt. official, they'd immediately have images of heavy equipment , deep pits, or something of that sort.

And why would the rules for "tourists" be any different than "locals" ? I mean, do you think anyone's carding md'rs asking them " are you local " ? Vs. "Are you from Chile" ? A person's origin/nationality have no bearing on any possible rules for md'ing.

And .... sheesk, what type items do you think you're going to find that "it can't be touched" till "authorities" might need to be notified ? Are we talking the next Atocha or something ? Or are you gaming for fumble-fingers losses like everyone else here is ?

Can you be a little more specific ?

I dunno Tom... With the tales of Dog Tags complete with skeletons you never know what you might hit on in a Miami beach... Gold Chain complete with dealer... Might have to wait for the authorities on that one!

Sheesh Tom, sound the alarms much? :)

Sounds like Brother Schonno is planning a visit to the Sunshine State, and would like to do some metal detecting. I'm going to guess that Google translate gave him the word 'excavating', where he really just wants to know if a permit is required. As for local vs visitor, it wouldn't surprise me if Chile has rules and regulations regarding what can be kept by a tourist vs a national. I think he's covering his bases based on his local laws.

So, to answer Brother Schonno's questions:

1.- Can anybody use a metals detector on the beaches? Even if is a tourist? YES
2.- Who gives excavation permits in Florida Beaches? How much cost it? No permits required, except in a few locations. You can legally hunt from the water line to the vegetation line. You may want to check when you're here regarding the specific beach you'll be at, as the Treasure Coast is a no metal detecting allowed area for one.
3.- If something was found: It can be touched or, must warn to the police or authority to remove it? It can be touched, and removed, unless it's an undetonated bomb or similar (grenade, etc), but those aren't very common on our beaches. If you stumble upon a horde of old Spanish gold, you'll probably need to report it also.
4.- What percentage corresponds to the finder? It's all yours, unless it's one of those I mentioned in #3

If you post what beach you'll be going to, we may be able to help if there are any local laws, but they're pretty much the same throughout the state.

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..... I'm going to guess that Google translate gave him the word 'excavating', ....

Ah, that makes sense. In which case, it was just the usual in the recurring FL questions that appears frequently. Albeit with cultural and language burps.

You can metal detect Florida beaches where legal and if it is not private property unless you have permission. If you find a horde of old Spanish Gold, keep your' mouth shut, sneak back to your' car or Hotel room with your' find or finds and get the hell out of Florida as quick as you can as the State has a habit of confiscating such finds and although they will tell you that it/they will be locked away in the State Treasury vaults, your' find or finds will likely get distributed to all their Archie and Politician friends.


.... If you find a horde of old Spanish Gold, keep your' mouth shut, sneak back to your' car or Hotel room with your' find or finds and get the hell out of Florida as quick as you can ....

Huh ? This is flying in the face of the earlier answer:

...... If you stumble upon a horde of old Spanish gold, you'll probably need to report it .....


And your point is??

That we all need to go rushing to the nearest authority to report all the goodies we find. I'm sure that there's some authority (or archie or whomever) SOMEWHERE in FL would probably say this, eh ? Far be it for any of us to disappoint that lone pencil-pusher, eh ? :tongue3:

what happened with the big treasure you know of offshore?
Have you located another on actually ON the beach now?

That we all need to go rushing to the nearest authority to report all the goodies we find. I'm sure that there's some authority (or archie or whomever) SOMEWHERE in FL would probably say this, eh ? Far be it for any of us to disappoint that lone pencil-pusher, eh ? :tongue3:

If you truly read the post by KirkS, in #3 and somewhat in #4, he is more or less telling the O.P. that if he finds a horde of Spanish Gold, that he should report it to the authorities and may have to share it! I was advising the O.P. the opposite and to get the hell out Florida as quick as possible. Most of us that have (and I have) or still metal detect Florida beaches or salvage Spanish Shipwrecks off the Florida coast, know all too well what happens when you report a find of Spanish Gold or other Spanish treasures to the State authorities.


...... know all too well what happens when you report a find of Spanish Gold or other Spanish treasures to the State authorities....

Sure. Here's what would happen: The same thing that would happen if you walked into ANY authority (city hall, county hall, state offices, etc...) and showed them some gold bar. If you say: " Hi. I found this on *your* land. Can I keep it for my own fun and profit ? Or does it belong in a museum ? Or go through proper lost & found procedures?" I am SURE you could ALWAYS find someone to say: "you can't keep it".

So sometimes the "technical answer" and the "realistic answer", are not the same :)

Dear TOM:
Thanks reply. I'm speak of Spanish silver and gold coins, buried in the beaches. Rgds, Mario

Dear TOM:
Thanks reply. I'm speak of Spanish silver and gold coins, buried in the beaches. Rgds, Mario

Then as you can see, the consensus is: you detect , you don't need "permits", and you keep whatever you find, w/o making waves .

If you find something tremendous like the Atocha, then check for difference instructions. But for normal fumble fingers hunting, just do it. ;)

SCHONNO: is this just in the research phase ? Or have you actually already found something? As in ACTUALLY looked at, held , felt, touched, etc.... ?

Because all too often, when somebody comes on saying they have "found " a treasure, it turns out they are simply researching clues that they are utterly Confident Spells a treasure. In their mind, they have already "found " it.

What is the case for this one?

DEAR TOM: A very short story. From 1998 we was working in a project. The Oriflama, mercantil vessel, (Ex War frigate of France), was lost near a beach on 1770. The ship went from spain to Peru with only fine merchandise, (1400 drawers with glasware and much more, about U$ 300 millions).
We find it, (It was 9 meters below the sand) we get a Judicial sentence of property of ship and cargo, WE TOUCH THE DECK!) and after that the Chilean State said "It is archaeologic, that is mine". We said our sentence is more than 10 years old, is unamovile!. We offer the 75% of the cargo and they said NO. We went to Appels an Supreme Court of Justice..and we lost. Result, 19 years of my life and one million dollars of my partners, trough away, and tears too. Here we said " One who burn with milk, when he sees the cow cry". Please, forgive me, I already know that my questions will seem sily, but hear them said, you can search and own a 100% is a golden dream. THANKS TO ALL FOR FOR YOUR PATIENCE.. .. ..

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